
Domenica, 16 giugno 2024 - Sant´ Aureliano ( Letture di oggi)

1 Samuele (1 صموئيل) 3

1 وكان الصبي صموئيل يخدم الرب امام عالي. وكانت كلمة الرب عزيزة في تلك الايام. لم تكن رؤيا كثيرا.1 Now the boy Samuel was ministering to the Lord before Eli, and the word of the Lord was precious in those days; there was no manifest vision.
2 وكان في ذلك الزمان اذ كان عالي مضطجعا في مكانه وعيناه ابتدأتا تضعفان. لم يقدر ان يبصر.2 Then it happened that, on a certain day, Eli was lying in his place. And his eyes had dimmed, so that he was unable to see.
3 وقبل ان ينطفئ سراج الله وصموئيل مضطجع في هيكل الرب الذي فيه تابوت الله3 And so, to prevent the lamp of God from going out, Samuel was sleeping in the temple of the Lord, where the ark of God was.
4 ان الرب دعا صموئيل فقال هانذا.4 And the Lord called Samuel. And responding, he said, “Here I am.”
5 وركض الى عالي وقال هانذا لانك دعوتني. فقال لم ادع. ارجع اضطجع. فذهب واضطجع.5 And he ran to Eli, and he said, “Here I am. For you called me.” And he said: “I did not call. Return and sleep.” And he went away, and he slept.
6 ثم عاد الرب ودعا ايضا صموئيل. فقام صموئيل وذهب الى عالي وقال هانذا لانك دعوتني. فقال لم ادع يا ابني. ارجع اضطجع.6 And again, the Lord continued to call to Samuel. And rising up, Samuel went to Eli, and he said: “Here I am. For you called me.” And he responded: “I did not call you, my son. Return and sleep.”
7 ولم يعرف صموئيل الرب بعد ولا اعلن له كلام الرب بعد.7 Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord, and the word of the Lord had not been revealed to him.
8 وعاد الرب فدعا صموئيل ثالثة. فقام وذهب الى عالي وقال هانذا لانك دعوتني. ففهم عالي ان الرب يدعو الصبي.8 And the Lord continued, and he called to Samuel still a third time. And rising up, he went to Eli.
9 فقال عالي لصموئيل اذهب اضطجع ويكون اذا دعاك تقول تكلم يا رب لان عبدك سامع. فذهب صموئيل واضطجع في مكانه.9 And he said: “Here I am. For you called me.” Then Eli understood that the Lord had called the boy. And he said to Samuel: “Go and sleep. And if he calls to you from now on, you will say, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.’ ” Therefore, Samuel went away, and he slept in his place.
10 فجاء الرب ووقف ودعا كالمرّات الأول صموئيل صموئيل. فقال صموئيل تكلم لان عبدك سامع.10 And the Lord came, and stood, and he called, just as he had called the other times, “Samuel, Samuel.” And Samuel said, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.”
11 فقال الرب لصموئيل هوذا انا فاعل امرا في اسرائيل كل من سمع به تطنّ اذناه.11 And the Lord said to Samuel: “Behold, I am accomplishing a word in Israel. Whoever will hear about it, both his ears will ring.
12 في ذلك اليوم اقيم على عالي كل ما تكلمت به على بيته. ابتدئ واكمّل.12 In that day, I will raise up against Eli all the things that I have spoken over his house. I will begin, and I will finish.
13 وقد اخبرته باني اقضي على بيته الى الابد من اجل الشر الذي يعلم ان بنيه قد اوجبوا به اللعنة على انفسهم ولم يردعهم.13 For I have foretold to him that I will judge his house unto eternity, because of iniquity. For he had known that his sons acted shamefully, and he did not chastise them.
14 ولذلك اقسمت لبيت عالي انه لا يكفّر عن شرّ بيت عالي بذبيحة او بتقدمة الى الابد14 For this reason, I have sworn to the house of Eli that the iniquity of his house will not be expiated, with victims or with gifts, even forever.”
15 واضطجع صموئيل الى الصباح وفتح ابواب بيت الرب. وخاف صموئيل ان يخبر عالي بالرؤيا.15 Then Samuel slept until morning, and he opened the doors of the house of the Lord. And Samuel was afraid to tell the vision to Eli.
16 فدعا عالي صموئيل وقال يا صموئيل ابني. فقال هانذا.16 Then Eli called Samuel, and he said, “Samuel, my son?” And responding, he said, “I am here.”
17 فقال ما الكلام الذي كلمك به لا تخف عني. هكذا يعمل لك الله وهكذا يزيد ان اخفيت عني كلمة من كل الكلام الذي كلمك به.17 And he questioned him: “What is the word that the Lord has spoken to you? I beg you that you may not conceal it from me. May God do these things to you, and may he add these other things, if you hide from me one word out of all the things that were told to you.”
18 فاخبره صموئيل بجميع الكلام ولم يخف عنه. فقال. هو الرب. ما يحسن في عينيه يعمل18 And so, Samuel revealed to him all the words, and he did not hide them from him. And he responded: “He is the Lord. May he do what is good in his own eyes.”
19 وكبر صموئيل وكان الرب معه ولم يدع شيئا من جميع كلامه يسقط الى الارض.19 And Samuel grew up, and the Lord was with him, and not one of his words fell to the ground.
20 وعرف جميع اسرائيل من دان الى بئر سبع انه قد اؤتمن صموئيل نبيا للرب.20 And all of Israel, from Dan even to Beersheba, knew Samuel to be a faithful prophet of the Lord.
21 وعاد الرب يتراءى في شيلوه لان الرب استعلن لصموئيل في شيلوه بكلمة الرب21 And the Lord continued to appear in Shiloh. For the Lord had revealed himself to Samuel at Shiloh, according to the word of the Lord. And the word about Samuel went forth to all of Israel.