
Venerdi, 7 giugno 2024 - Sant' Andronico di Perm ( Letture di oggi)

Seconda lettera ai Corinzi (2 كورنثوس) 10

1 ثم اطلب اليكم بوداعة المسيح وحلمه انا نفسي بولس الذي في الحضرة ذليل بينكم واما في الغيبة فمتجاسر عليكم.1 I urge you by the gentleness and forbearance of Christ -- this is Paul now speaking personal y-I, theone who is so humble when he is facing you but ful of boldness at a distance.
2 ولكن اطلب ان لا اتجاسر وانا حاضر بالثقة التي بها ارى اني ساجترئ على قوم يحسبوننا كاننا نسلك حسب الجسد.2 Yes, my appeal to you is that I should not have to be bold when I am actual y with you, or show thesame self-assurance as I reckon to use when I am chal enging those who reckon that we are guided by humanmotives.
3 لاننا وان كنا نسلك في الجسد لسنا حسب الجسد نحارب.3 For although we are human, it is not by human methods that we do battle.
4 اذ اسلحة محاربتنا ليست جسدية بل قادرة بالله على هدم حصون.4 The weapons with which we do battle are not those of human nature, but they have the power, inGod's cause, to demolish fortresses. It is ideas that we demolish,
5 هادمين ظنونا وكل علو يرتفع ضد معرفة الله ومستأسرين كل فكر الى طاعة المسيح5 every presumptuous notion that is set up against the knowledge of God, and we bring every thoughtinto captivity and obedience to Christ;
6 ومستعدين لان ننتقم على كل عصيان متى كملت طاعتكم6 once you have given your complete obedience, we are prepared to punish any disobedience.
7 اتنظرون الى ما هو حسب الحضرة. ان وثق احد بنفسه انه للمسيح فليحسب هذا ايضا من نفسه انه كما هو للمسيح كذلك نحن ايضا للمسيح.7 Look at the evidence of your eyes. Anybody who is convinced that he belongs to Christ should go onto reflect that we belong to Christ no less than he does.
8 فاني وان افتخرت شيئا اكثر بسلطاننا الذي اعطانا اياه الرب لبنيانكم لا لهدمكم لا أخجل.8 Maybe I have taken rather too much pride in our authority, but the Lord gave us that for building youup, not for knocking you down, and I am not going to be shamed
9 لئلا اظهر كاني اخيفكم بالرسائل.9 into letting you think that I can put fear into you only by letter.
10 لانه يقول الرسائل ثقيلة وقوية واما حضور الجسد فضعيف والكلام حقير.10 Someone said, 'His letters are weighty enough, and ful of strength, but when you see him in person,he makes no impression and his powers of speaking are negligible.'
11 مثل هذا فليحسب هذا اننا كما نحن في الكلام بالرسائل ونحن غائبون هكذا نكون ايضا بالفعل ونحن حاضرون.11 I should like that sort of person to take note that our deeds when we are present wil show the samequalities as our letters when we were at a distance.
12 لاننا لا نجترئ ان نعد انفسنا بين قوم من الذين يمدحون انفسهم ولا ان نقابل انفسنا بهم. بل هم اذ يقيسون انفسهم على انفسهم ويقابلون انفسهم بانفسهم لا يفهمون.12 We are not venturing to rank ourselves, or even to compare ourselves with certain people whoprovide their own commendations. By measuring themselves by themselves and comparing themselves tothemselves, they only show their fol y.
13 ولكن نحن لا نفتخر الى ما لا يقاس بل حسب قياس القانون الذي قسمه لنا الله قياسا للبلوغ اليكم ايضا.13 By contrast we do not intend to boast beyond measure, but wil measure ourselves by the standardwhich God laid down for us, namely that of having come al the way to you.
14 لاننا لا نمدد انفسنا كاننا لسنا نبلغ اليكم. اذ قد وصلنا اليكم ايضا في انجيل المسيح.14 We are not overreaching ourselves as we would be if we had not come all the way to you; in fact wewere the first to come as far as you with the good news of Christ.
15 غير مفتخرين الى ما لا يقاس في اتعاب آخرين بل راجين اذا نما ايمانكم ان نتعظم بينكم حسب قانوننا بزيادة15 So we are not boasting beyond measure, about other men's work; in fact, we hope, as your faithincreases, to grow greater and greater by this standard of ours,
16 لنبشر الى ما وراءكم. لا لنفتخر بالامور المعدة في قانون غيرنا16 by preaching the gospel to regions beyond you, rather than boasting about work already done insomeone else's province.
17 واما من افتخر فليفتخر بالرب.17 Let anyone who wants to boast, boast of the Lord.
18 لانه ليس من مدح نفسه هو المزكى بل من يمدحه الرب18 For it is not through self-commendation that recognition is won, but through commendation.