
Sabato, 1 giugno 2024 - San Giustino ( Letture di oggi)

Qoelet (جامعة) 10

1 الذباب الميت ينتن ويخمر طيب العطّار. جهالة قليلة اثقل من الحكمة ومن الكرامة.1 Dying flies ruin the sweetness of the ointment. Wisdom and glory is more precious than a brief and limited foolishness.
2 قلب الحكيم عن يمينه وقلب الجاهل عن يساره.2 The heart of a wise man is in his right hand, and the heart of a foolish man is in his left hand.
3 ايضا اذا مشى الجاهل في الطريق ينقص فهمه ويقول لكل واحد انه جاهل3 Moreover, as a foolish man is walking along the way, even though he himself is unwise, he considers everyone to be foolish.
4 ان صعدت عليك روح المتسلط فلا تترك مكانك لان الهدوء يسكّن خطايا عظيمة.4 If the spirit of one who holds authority rises over you, do not leave your place, because attentiveness will cause the greatest sins to cease.
5 يوجد شر رأيته تحت الشمس كسهو صادر من قبل المتسلط.5 There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, proceeding from the presence of a prince, as if by mistake:
6 الجهالة جعلت في معالي كثيرة والاغنياء يجلسون في السافل.6 a foolish man appointed to a high dignity, and the rich sitting beneath him.
7 قد رأيت عبيدا على الخيل ورؤساء ماشين على الارض كالعبيد.7 I have seen servants on horses, and princes walking on the ground like servants.
8 من يحفر هوة يقع فيها ومن ينقض جدارا تلدغه حية.8 Whoever digs a pit will fall into it. And whoever tears apart a hedge, a snake will bite him.
9 من يقلع حجارة يوجع بها. من يشقق حطبا يكون في خطر منه.9 Whoever carries away stones will be harmed by them. And whoever cuts down trees will be wounded by them.
10 ان كلّ الحديد ولم يسنن هو حده فليزد القوة. اما الحكمة فنافعة للانجاح.10 If the iron is dull, and if it was not that way before, but has been made dull by much labor, then it will be sharpened. And wisdom will follow after diligence.
11 ان لدغت الحية بلا رقية فلا منفعة للراقي.11 Whoever slanders in secret is nothing less than a snake that bites silently.
12 كلمات فم الحكيم نعمة وشفتا الجاهل تبتلعانه.12 Words from the mouth of a wise man are graceful, but the lips of a foolish man will throw him down with violence.
13 ابتداء كلام فمه جهالة وآخر فمه جنون رديء.13 At the beginning of his words is foolishness, and at the end of his talk is a most grievous error.
14 والجاهل يكثر الكلام. لا يعلم انسان ما يكون وماذا يصير بعده من يخبره.14 The fool multiplies his words. A man does not know what has been before him, and who is able to reveal to him what will be in the future after him?
15 تعب الجهلاء يعييهم لانه لا يعلم كيف يذهب الى المدينة15 The hardship of the foolish will afflict those who do not know to go into the city.
16 ويل لك ايتها الارض اذا كان ملكك ولدا ورؤساؤك ياكلون في الصباح.16 Woe to you, the land whose king is a boy, and whose princes consume in the morning.
17 طوبى لك ايتها الارض اذا كان ملكك ابن شرفاء ورؤساؤك يأكلون في الوقت للقوة لا للسكر17 Blessed is the land whose king is noble, and whose princes eat at the proper time, for refreshment and not for self-indulgence.
18 بالكسل الكثير يهبط السقف وبتدلي اليدين يكف البيت.18 By laziness, a framework shall be brought down, and by the weakness of hands, a house shall collapse through.
19 للضحك يعملون وليمة والخمر تفرح العيش اما الفضة فتحصّل الكل.19 While laughing, they make bread and wine, so that the living may feast. And all things are obedient to money.
20 لا تسبّ الملك ولا في فكرك. ولا تسبّ الغني في مضجعك. لان طير السماء ينقل الصوت وذو الجناح يخبر بالامر20 You should not slander the king, even in your thoughts, and you should not speak evil of a wealthy man, even in your private chamber. For even the birds of the air will carry your voice, and whatever has wings will announce your opinion.