
Venerdi, 7 giugno 2024 - Sant' Andronico di Perm ( Letture di oggi)

Livro de Neemias 5

1 Entretanto, os homens do povo e suas mulheres fizeram ouvir lamentações muito fortes contra os judeus, seus irmãos.1 And there occurred a great outcry of the people and their wives against their brothers, the Jews.
2 Havia alguns que diziam: Nós, nossos filhos e filhas, somos numerosos; precisamos de trigo, para que possamos comer e viver.2 And there were those who were saying: “Our sons and our daughters are very many. Let us receive grain as a price for them, and then we may eat and live.”
3 Havia outros que diziam: Somos obrigados a empenhar nossas terras, nossas vinhas e nossas casas para termos trigo durante a fome.3 And there were those who were saying: “Let us offer up our fields and vineyards, and our houses, and then we may receive grain during the famine.”
4 Outros ainda: Tivemos de tomar dinheiro emprestado para pagar o tributo ao rei, empenhando nossas vinhas e nossos campos.4 And others were saying: “Let us borrow money for the tribute of the king, and let us surrender our fields and vineyards.”
5 E, no entanto, somos da mesma raça que nossos irmãos; nossos filhos não são diferentes dos deles; e eis que foi preciso escravizar nossos filhos e filhas; mesmo agora, entre nossas filhas, há algumas que já são escravas. E nada podemos fazer, porque nossos campos e nossas vinhas passaram já à mão de outros.5 “And now, as is the flesh of our brothers, so is our flesh; and as are their sons, so also are our sons. Behold, we have subjugated our sons and our daughters into servitude, and some of our daughters are slaves, nor do we have the ability to redeem them, for others possess our fields and our vineyards.”
6 Estes lamentos e reclamações irritaram-me profundamente.6 And when I had heard their outcry in these words, I was exceedingly angry.
7 Depois de ter refletido, censurei as pessoas importantes e os magistrados: Por que, lhes disse eu, cobrais usuras de vossos irmãos? Convoquei então por causa deles uma grande assembléia,7 And my heart considered within me. And I rebuked the nobles and the magistrates, and I said to them, “Have you each been exacting usury from your brothers?” And I gathered together a great assembly against them.
8 e disse-lhes: Nossos irmãos judeus, que tinham sido vendidos às nações, nós os resgatamos segundo nossa posse. E vós vendeis vossos irmãos? É a nós que eles seriam vendidos! Calaram-se, não encontrando o que responder.8 And I said to them: “As you know, in accord with what was possible for us, we have redeemed our brothers, the Jews, who had been sold to the Gentiles. And yet you now sell your brothers, and we must redeem them?” And they were silent, nor did they find anything to answer.
9 Eu continuei: O que estais fazendo não é correto! Não devíeis caminhar no temor de nosso Deus, para evitar o insulto das nações que são nossas inimigas?9 And I said to them: “The thing that you are doing is not good. Why are you not walking in the fear of our God, so that there may be no reproach against us from our enemies, the Gentiles?
10 Eu mesmo, com meus irmãos e servos, nós emprestamos prata e trigo. Pois bem! Abandonemos o que nos devem.10 Both I and my brothers, with my servants, have lent money and grain to many. Let us agree not to ask for its return. Let us forgive the other money that is owed to us.
11 Devolvei-lhes desde já seus campos, suas vinhas, suas oliveiras e suas casas, bem como a porcentagem de prata, de trigo, de vinho e de azeite que exigistes deles como juros.11 On this day, restore their fields, and their vineyards, and their olive groves, and their houses to them. Then, too, the hundredth part of the money, and of the grain, wine, and oil, which you usually exact from them, give it to them.”
12 Responderam eles: Devolveremos tudo, e nada mais lhes pediremos; faremos tudo o que dizes. Chamei então os sacerdotes, e os fiz jurar que procederiam assim.12 And they said: “We will restore it, and we will require nothing from them. And we will do just as you say.” And I called the priests, and I had them swear an oath, so that they would act in accord with what I had said.
13 E sacudi o pó de meu manto, dizendo: Que Deus assim sacuda de sua casa e de seus bens todo aquele que não cumprir com a sua palavra; que assim, expulso, fique também tal homem espoliado! Ao que toda a assembléia respondeu: Amém, louvando o Senhor. E o povo nada mais disse.13 Moreover, I shook out my lap, and I said: “So may God shake out every man, who does not fulfill this word. From his house and from his labors, so may he be shaken out and become empty.” And the entire multitude said, “Amen.” And they praised God. Therefore, the people acted in accord with what was said.
14 Depois do dia em que o rei me estabeleceu como governador da região de Judá, isto é, depois do vigésimo até o trigésimo segundo ano do reinado do rei Artaxerxes, durante doze anos, nem eu nem meus irmãos comemos o pão do governador.14 Now from that day, on which the king had ordered me to be governor in the land of Judah, from the twentieth year even to the thirty-second year of king Artaxerxes, for twelve years, I and my brothers did not eat the yearly allowance that was owed to the governors.
15 Os antigos governadores, meus predecessores, cobrando o pão e o vinho à razão de quarenta siclos por dia, tinham sido uma carga para o povo, que também sofria as exações de seus servos. Mas, quanto a mim, o temor de Deus preservou-me de proceder assim.15 But the former governors, the ones who had been before me, were a burden to the people, and they took from them bread and wine, and forty shekels of money each day. And their officials also oppressed the people. But I did not do so, out of fear of God.
16 Eu mesmo colaborei no trabalho de reparação das muralhas. Não compramos campo algum, e meus servos puseram-se todos a trabalhar.16 In fact, I preferred to build in the work of the wall, and I bought no land, and all my servants were gathered to do the work.
17 Tinha eu ao meu encargo a alimentação de cento e cinqüenta homens, judeus e magistrados, além dos que nos vinham procurar das regiões vizinhas.17 Likewise, the Jews and the magistrates, one hundred and fifty men, were at my table, with those who came to us from among the Gentiles that are around us.
18 Preparávamos cada dia um boi, seis carneiros escolhidos e aves, tudo à minha custa; e a cada dez dias se servia o vinho necessário em abundância. Entretanto, não reclamei a pensão do governador porque os trabalhos pesavam muito sobre o povo.18 Now there was prepared for me, on each day, one ox and six choice rams, along with poultry. And once every ten days, I distributed diverse wines and many other things. Yet I did not require my yearly allowance as governor. For the people were greatly impoverished.
19 Lembrai-vos, ó meu Deus, de tudo o que eu fiz por este povo, e recompensai-me.19 Remember me, O my God, for good, in accord with all that I have done for this people.