
Lunedi, 3 giugno 2024 - San Carlo Lwanga ( Letture di oggi)

Livre de Judith 6

1 Les hommes qui entouraient Holoferne finirent par se calmer. Alors le général en chef de l’armée des Assyriens dit à Akior devant tous les étrangers et tous les Moabites qui s’étaient rassemblés:1 But when they had ceased speaking, it happened that Holofernes, being very indignant, said to Achior:
2 “Dis-moi, Akior, qui êtes-vous, toi et tous les mercenaires d’Éphraïm, pour jouer les prophètes au milieu de nous comme tu le fais en ce moment, et pour nous dire de ne pas combattre les Israélites car leur Dieu les protégera? Qui donc est Dieu? N’est-ce pas Nabukodonozor? Il enverra ses forces, il les fera disparaître de la terre et leur Dieu ne les délivrera pas.2 “Because you have prophesied to us, saying that the people of Israel may be defended by their God, and so as to reveal to you that there is no God, except Nebuchadnezzar:
3 Nous, ses serviteurs, nous les frapperons comme un seul homme et ils ne résisteront pas à la force de nos chevaux.3 when we will have struck them all as one man, then you also will pass away with them by the sword of the Assyrians, and all Israel will perish into perdition with you.
4 Nous les brûlerons chez eux, leur montagne sera baignée de leur sang, leurs plaines remplies de leurs cadavres; ils ne tiendront pas devant nous et ils mourront tous, - parole du roi Nabukodonozor, le seigneur de toute la terre. Il a parlé, et les paroles qu’il a dites ne passeront pas.4 And you will be shown that Nebuchadnezzar is the lord of the whole earth. And then, the sword of my army will pass through your sides, and, being stabbed, you will fall among the wounded of Israel, and you will breathe no longer, when you have been destroyed with them.
5 “Et toi, Akior, le mercenaire d’Ammon, puisque tu as prononcé ces paroles dans un moment de folie, tu ne verras plus mon visage désormais, jusqu’au jour où j’aurai tiré vengeance du peuple sorti d’Égypte.5 And furthermore, if you consider your prophecy to be true, do not let your countenance fall, and let the paleness that has taken hold of your face depart from you, if you claim that these my words cannot be fulfilled.
6 Alors le fer de mon armée et les lances de mes soldats te transperceront; tu tomberas mort au milieu de leurs blessés le jour où je reviendrai.6 But so that you may know that you will experience these things together with them, behold, from this hour you will be associated with their people, so that, when they receive the punishment that they deserve from my sword, you will fall under the same vengeance.”
7 Maintenant mes serviteurs vont te conduire dans la montagne et te déposer dans l’une des villes qui sont sur le sommet,7 Then Holofernes instructed his servants to apprehend Achior, and to lead him through to Bethulia, and to deliver him into the hands of the sons of Israel.
8 et c’est avec leurs habitants que tu mourras.8 And, taking him, the servants of Holofernes traveled through the plains. But when they approached close to the mountains, the slingers of stones went forth against them.
9 Pourquoi prends-tu cet air abattu si tu comptes réellement qu’ils ne seront pas tués? Voici que j’ai parlé, aucune de mes paroles ne restera sans effet.”9 Then, diverting by the side of the mountain, they tied Achior, hands and feet, to a tree, and so they abandoned him, bound with ropes, and they returned to their lord.
10 Holoferne appela ses serviteurs qui se tenaient dans sa tente, il leur ordonna de prendre Akior, de le conduire à Béthulie et de le remettre aux mains des Israélites.10 Thereafter, the sons of Israel, descending from Bethulia, came to him. Releasing him, they brought him to Bethulia. And so, standing him in the midst of the people, they interrogated him as to what event caused the Assyrians to abandon him, bound.
11 Les serviteurs le prirent, le conduisirent dans la plaine hors du camp, puis de là ils partirent vers la montagne et arrivèrent aux sources qui sont au pied de Béthulie.11 In those days, the rulers of that place were Uzziah, the son of Micah of the tribe of Simeon, and Chabris, also called Gothoniel.
12 Les hommes de la ville les aperçurent du sommet de la montagne, ils prirent leurs armes et sortirent de la ville pour gagner le sommet de la montagne. Et tous ceux qui avaient une fronde lançaient des pierres aux serviteurs d’Holoferne pour les empêcher de monter.12 And so, in the midst of the elders and in the sight of everyone, Achior explained all that he had said in reply to the questioning of Holofernes, and in what manner the people of Holofernes wanted to have him killed because of this word,
13 Alors ils s’abritèrent au pied de la montagne et ligotèrent Akior. Ils le laissèrent ainsi en cet endroit, puis ils s’en retournèrent vers leur maître.13 and how Holofernes himself, being angry, had ordered him to be handed over to the Israelites, for this reason: so that when he would prevail over the sons of Israel, then he would also command Achior himself to be executed by diverse torments, because he had said that the God of heaven is their defender.
14 Les Israélites descendirent alors de la ville, ils s’arrêtèrent près de lui et défirent ses liens. Puis ils le conduisirent à Béthulie et le présentèrent aux chefs de la ville:14 And when Achior had declared all these things, all the people fell on their faces, adoring the Lord, and, communing together with mourning and weeping, they poured out their prayers with one mind to the Lord,
15 c’étaient Osias fils de Michée, de la tribu de Siméon, Chabris fils de Gotoniel, et Charmis fils de Melkiel.15 saying: “O Lord, God of heaven and earth, behold their arrogance, and gaze upon our humility, and attend to the face of your holy ones, and reveal that you do not abandon those who rely on you, and that those who rely on themselves and who glory in their own strength, you humble.”
16 Ces hommes convoquèrent les anciens de la ville, mais tous les jeunes gens et toutes les femmes se précipitèrent aussi à cette assemblée; Akior était là au milieu de la foule. Osias l’interrogea et lui demanda ce qui était arrivé.16 And so, when their weeping was ended, and the prayer of the people throughout the entire day was completed, they consoled Achior,
17 Prenant la parole, il leur raconta ce qui s’était passé au conseil d’Holoferne, ce qu’il avait dit lui-même devant les chefs Assyriens et les paroles arrogantes d’Holoferne quand il menaçait la maison d’Israël.17 saying: “The God of our fathers, whose power you have predicted, will give to you this in return: that you, instead, will see the destruction of them.
18 Alors le peuple se prosterna, adora Dieu et lui adressa cet appel:18 Truly, when the Lord our God will give this freedom to his servants, may God also be with you in our midst, so that, just as it pleases you, everyone who is with you may keep company with us.”
19 “Seigneur, Dieu du ciel, regarde l’orgueil sans mesure de cet homme. Prends en pitié l’humiliation de notre peuple. Montre aujourd’hui à ceux qui te sont consacrés un visage plein de bonté.”19 Then Uzziah, after the council was ended, received him into his own house, and he made him a great supper.
20 On encouragea Akior et on le félicita chaleureusement;20 And all the elders were invited; together they refreshed themselves at the completion of their fast.
21 quittant l’assemblée, Osias emmena Akior chez lui. Il offrit un repas aux anciens et toute la nuit on supplia Dieu de venir au secours d’Israël.21 In truth, after this, all the people were called together, and they prayed throughout the entire night within the assembly, petitioning help from the God of Israel.