
Domenica, 2 giugno 2024 - Santi Marcellino e Pietro ( Letture di oggi)

1 Maccabees 11

1 And the king of Egypt gathered together an army, like the sand that lieth upon the sea shore, and many ships: and he sought to get the kingdom of Alexander by deceit, and join it to his own kingdom.1 Ora, o rei do Egito reuniu um exército tão numeroso como a areia que cobre a praia do mar, bem como uma considerável frota, e por astúcia procurou apoderar-se do reino de Alexandre, para anexá-lo ao seu.
2 And he went out into Syria with peaceable words, and they opened to him the cities, and met him: for king Alexander had ordered them to go forth to meet him, because he was his father in law.2 Chegou à Síria com palavras de paz; por isso os habitantes das cidades lhe abriam suas portas e lhe vinham ao encontro, porque o rei Alexandre havia mandado acolhê-lo, já que era seu sogro.
3 Now when Ptolemee entered into the cities, he put garrisons of soldiers in every city.3 Mas Ptolomeu, logo que entrava numa cidade, deixava ali tropas para assegurar-se dela.
4 And when he came near to Azotus, they shewed him the temple of Dagon that was burnt with fire, and Azotus, and the suburbs thereof that were destroyed, and the bodies that were cast abroad, and the graves of them that were slain in the battle, which they had made near the way.4 Quando se aproximou de Azot, mostraram-lhe o templo de Dagon destruído pelo fogo, Azot e os arrabaldes da cidade em ruínas, os cadáveres jacentes por terra, e os restos calcinados daqueles que haviam sido queimados na guerra, postos em montes sobre seu caminho.
5 And they told the king that Jonathan had done these things, to make him odious: but the king held his peace.5 Acusaram igualmente Jônatas, contando ao rei tudo o que ele havia feito, mas o rei guardou silêncio.
6 And Jonathan came to meet the king at Joppe with glory, and they saluted one another, and they lodged there.6 Jônatas veio-lhe ao encontro com pompa até Jope, onde se saudaram mutuamente e passaram a noite.
7 And Jonathan went with the king as far as the river, called Eleutherus: and he returned into Jerusalem.7 Em seguida, Jônatas acompanhou o rei até o rio, chamado Eleutério, e voltou a Jerusalém.
8 And king Ptolemee got the dominion of the cities by the sea side, even to Seleucia, and he devised evil designs against Alexander.8 O rei Ptolomeu estabeleceu assim seu poderio sobre todas as cidades, da costa até a cidade marítima de Selêucia, forjando maus desígnios contra Alexandre.
9 And he sent ambassadors to Demetrius, saying: Come, let us make a league between us, and I will give thee my daughter whom Alexander hath, and thou shalt reign in the kingdom of thy father.9 Mandou dizer ao rei Demétrio: Vem, façamos juntos uma aliança e dar-te-ei minha filha, a mulher de Alexandre, e tu reinarás sobre o reino de teus pais.
10 For I repent that I have given him my daughter: for he hath sought to kill me.10 Lamento com razão ter-lhe dado minha filha, porque ele procurou matar-me.
11 And he slandered him, because he coveted his kingdom.11 E acusava-o assim porque cobiçava seu reino.
12 And he took away his daughter, and gave her to Demetrius, and alienated himself from Alexander, and his enmities were made manifest.12 Retomou-lhe sua filha para dá-la a Demétrio, separando-se dele e manifestando-lhe assim sua inimizade pública.
13 And Ptolemee entered into Antioch, and set two crowns upon his head, that of Egypt, and that of Asia.13 Ptolomeu entrou em Antioquia e cingiu-se com um duplo diadema: o do Egito e o da Ásia.
14 Now king Alexander was in Cilicia at that time: because they that were in those places had rebelled.14 Nesse ínterim, o rei Alexandre achava-se na Cilícia, cujos habitantes se haviam revoltado;
15 And when Alexander heard of it, he came to give him battle, and king Ptolemee brought forth his army, and met him with a strong power, and put him to flight.15 mas, logo avisado, veio para travar o combate. Ptolomeu fez sair seu exército, avançou com forças imponentes e o pôs em fuga.
16 And Alexander fled into Arabia, there to be protected: and king Ptolemee was exalted.16 Enquanto o rei Ptolomeu triunfava, Alexandre chegou à Arábia, para procurar ali um asilo,
17 And Zabdiel the Arabian took off Alexander's head, and sent it to Ptolemee.17 mas o árabe Zabdiel mandou cortar-lhe a cabeça e enviou-a ao rei do Egito.
18 And king Ptolemee died the third day after: and they that were in the strong holds were destroyed by them that were within the camp.18 Ptolomeu morreu três dias depois, e as guarnições que ele havia posto nas fortalezas foram massacradas pelos habitantes das cidades vizinhas.
19 And Demetrius reigned in the hundred and sixty-seventh year.19 Demétrio começou a reinar pelo ano cento e sessenta e sete.
20 In those days Jonathan gathered together them that were in Judea, to take the castle that was in Jerusalem: and they made many engines of war against it.20 Nessa época, Jônatas convocou os homens da Judéia para apoderar-se da cidadela de Jerusalém e construiu, com esse intuito, numerosas máquinas.
21 Then some wicked men that hated their own nation, went away to king Demetrius, and told him that Jonathan was besieging the castle.21 Imediatamente alguns ímpios, animados de ódio para com sua própria nação, dirigiram-se ao rei e lhe contaram que Jônatas sitiava a cidadela.
22 And when he heard it, he was angry: and forthwith he came to Ptolemais, and wrote to Jonathan, that he should not besiege the castle, but should come to him in haste, and speak to him.22 Com essa notícia, ele se irritou e, pondo-se logo a caminho, alcançou Ptolemaida. De lá escreveu a Jônatas que não atacasse a cidadela e que viesse ter com ele o mais depressa possível, para conferenciar com ele;
23 But when Jonathan heard this, he bade them besiege it still: and he chose some of the ancients of Israel, and of the priests, and put himself in danger.23 mas Jônatas, logo que recebeu a mensagem, deu ordem para continuar o cerco e, escolhendo alguns dos mais antigos de Israel e alguns sacerdotes, entregou-se ao perigo.
24 And he took gold, and silver, and raiment, and many other presents, and went to the king to Ptolemais, and he found favour in his sight.24 Levou consigo ouro, prata, vestes e inúmeros outros presentes e foi a Ptolemaida encontrar-se com o rei, ante o qual encontrou graça.
25 And certain wicked men of his nation made complaints against him.25 Com efeito, ainda que alguns renegados de sua nação o combatessem,
26 And the king treated him as his predecessor had done before: and he exalted him in the sight of all his friends.26 o rei tratou-o como o haviam feito seus predecessores, e o exaltou à vista de seus cortesãos.
27 And he confirmed him in the high priesthood, and all the honours he had before, and he made him the chief of his friends.27 Confirmou-o no sumo sacerdócio e em todos os títulos que ele possuía anteriormente, e o considerou como um de seus primeiros amigos.
28 And Jonathan requested of the king that he would make Judea free from tribute, and the three governments, and Samaria, and the confines thereof: and he promised him three hundred talents.28 Jônatas pediu ao rei que lhe concedesse imunidade de impostos na Judéia e nos três distritos da Samaria, prometendo-lhe em troca trezentos talentos.
29 And the king consented: and he wrote letters to Jonathan of all these things to this effect.29 Consentiu o rei e escreveu a Jônatas sobre esse assunto uma carta assim lavrada:
30 King Demetrius to his brother Jonathan, and to the nation of the Jews, greeting.30 O rei Demétrio a seu irmão Jônatas e ao povo judeu, saúde!
31 We send you here a copy of the letter, which we have written to Lasthenes our parent concerning you, that you might know it.31 Para vossa informação, enviamos também a vós uma cópia da carta que escrevemos a vosso respeito a Lástenes, nosso parente:
32 King Demetrius to Lasthenes his parent, greeting.32 O rei Demétrio a seu pai Lástenes, saúde!
33 We have determined to do good to the nation of the Jews who are our friends, and keep the things that are just with us, for their good will which they bear towards us.33 Resolvemos fazer bem à nação dos judeus, nossos leais amigos, em vista de seus bons sentimentos a nosso respeito.
34 We have ratified therefore unto them all the borders of Judea, and the three cities, Apherema, Lydda, and Ramatha, which are added to Judea, out of Samaria, and all their confines, to be set apart to all them that sacrifice in Jerusalem, instead of the payments which the king received of them every year, and for the fruits of the land, and of the trees.34 Confirmamos-lhes, pois, a posse dos territórios da Judéia e dos três distritos de Aferema, de Lida e Ramata, arrebatados da Samaria, para serem anexados à Judéia; e todos os seus lucros pertencerão aos que
35 And as for other things that belonged to us of the tithes, and of the tributes, from this time we discharge them of them: the saltpans also, and the crowns that were presented to us.35 Desde agora, deixamos-lhes liberalmente tudo o que nos cabe do dízimo e do imposto, a taxa das salinas e as coroas que nos eram dadas.
36 We give all to them, and nothing hereof shall be revoked from this time forth and for ever.36 Destas vontades nada será anulado, nem agora nem nunca.
37 Now therefore see that thou make a copy of these things, and let it be given to Jonathan, and set upon the holy mountain, in a conspicuous place.37 Cuidai, pois, agora, de fazer uma cópia e entregai-a a Jônatas, para que ela seja gravada e colocada na santa montanha.
38 And king Demetrius seeing that the land was quiet before him, and nothing resisted him, sent away all his forces, every man to his own place, except the foreign army, which he had drawn together from the islands of the nations: so all the troops of his fathers hated him.38 Viu Demétrio que a terra estava silenciosa diante dele e que nada lhe resistia; foi por isso que ele licenciou seu exército e mandou seus soldados cada um para sua casa, com exceção das forças mercenárias que ele havia recrutado nas ilhas estrangeiras. Com esta decisão, ele desagradou todas as tropas de seus pais.
39 Now there was one Tryphon who had been of Alexander's party before: who seeing that all the army murmured against Demetrius, went to Emalchuel the Arabian, who brought up Antiochus the son of Alexander.39 Todavia, Trifon, um antigo partidário de Alexandre, verificando que todo o exército murmurava contra Demétrio, foi procurar Imalcué, o árabe que educava Antíoco, o jovem filho de Alexandre.
40 And he pressed him much to deliver him to him, that he might be king in his father's place: and he told him all that Demetrius had done, and how his soldiers hated him. And he remained there many days.40 Instou para que o entregasse, a fim de fazê-lo reinar em lugar de seu pai, contando-lhe tudo o que fizera Demétrio e a hostilidade que seu exército nutria contra ele. E lá se demorou muitos dias.
41 And Jonathan sent to king Demetrius, desiring that he would cast out them that were in the castle in Jerusalem, and those that were in the strong holds: because they fought against Israel.41 Nesse meio tempo, Jônatas mandou pedir ao rei Demétrio que tirasse as tropas que se achavam na cidadela e nas fortalezas, porque elas guerreavam contra Israel.
42 And Demetrius sent to Jonathan, saying: I will not only do this for thee, and for thy people, but I will greatly honour thee, and thy nation, when opportunity shall serve.42 Demétrio mandou a Jônatas esta resposta: Não só farei isso por ti e por teu povo, mas cumular-vos-ei de honra, a ti e a tua nação, assim que tiver ocasião.
43 Now therefore thou shalt do well if thou send me men to help me: for all my army is gone from me.43 Agora farias bem em me enviar homens em meu socorro, porque meus soldados me abandonaram.
44 And Jonathan sent him three thousand valiant men to Antioch: and they came to the king, and the king was very glad of their coming.44 No mesmo instante enviou Jônatas a Antioquia três mil homens valorosos, que se ajuntaram ao rei, e este sentiu-se muito feliz com sua chegada.
45 And they that were of the city assembled themselves together, to the number of a hundred and twenty thousand men, and would have killed the king.45 Com efeito, os habitantes da cidade se uniram, em número de aproximadamente cento e vinte mil, com o intuito de matarem o rei.
46 And the king fled into the palace, and they of the city kept the passages of the city, and began to fight.46 Este refugiou-se no seu palácio e o povo, ocupando as ruas da cidade, começou o assalto.
47 And the king called the Jews to his assistance: and they came to him all at once, and they all dispersed themselves through the city.47 Então o rei chamou os judeus em seu auxílio, e todos se agruparam ao redor dele; depois, espalharam-se pela cidade, matando nesse dia cerca de cem mil homens.
48 And they slew in that day a hundred thousand men, and they set fire to the city, and got many spoils that day, and delivered the king.48 Incendiaram a cidade, apoderaram-se nesse mesmo dia de um numeroso espólio e salvaram o rei.
49 And they that were of the city saw that the Jews had got the city as they would: and they were discouraged in their minds, and cried to the king, making supplication, and saying:49 Os habitantes viram que os judeus faziam da cidade o que eles queriam e perderam a coragem. Por isso ergueram deprecações ao rei:
50 Grant us peace, and let the Jews cease from assaulting us, and the city.50 Dai-nos a mão e que os judeus parem de combater, a nós e à cidade.
51 And they threw down their arms, and made peace, and the Jews were glorified in the sight of the king, and in the sight of all that were in his realm, and were renowned throughout the kingdom, and returned to Jerusalem with many spoils.51 Lançaram, pois, suas armas e concluíram a paz, enquanto os judeus, cobertos de glória diante do rei e dos súditos, voltaram a Jerusalém com abundantes despojos.
52 So king Demetrius sat in the throne of his kingdom: and the land was quiet before him.52 Demétrio conservou seu trono e todo o país ficou tranqüilo diante dele.
53 And he falsified all whatsoever he had said, and alienated himself from Jonathan, and did not reward him according to the benefits he had received from him, but gave him great trouble.53 Todavia, ele desmentiu sua palavra, separou-se de Jônatas e não lhe pagou mais benevolência com benevolência; ao contrário, tratou-o muito mal.
54 And after this Tryphon returned, and with him Antiochus the young boy, who was made king, and put on the diadem.54 Foi após esses acontecimentos que Trifon chegou com Antíoco, que, apesar de jovem ainda, tomou o título de rei e cingiu-se com o diadema.
55 And there assembled unto him all the hands which Demetrius had sent away, and they fought against Demetrius, who turned his back and fled.55 Todas as forças que Demétrio havia despedido agruparam-se ao redor dele, para combater este último que virou as costas e fugiu.
56 And Tryphon took the elephants, and made himself master of Antioch.56 Trifon apoderou-se dos elefantes e conquistou Antioquia.
57 And young Antiochus wrote to Jonathan, saying: I confirm thee in the high priesthood, and I appoint thee ruler over the four cities, and to be one of the king's friends.57 O jovem Antíoco escreveu a Jônatas: Eu te confirmo no sumo pontificado. Mantenho-te à frente dos quatro distritos e quero que estejas entre os amigos do rei.
58 And he sent him vessels of gold for his service, and he gave him leave to drink in gold, and to be clothed in purple, and to wear a golden buckle:58 Mandou-lhe também vasos de ouro, utensílios, e concedeu-lhe autorização de beber em copos de ouro, de vestir-se com púrpura, de trazer uma fivela de ouro.
59 And he made his brother Simon governor from the borders of Tyre even to the confines of Egypt.59 Constituiu também seu irmão Simão governador da região que se estende da Escada de Tiro à fronteira do Egito.
60 Then Jonathan went forth and passed through the cities beyond the river: and all the forces of Syria gathered themselves to him to help him, and he came to Ascalon, and they met him honourably out of the city.60 Então Jônatas pôs-se em campanha, atravessou o país ao longo do rio e percorreu as aldeias. As tropas sírias juntaram-se a ele para lutar a seu lado, e chegou assim a Ascalon, cujos habitantes saíram todos diante dele com sinais de honra.
61 And he went from thence to Gaza: and they that were in Gaza shut him out: and he besieged it, and burnt all the suburbs round about, and took the spoils.61 De lá seguiu para Gaza, que lhe fechou suas portas; investiu contra ela e pôs fogo aos arredores que pilhou.
62 And the men of Gaza made supplication to Jonathan, and he gave them the right hand: and he took their sons for hostages, and sent them to Jerusalem: and he went through the country as far as Damascus.62 Os habitantes de Gaza imploraram então a Jônatas, que lhes estendeu a mão, mas tomou como reféns os filhos dos nobres e os enviou a Jerusalém; em seguida atravessou o país até Damasco.
63 And Jonathan heard that the generals of Demetrius were come treacherously to Cades, which is in Galilee, with a great army, purposing to remove him from the affairs of the kingdom:63 Soube Jônatas que os generais de Demétrio tinham chegado a Cades, na Galiléia, com um forte exército, com a intenção de pôr fim à sua atividade.
64 And he went against them: but left his brother Simon in the country.64 Foi contra eles e deixou na terra seu irmão Simão.
65 And Simon encamped against Bethsura, and assaulted it many days, and shut them up.65 Este acampou ante Betsur, combateu por muito tempo e a sitiou.
66 And they desired him to make peace, and he granted it them: and he cast them out from thence, and took the city, and placed a garrison in it.66 Por fim, os habitantes pediram-lhe a paz. Ele concedeu-lha, mas os expulsou da cidade, da qual se apoderou, para pôr ali uma guarnição.
67 And Jonathan, and his army encamped by the water of Genesar, and before it was light they were ready in the plain of Asor.67 Jônatas acampou com seu exército perto do lago de Genesar e, pela manhã, muito cedo, penetrou na planície de Azor.
68 And behold the army of the strangers met him in the plain, and they laid an ambush for him in the mountains: but he went out against them.68 Logo o exército estrangeiro avançou contra ele na planície e pôs emboscadas nas montanhas. Enquanto o exército marchava reto, para a frente,
69 And they that lay in ambush arose out of their places, and joined battle.69 as tropas de emboscada saíram de seu esconderijo e travaram a luta.
70 And all that were on Jonathan's side fled, and none was left of them, but Mathathias the son of Absalom, and Judas the son of Calphi, chief captain of the army.70 Todos os homens de Jônatas fugiram e não ficou nenhum com exceção de Matatias, filho de Absalão, e de Judas, filho de Calfi, chefe da milícia.
71 And Jonathan rent his garments, and cast earth upon his head, and prayed.71 Jônatas rasgou suas vestes, cobriu a cabeça com pó, e rezou;
72 And Jonathan turned again to them to battle, and he put them to flight, and they fought.72 em seguida, retornou à luta e fez recuar e fugir o adversário.
73 And they of his part that fled saw this, and they turned again to him, and they all with him pursued the enemies even to Cades to their own camp, and they came even thither.73 Os seus que fugiam perceberam-no e, retornando para junto dele, perseguiram com ele os inimigos até Cades e seu acampamento. Ali se estabeleceram.
74 And there fell of the aliens in that day three thousand men: and Jonathan returned to Jerusalem.74 Naquele dia morreram cerca de três mil estrangeiros, e Jônatas voltou a Jerusalém.