
Sabato, 8 giugno 2024 - San Medardo ( Letture di oggi)

2 Samuele (2 صموئيل) 12

1 فارسل الرب ناثان الى داود. فجاء اليه وقال له. كان رجلان في مدينة واحدة واحد منهما غني والآخر فقير.1 The LORD sent Nathan to David, and when he came to him, he said: "Judge this case for me! In a certain town there were two men, one rich, the other poor.
2 وكان للغني غنم وبقر كثيرة جدا.2 The rich man had flocks and herds in great numbers.
3 واما الفقير فلم يكن له شيء الا نعجة واحدة صغيرة قد اقتناها وربّاها وكبرت معه ومع بنيه جميعا. تاكل من لقمته وتشرب من كاسه وتنام في حضنه وكانت له كابنة.3 But the poor man had nothing at all except one little ewe lamb that he had bought. He nourished her, and she grew up with him and his children. She shared the little food he had and drank from his cup and slept in his bosom. She was like a daughter to him.
4 فجاء ضيف الى الرجل الغني فعفا ان ياخذ من غنمه ومن بقره ليهيّئ للضيف الذي جاء اليه فاخذ نعجة الرجل الفقير وهيّأ للرجل الذي جاء اليه.4 Now, the rich man received a visitor, but he would not take from his own flocks and herds to prepare a meal for the wayfarer who had come to him. Instead he took the poor man's ewe lamb and made a meal of it for his visitor."
5 فحمي غضب داود على الرجل جدا وقال لناثان حيّ هو الرب انه يقتل الرجل الفاعل ذلك5 David grew very angry with that man and said to Nathan: "As the LORD lives, the man who has done this merits death!
6 ويرد النعجة اربعة اضعاف لانه فعل هذا الامر ولانه لم يشفق6 He shall restore the ewe lamb fourfold because he has done this and has had no pity."
7 فقال ناثان لداود انت هو الرجل. هكذا قال الرب اله اسرائيل. انا مسحتك ملكا على اسرائيل وانقذتك من يد شاول7 Then Nathan said to David: "You are the man! Thus says the LORD God of Israel: 'I anointed you king of Israel. I rescued you from the hand of Saul.
8 واعطيتك بيت سيدك ونساء سيدك في حضنك واعطيتك بيت اسرائيل ويهوذا وان كان ذلك قليلا كنت ازيد لك كذا وكذا.8 I gave you your lord's house and your lord's wives for your own. I gave you the house of Israel and of Judah. And if this were not enough, I could count up for you still more.
9 لماذا احتقرت كلام الرب لتعمل الشر في عينيه. قد قتلت اوريا الحثّي بالسيف واخذت امرأته لك امرأة واياه قتلت بسيف بني عمون.9 Why have you spurned the LORD and done evil in his sight? You have cut down Uriah the Hittite with the sword; you took his wife as your own, and him you killed with the sword of the Ammonites.
10 والآن لا يفارق السيف بيتك الى الابد لانك احتقرتني واخذت امرأة اوريا الحثّي لتكون لك امرأة.10 Now, therefore, the sword shall never depart from your house, because you have despised me and have taken the wife of Uriah to be your wife.'
11 هكذا قال الرب هانذا اقيم عليك الشر من بيتك وآخذ نساءك امام عينيك واعطيهنّ لقريبك فيضطجع مع نسائك في عين هذه الشمس.11 Thus says the LORD: 'I will bring evil upon you out of your own house. I will take your wives while you live to see it, and will give them to your neighbor. He shall lie with your wives in broad daylight.
12 لانك انت فعلت بالسرّ وانا افعل هذا الأمر قدام جميع اسرائيل وقدام الشمس.12 You have done this deed in secret, but I will bring it about in the presence of all Israel, and with the sun looking down.'"
13 فقال داود لناثان قد اخطأت الى الرب. فقال ناثان لداود. الرب ايضا قد نقل عنك خطيتك. لا تموت.13 Then David said to Nathan, "I have sinned against the LORD." Nathan answered David: "The LORD on his part has forgiven your sin: you shall not die.
14 غير انه من اجل انك قد جعلت بهذا الامر اعداء الرب يشمتون فالابن المولود لك يموت.14 But since you have utterly spurned the LORD by this deed, the child born to you must surely die."
15 وذهب ناثان الى بيته وضرب الرب الولد الذي ولدته امرأة اوريا لداود فثقل.15 Then Nathan returned to his house. The LORD struck the child that the wife of Uriah had borne to David, and it became desperately ill.
16 فسأل داود الله من اجل الصبي وصام داود صوما ودخل وبات مضطجعا على الارض.16 David besought God for the child. He kept a fast, retiring for the night to lie on the ground clothed in sackcloth.
17 فقام شيوخ بيته عليه ليقيموه عن الارض فلم يشأ ولم ياكل معهم خبزا.17 The elders of his house stood beside him urging him to rise from the ground; but he would not, nor would he take food with them.
18 وكان في اليوم السابع ان الولد مات فخاف عبيد داود ان يخبروه بان الولد قد مات لانهم قالوا هوذا لما كان الولد حيّا كلمناه فلم يسمع لصوتنا. فكيف نقول له قد مات الولد. يعمل اشرّ.18 On the seventh day, the child died. David's servants, however, were afraid to tell him that the child was dead, for they said: "When the child was alive, we spoke to him, but he would not listen to what we said. How can we tell him the child is dead? He may do some harm!"
19 ورأى داود عبيده يتناجون ففطن داود ان الولد قد مات. فقال داود لعبيده هل مات الولد. فقالوا مات.19 But David noticed his servants whispering among themselves and realized that the child was dead. He asked his servants, "Is the child dead?" They replied, "Yes, he is."
20 فقام داود عن الارض واغتسل وادّهن وبدل ثيابه ودخل بيت الرب وسجد ثم جاء الى بيته وطلب فوضعوا له خبزا فأكل.20 Rising from the ground, David washed and anointed himself, and changed his clothes. Then he went to the house of the LORD and worshiped. He returned to his own house, where at his request food was set before him, and he ate.
21 فقال له عبيده ما هذا الأمر الذي فعلت. لما كان الولد حيّا صمت وبكيت ولما مات الولد قمت واكلت خبزا.21 His servants said to him: "What is this you are doing? While the child was living, you fasted and wept and kept vigil; now that the child is dead, you rise and take food."
22 فقال لما كان الولد حيّا صمت وبكيت لاني قلت من يعلم ربما يرحمني الرب ويحيا الولد.22 He replied: "While the child was living, I fasted and wept, thinking, 'Perhaps the LORD will grant me the child's life.'
23 والآن قد مات فلماذا اصوم. هل اقدر ان ارده بعد. انا ذاهب اليه واما هو فلا يرجع اليّ23 But now he is dead. Why should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he will not return to me."
24 وعزّى داود بثشبع امرأته ودخل اليها واضطجع معها فولدت ابنا فدعا اسمه سليمان والرب احبه24 Then David comforted his wife Bathsheba. He went and slept with her; and she conceived and bore him a son, who was named Solomon. The LORD loved him
25 وارسل بيد ناثان النبي ودعا اسمه يديديّا من اجل الرب25 and sent the prophet Nathan to name him Jedidiah, on behalf of the LORD.
26 وحارب يوآب ربّة بني عمون واخذ مدينة المملكة.26 Joab fought against Rabbah of the Ammonites and captured this royal city.
27 وارسل يوآب رسلا الى داود يقول قد حاربت ربّة واخذت ايضا مدينة المياه.27 He sent messengers to David with the word: "I have fought against Rabbah and have taken the water-city.
28 فالآن اجمع بقية الشعب وانزل على المدينة وخذها لئلا آخذ انا المدينة فيدعى باسمي عليها.28 Therefore, assemble the rest of the soldiers, join the siege against the city and capture it, lest it be I that capture the city and it be credited to me."
29 فجمع داود كل الشعب وذهب الى ربّة وحاربها واخذها.29 So David assembled the rest of the soldiers and went to Rabbah. When he had fought against it and captured it,
30 واخذ تاج ملكهم عن راسه ووزنه وزنة من الذهب مع حجر كريم وكان على راس داود. واخرج غنيمة المدينة كثيرة جدا.30 he took the crown from Milcom's head. It weighed a talent, of gold and precious stones; it was placed on David's head. He brought out immense booty from the city,
31 واخرج الشعب الذي فيها ووضعهم تحت مناشير ونوارج حديد وفؤوس حديد وامرّهم في اتون الآجرّ وهكذا صنع بجميع مدن بني عمون. ثم رجع داود وجميع الشعب الى اورشليم31 and also led away the inhabitants, whom he assigned to work with saws, iron picks, and iron axes, or put to work at the brickmold. This is what he did to all the Ammonite cities. David and all the soldiers then returned to Jerusalem.