
Venerdi, 20 settembre 2024 - Santi Martiri Coreani ( Letture di oggi)

Giobbe (ايوب) 36

1 وعاد اليهو فقال1 Elihu went on speaking. He said:
2 اصبر عليّ قليلا فابدي لك انه بعد لاجل الله كلام.2 Be patient a little longer while I explain, for I have more to say on God's behalf.
3 أحمل معرفتي من بعيد وأنسب برا لصانعي.3 I shal range far afield for my arguments to prove my Maker just.
4 حقا لا يكذب كلامي. صحيح المعرفة عندك4 I guarantee, nothing I shal say wil be untrue: you have a man of sound learning here.
5 هوذا الله عزيز ولكنه لا يرذل احدا. عزيز قدرة القلب.5 God does not reject anyone whose heart is pure
6 لا يحيي الشرير بل يجري قضاء البائسين.6 or let the sinner live on in al his power. He does accord fair judgement to the afflicted;
7 لا يحوّل عينيه عن البار بل مع الملوك يجلسهم على الكرسي ابدا فيرتفعون.7 he does uphold what the upright deserve. When he raises kings to thrones, if they grow proud of theirunending rule,
8 ان أوثقوا بالقيود ان أخذوا في حبالة الذل8 then he fetters them with chains, they are caught in the bonds of affliction.
9 فيظهر لهم افعالهم ومعاصيهم لانهم تجبّروا9 He shows them the import of their deeds, of the sins of pride they have committed.
10 ويفتح آذانهم للانذار ويامر بان يرجعوا عن الاثم.10 In their ears he sounds a warning, ordering them to turn back from doing wrong.
11 ان سمعوا واطاعوا قضوا ايامهم بالخير وسنيهم بالنّعم.11 If they take notice and obey him, the rest of their days are prosperous and the years pass pleasantly.
12 وان لم يسمعوا فبحربة الموت يزولون ويموتون بعدم المعرفة.12 If not, they go down the Canal and perish in their stupidity.
13 اما فجّار القلب فيذخرون غضبا. لا يستغيثون اذا هو قيّدهم.13 The stubborn, who cherish their anger and do not cry for help when he chains them,
14 تموت نفسهم في الصبا وحياتهم بين المابونين.14 die in the bloom of youth or live among the male prostitutes of the temple.
15 ينجّي البائس في ذلّه ويفتح آذانهم في الضيق15 But God saves the afflicted by his affliction, warning him in his misery.
16 وايضا يقودك من وجه الضيق الى رحب لا حصر فيه ويملأ مؤونة مائدتك دهنا.16 You, too, he would like to snatch from torment. While you were enjoying boundless abundance, withrich food piled high on your table,
17 حجة الشرير اكملت فالحجة والقضاء يمسكانك.17 you did not bring the wicked to trial and did not give fair judgement to the orphan.
18 عند غضبه لعله يقودك بصفقة. فكثرة الفدية لا تفكّك.18 Beware of being led astray by abundance, of being corrupted by expensive presents.
19 هل يعتبر غناك. لا التبر ولا جميع قوى الثروة.19 Take the powerful to law, not merely the penniless, those whose arm is strong, not merely the weak.
20 لا تشتاق الى الليل الذي يرفع شعوبا من مواضعهم.20 Do not crush people you do not know to instal your relations in their place.
21 احذر. لا تلتفت الى الاثم لانك اخترت هذا على الذل21 Avoid any tendency to wrong-doing, for this is why affliction is testing you now.
22 هوذا الله يتعالى بقدرته. من مثله معلما.22 See, God is sublime in his strength and who can teach lessons as he does?
23 من فرض عليه طريقه او من يقول له قد فعلت شرا.23 Who has even told him which course to take, or dared to say to him, 'You have done wrong'?
24 اذكر ان تعظم عمله الذي يغني به الناس.24 Consider, rather, how you may praise his work, a theme that many have sung.
25 كل انسان يبصر به. الناس ينظرونه من بعيد.25 This is something that everyone can see, gazing, as we do, from afar.
26 هوذا الله عظيم ولا نعرفه وعدد سنيه لا يفحص.26 Yes, the greatness of God exceeds our knowledge, the number of his years is past counting.
27 لانه يجذب قطار الماء. تسحّ مطرا من ضبابها.27 It is he who makes the raindrops smal and pulverises the rain into mist.
28 الذي تهطله السحب وتقطره على اناس كثيرين.28 And the clouds then pour this out, sending it streaming down on the human race.
29 فهل يعلل احد عن شق الغيم او قصيف مظلته.29 And who can fathom how he spreads the clouds, or why such crashes thunder from his tent?
30 هوذا بسط نوره على نفسه ثم يتغطى باصول اليم.30 He spreads a mist before him and covers the tops of the mountains.
31 لانه بهذه يدين الشعوب ويرزق القوت بكثرة.31 By these means, he sustains the peoples, giving them plenty to eat.
32 يغطي كفّيه بالنور ويامره على العدو.32 He gathers up the lightning in his hands, assigning it the mark where to strike.
33 يخبر به رعده المواشي ايضا بصعوده33 His crashing gives warning of its coming, anger flashes out against iniquity.