
Giovedi, 6 giugno 2024 - San Norberto ( Letture di oggi)

Atti degli Apostoli (اعمال) 13

1 وكان في انطاكية في الكنيسة هناك انبياء ومعلمون برنابا وسمعان الذي يدعى نيجر ولوكيوس القيرواني ومناين الذي تربى مع هيرودس رئيس الربع وشاول‎.1 Now there were in the church which was at Antioch, prophets and doctors, among whom was Barnabas, and Simon who was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manahen, who was the foster brother of Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.
2 ‎وبينما هم يخدمون الرب ويصومون قال الروح القدس افرزوا لي برنابا وشاول للعمل الذي دعوتهما اليه‎.2 And as they were ministering to the Lord, and fasting, the Holy Ghost said to them: Separate me Saul and Barnabas, for the work whereunto I have taken them.
3 ‎فصاموا حينئذ وصلّوا ووضعوا عليهما الايادي ثم اطلقوهما3 Then they, fasting and praying, and imposing their hands upon them, sent them away.
4 فهذان اذ ارسلا من الروح القدس انحدرا الى سلوكية ومن هناك سافرا في البحر الى قبرس‎.4 So they being sent by the Holy Ghost, went to Seleucia: and from thence they sailed to Cyprus.
5 ‎ولما صارا في سلاميس ناديا بكلمة الله في مجامع اليهود. وكان معهما يوحنا خادما‎.5 And when they were come to Salamina, they preached the word of God in the synagogues of the Jews. And they had John also in the ministry.
6 ‎ولما اجتازا الجزيرة الى بافوس وجدا رجلا ساحرا نبيا كذابا يهوديا اسمه باريشوع‎.6 And when they had gone through the whole island, as far as Paphos, they found a certain man, a magician, a false prophet, a Jew, whose name was Bar-jesu:
7 ‎كان مع الوالي سرجيوس بولس وهو رجل فهيم. فهذا دعا برنابا وشاول والتمس ان يسمع كلمة الله‎.7 Who was with the proconsul Sergius Paulus, a prudent man. He sending for Barnabas and Saul, desired to hear the word of God.
8 ‎فقاومهما عليم الساحر. لان هكذا يترجم اسمه. طالبا ان يفسد الوالي عن الايمان8 But Elymas the magician (for so his name is interpreted) withstood them, seeking to turn away the proconsul from the faith.
9 واما شاول الذي هو بولس ايضا فامتلأ من الروح القدس وشخص اليه‎.9 Then Saul, otherwise Paul, filled with the Holy Ghost, looking upon him,
10 ‎وقال ايها الممتلئ كل غش وكل خبث يا ابن ابليس يا عدو كل بر ألا‏ تزال تفسد سبل الله المستقيمة‎.10 Said: O full of all guile, and of all deceit, child of the devil, enemy of all justice, thou ceasest not to pervert the right ways of the Lord.
11 ‎فالآن هوذا يد الرب عليك فتكون اعمى لا تبصر الشمس الى حين‎. ‎ففي الحال سقط عليه ضباب وظلمة فجعل يدور ملتمسا من يقوده بيده‎.11 And now behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun for a time. And immediately there fell a mist and darkness upon him, and going about, he sought some one to lead him by the hand.
12 ‎فالوالي حينئذ لما رأى ما جرى آمن مندهشا من تعليم الرب12 Then the proconsul, when he had seen what was done, believed, admiring at the doctrine of the Lord.
13 ثم اقلع من بافوس بولس ومن معه وأتوا الى برجة بمفيلية. واما يوحنا ففارقهم ورجع الى اورشليم‎.13 Now when Paul and they that were with him had sailed from Paphos, they came to Perge in Pamphylia. And John departing from them, returned to Jerusalem.
14 ‎واما هم فجازوا من برجة وأتوا الى انطاكية بيسيدية ودخلوا المجمع يوم السبت وجلسوا‎.14 But they passing through Perge, came to Antioch in Pisidia: and entering into the synagogue on the sabbath day, they sat down.
15 ‎وبعد قراءة الناموس والانبياء ارسل اليهم رؤساء المجمع قائلين‏ ايها الرجال الاخوة ان كانت عندكم كلمة وعظ للشعب فقولوا‎.15 And after the reading of the law and the prophets, the rulers of the synagogue sent to them, saying: Ye men, brethren, if you have any word of exhortation to make to the people, speak.
16 ‎فقام بولس واشار بيده وقال ايها الرجال الاسرائيليون والذين يتقون الله اسمعوا‎.16 Then Paul rising up, and with his hand bespeaking silence, said: Ye men of Israel, and you that fear God, give ear.
17 ‎اله شعب اسرائيل هذا اختار آباءنا ورفع الشعب في الغربة في ارض مصر. وبذراع مرتفعة اخرجهم منها‎.17 The God of the people of Israel chose our fathers, and exalted the people when they were sojourners in the land of Egypt, and with an high arm brought them out from thence,
18 ‎ونحو مدة اربعين سنة احتمل عوائدهم في البرية‎.18 And for the space of forty years endured their manners in the desert.
19 ‎ثم اهلك سبع امم في ارض كنعان وقسم لهم ارضهم بالقرعة‎.19 And destroying seven nations in the land of Chanaan, divided their land among them, by lot,
20 ‎وبعد ذلك في نحو اربع مئة وخمسين سنة اعطاهم قضاة حتى صموئيل النبي‎.20 As it were, after four hundred and fifty years: and after these things, he gave unto them judges, until Samuel the prophet.
21 ‎ومن ثم طلبوا ملكا فاعطاهم الله شاول بن قيس رجلا من سبط بنيامين اربعين سنة‎.21 And after that they desired a king: and God gave them Saul the son of Cis, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, forty years.
22 ‎ثم عزله واقام لهم داود ملكا الذي شهد له ايضا اذ قال وجدت داود بن يسّى رجلا حسب قلبي الذي سيصنع كل مشيئتي‎.22 And when he had removed him, he raised them up David to be king: to whom giving testimony, he said: I have found David, the son of Jesse, a man according to my own heart, who shall do all my wills.
23 ‎من نسل هذا حسب الوعد اقام الله لاسرائيل مخلّصا يسوع‎.23 Of this man's seed God according to his promise, hath raised up to Israel a Saviour, Jesus:
24 ‎اذ سبق يوحنا فكرز قبل مجيئه بمعمودية التوبة لجميع شعب اسرائيل.24 John first preaching, before his coming, the baptism of penance to all the people of Israel.
25 ولما صار يوحنا يكمل سعيه جعل يقول من تظنون اني انا. لست انا اياه لكن هوذا يأتي بعدي الذي لست مستحقا ان احل حذاء قدميه25 And when John was fulfilling his course, he said: I am not he, whom you think me to be: but behold, there cometh one after me, whose shoes of his feet I am not worthy to loose.
26 ايها الرجال الاخوة بني جنس ابراهيم والذين بينكم يتقون الله اليكم أرسلت كلمة هذا الخلاص‎.26 Men, brethren, children of the stock of Abraham, and whosoever among you fear God, to you the word of this salvation is sent.
27 ‎لان الساكنين في اورشليم ورؤساءهم لم يعرفوا هذا. واقوال الانبياء التي تقرأ كل سبت تمموها اذ حكموا عليه‎.27 For they that inhabited Jerusalem, and the rulers thereof, not knowing him, nor the voices of the prophets, which are read every sabbath, judging him have fulfilled them.
28 ‎ومع انهم لم يجدوا علة واحدة للموت طلبوا من بيلاطس ان يقتل‎.28 And finding no cause of death in him, they desired of Pilate, that they might kill him.
29 ‎ولما تمموا كل ما كتب عنه انزلوه عن الخشبة ووضعوه في قبر‎.29 And when they had fulfilled all things that were written of him, taking him down from the tree, they laid him in a sepulchre.
30 ‎ولكن الله اقامه من الاموات‎.30 But God raised him up from the dead the third day:
31 ‎وظهر اياما كثيرة للذين صعدوا معه من الجليل الى اورشليم الذين هم شهوده عند الشعب‎.31 Who was seen for many days, by them who came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who to this present are his witnesses to the people.
32 ‎ونحن نبشركم بالموعد الذي صار لآبائنا32 And we declare unto you, that the promise which was made to our fathers,
33 ان الله قد اكمل هذا لنا نحن اولادهم اذ اقام يسوع كما هو مكتوب ايضا في المزمور الثاني انت ابني انا اليوم ولدتك‎.33 This same God hath fulfilled to our children, raising up Jesus, as in the second psalm also is written: Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee.
34 ‎انه اقامه من الاموات غير عتيد ان يعود ايضا الى فساد فهكذا قال اني ساعطيكم مراحم داود الصادقة‎.34 And to shew that he raised him up from the dead, not to return now any more to corruption, he said thus: I will give you the holy things of David faithful.
35 ‎ولذلك قال ايضا في مزمور آخر لن تدع قدوسك يرى فسادا‎.35 And therefore, in another place also, he saith: Thou shalt not suffer thy holy one to see corruption.
36 ‎لان داود بعدما خدم جيله بمشورة الله رقد وانضمّ الى آبائه ورأى فسادا‎.36 For David, when he had served in his generation, according to the will of God, slept: and was laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption.
37 ‎واما الذي اقامه الله فلم ير فسادا‎.37 But he whom God hath raised from the dead, saw no corruption.
38 ‎فليكن معلوما عندكم ايها الرجال الاخوة انه بهذا ينادى لكم بغفران الخطايا‎.38 Be it known therefore to you, men, brethren, that through him forgiveness of sins is preached to you: and from all the things, from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses.
39 ‎بهذا يتبرر كل من يؤمن من كل ما لم تقدروا ان تتبرروا منه بناموس موسى‎.39 In him every one that believeth, is justified.
40 ‎فانظروا لئلا يأتي عليكم ما قيل في الانبياء40 Beware, therefore, lest that come upon you which is spoken in the prophets:
41 انظروا ايها المتهاونون وتعجبوا واهلكوا لانني عملا اعمل في ايامكم. عملا لا تصدقون ان اخبركم احد به41 Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish: for I work a work in your days, a work which you will not believe, if any man shall tell it you.
42 وبعد ما خرج اليهود من المجمع جعل الامم يطلبون اليهما ان يكلماهم بهذا الكلام في السبت القادم‎.42 And as they went out, they desired them, that on the next sabbath, they would speak unto them these words.
43 ‎ولما انفضت الجماعة تبع كثيرون من اليهود والدخلاء المتعبدين بولس وبرنابا اللذين كانا يكلمانهم ويقنعانهم ان يثبتوا في نعمة الله.43 And when the synagogue was broken up, many of the Jews, and of the strangers who served God, followed Paul and Barnabas: who speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God.
44 وفي السبت التالي اجتمعت كل المدينة تقريبا لتسمع كلمة الله‎.44 But the next sabbath day, the whole city almost came together, to hear the word of God.
45 ‎فلما رأى اليهود الجموع امتلأوا غيرة وجعلوا يقاومون ما قاله بولس مناقضين ومجدفين‎.45 And the Jews seeing the multitudes, were filled with envy, and contradicted those things which were said by Paul, blaspheming.
46 ‎فجاهر بولس وبرنابا وقالا كان يجب ان تكلّموا انتم اولا بكلمة الله ولكن اذ دفعتموها عنكم وحكمتم انكم غير مستحقين للحياة الابدية هوذا نتوجه الى الامم‎.46 Then Paul and Barnabas said boldly: To you it behoved us first to speak the word of God: but because you reject it, and judge yourselves unworthy of eternal life, behold we turn to the Gentiles.
47 ‎لان هكذا اوصانا الرب. قد اقمتك نورا للامم لتكون انت خلاصا الى اقصى الارض‎.47 For so the Lord hath commanded us: I have set thee to be the light of the Gentiles; that thou mayest be for salvation unto the utmost part of the earth.
48 ‎فلما سمع الامم ذلك كانوا يفرحون ويمجدون كلمة الرب. وآمن جميع الذين كانوا معيّنين للحياة الابدية‎.48 And the Gentiles hearing it, were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained to life everlasting, believed.
49 ‎وانتشرت كلمة الرب في كل الكورة‎.49 And the word of the Lord was published throughout the whole country.
50 ‎ولكن اليهود حركوا النساء المتعبدات الشريفات ووجوه المدينة واثاروا اضطهادا على بولس وبرنابا واخرجوهما من تخومهم‎.50 But the Jews stirred up religious and honourable women, and the chief men of the city, and raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas: and cast them out of their coasts.
51 ‎اما هما فنفضا غبار ارجلهما عليهم وأتيا الى ايقونية‎.51 But they, shaking off the dust of their feet against them, came to Iconium.
52 ‎واما التلاميذ فكانوا يمتلئون من الفرح والروح القدس52 And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Ghost.