
Sabato, 15 giugno 2024 - Santa Germana ( Letture di oggi)

II Livro das Crônicas 32

1 Depois desses feitos, que eram provas de fidelidade, Senaquerib, rei da Assíria, invadiu Judá e assediou as cidades fortes com o desígnio de se apoderar delas.1 After these things, and after this manner of truth, Sennacherib, the king of the Assyrians arrived. And entering Judah, he besieged the fortified cities, desiring to seize them.
2 Quando Ezequias viu que o objetivo de Senaquerib era Jerusalém,2 And when Hezekiah had seen this, specifically that Sennacherib had arrived, and that the entire force of the war was turning against Jerusalem,
3 resolveu, de acordo com os chefes e seus oficiais, obstruir as águas das nascentes que se encontravam fora da cidade; e todos o ajudaram a executar esse projeto.3 he took counsel with the rulers and with the most valiant men, so that they might obstruct the heads of the springs which were beyond the city. And with everyone discerning the same judgment about this,
4 Juntou muita gente; obstruíram todas as fontes, como também o riacho que corria no meio da terra. Por que, diziam eles, os reis da Assíria haveriam de encontrar, chegando aqui, água em abundância?4 he gathered together a great multitude, and they obstructed all the springs, and the brook which was flowing through the midst of the land, saying: “Otherwise, the kings of the Assyrians might arrive and find an abundance of water.”
5 Ezequias, cheio de energia, reparou a muralha em ruína, levantou torres, construiu um segundo muro exterior, restaurou Milo, na cidade de Davi, e mandou fabricar lanças e escudos em grande abundância.5 Also, acting industriously, he built up the entire wall that had been broken apart. And he constructed towers upon it, and another wall outside it. And he repaired Millo, in the City of David. And he made all kinds of weapons and shields.
6 Colocou à frente do exército chefes militares; reuniu-os perto de si na praça da porta da cidade e exortou-os à coragem.6 And he appointed leaders of the warriors within the army. And he summoned them all to the wide street of the gate of the city. And he spoke to their heart, saying:
7 Sede valentes, disse-lhes ele; cobrai coragem, nenhum temor ou pavor diante do rei da Assíria e toda essa multidão que ele arrasta após si. Há mais conosco do que com ele.7 “Act manfully and be strengthened. Do not be afraid. Neither should you dread the king of the Assyrians and the entire multitude that is with him. For many more are with us than with him.
8 Com ele, um braço de carne; conosco, o Senhor, nosso Deus, para nos auxiliar e combater conosco. A estas palavras de Ezequias, rei de Judá, o povo recobrou confiança.8 For with him is an arm of flesh; with us is the Lord our God, who is our helper, and who fights for us.” And the people were strengthened by this type of words from Hezekiah, the king of Judah.
9 Senaquerib, que se encontrava diante de Laquis com todas as suas forças armadas, enviou uma delegação a Jerusalém para dizer a Ezequias e aos homens de Judá:9 After these things, Sennacherib, the king of the Assyrians, sent his servants to Jerusalem, (for he and his entire army were besieging Lachish) to Hezekiah, the king of Judah, and to all the people who were in the city, saying:
10 Eis o que diz Senaquerib, rei da Assíria: em que confiais vós para vos encerrardes dessa maneira em Jerusalém?10 “Thus says Sennacherib, the king of the Assyrians: In whom do you have faith, as you sit besieged in Jerusalem?
11 Não vedes que Ezequias vos engana para vos fazer perecer de fome e sede, quando vos diz: o Senhor, nosso Deus, nos salvará das mãos do rei da Assíria?11 Does not Hezekiah deceive you, so that he would deliver you to die from hunger and thirst, by affirming that the Lord your God will free you from the hand of the king of the Assyrians?
12 Não foi ele, Ezequias, quem suprimiu os lugares altos e os altares do Senhor, ordenando a Judá e a Jerusalém não se prostrar e não oferecer incenso, senão diante de um só altar?12 Is this not the same Hezekiah who destroyed his own high places and altars, and who instructed Judah and Jerusalem, saying: ‘You shall worship before one altar, and you shall burn incense upon it?’
13 Não sabeis o que fizemos, meus pais e eu, a todos os povos das outras terras? Puderam os deuses dessas nações salvar seus países de minha mão?13 Do you not know what I and my fathers have done to all the peoples of the lands? Have the gods of the nations and all the lands prevailed so as to free their region from my hand?
14 Entre todos os deuses dessas nações que meus pais exterminaram, qual deles subtraiu sua nação de meu poder, para que vosso Deus vos possa livrar do meu braço?14 Who is there, out of all the gods of the nations that my fathers destroyed, who is able to rescue his people from my hand, so that now also your God would be able to rescue you from this hand?
15 Não vos deixeis, portanto, iludir por Ezequias, nem seduzir. Não confieis nele. Nenhum deus de nenhuma nação nem de algum reino pôde livrar seu povo de minha mão, nem da mão de meus pais. Quanto menos vossos deuses poderiam livrar-vos da minha!15 Therefore, let not Hezekiah deceive or delude you with vain persuasion. And you should not believe him. For if no god out of all the nations and kingdoms was able to free his people from my hand, and from the hand of my fathers, consequently neither will your God be able to rescue you from my hand.”
16 Os homens de Senaquerib ajuntaram ainda muitas outras palavras contra o Senhor Deus e contra Ezequias, seu servo.16 Then too, his servants were speaking many other things against the Lord God, and against his servant Hezekiah.
17 Ele escreveu também uma carta cheia de ultrajes contra o Senhor, Deus de Israel, na qual o atacava dizendo: Assim como os deuses das nações não puderam subtraí-las de minha mão, assim também o Deus de Ezequias não poderá livrar seu povo da minha.17 Also, he wrote letters full of blasphemy against the Lord God of Israel. And against him he said: “Just as the gods of other nations were unable to free their people from my hand, so also is the God of Hezekiah unable to rescue his people from this hand.”
18 E tudo isso foi gritado em alta voz em hebraico, com o fim de intimidar e assustar o povo de Jerusalém, que se encontrava na muralha, a fim de apoderar-se da cidade.18 Moreover, he also shouted with a great clamor, in the language of the Jews, toward the people who were sitting upon the walls of Jerusalem, so that he might frighten them and so seize the city.
19 Falavam do Deus de Jerusalém como dos deuses das nações pagãs que não passam de obras feitas pela mão do homem.19 And he was speaking against the God of Jerusalem, just as against the gods of the peoples of the earth, which are works of the hands of men.
20 Nessa altura, o rei Ezequias e o profeta Isaías, filho de Amós, puseram-se em oração para implorar aos céus.20 And Hezekiah the king, and Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz, prayed against this blasphemy, and they cried out to heaven.
21 E o Senhor enviou um anjo que exterminou todo o exército do rei da Assíria, no próprio acampamento, com os chefes e os generais; e o rei voltou para a sua terra inteiramente confuso. Quando ele entrava no templo de seu deus, seus filhos, saídos de sua própria carne, assassinaram-no com um golpe de espada.21 And the Lord sent an Angel, who struck all the experienced men and warriors, and the leaders of the army of the king of the Assyrians. And he returned in disgrace to his own land. And when he had entered the house of his god, the sons who had gone forth from his loins killed him with the sword.
22 Desse modo o Senhor livrou Ezequias e os habitantes de Jerusalém da mão de Senaquerib e de todos os seus inimigos, protegendo-os contra todos os seus vizinhos.22 And the Lord saved Hezekiah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem from the hand of Sennacherib, the king of the Assyrians, and from the hand of all. And he presented to them peace on every side.
23 Muitos foram os que levaram a Jerusalém oferendas para o Senhor e ricos presentes para Ezequias, rei de Judá, que conquistou desde então um grande prestígio aos olhos das nações pagãs.23 And now many were bringing victims and sacrifices to the Lord in Jerusalem, and gifts to Hezekiah, the king of Judah. And after these things, he was exalted before all the nations.
24 Por aqueles dias, Ezequias caiu numa doença mortal. Orou ao Senhor, e este lhe respondeu por um prodígio.24 In those days, Hezekiah was sick, even unto death, and he prayed to the Lord. And he heeded him, and gave to him a sign.
25 Mas Ezequias não se mostrou reconhecido pelo benefício recebido: seu coração se ensoberbeceu e a ira do Senhor se inflamou contra ele, como também contra Judá e Jerusalém.25 But he did not repay according to the benefits which he had received, for his heart was lifted up. And so wrath was brought against him, and against Judah and Jerusalem.
26 Todavia, como ele se humilhou com os habitantes de Jerusalém, do orgulho de seu coração, não se desencadeou sobre ele a ira do Senhor, durante sua vida.26 And after this, he was humbled, because he had exalted his heart, both he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And therefore the wrath of the Lord did not overwhelm them in the days of Hezekiah.
27 Ezequias possuía muita riqueza e glória. Mandou fazer depósitos para a prata, o ouro, as pedras preciosas, os aromas, os escudos e os outros objetos de valor;27 Now Hezekiah was wealthy and very famous. And he gathered for himself many treasures of silver and gold and precious stones, of aromatics, and all kinds of weapons, and vessels of great price,
28 armazéns para o trigo, o mosto e o azeite; estábulos para toda a espécie de gado e apriscos para os rebanhos.28 and also repositories of grain, wine, and oil, and stalls for every beast of burden, and fencing for cattle.
29 Construiu para si cidades. Adquiriu um grande número de rebanhos, de gado grande e miúdo, pois o Senhor lhe tinha dado imensas riquezas.29 And he built for himself cities. For indeed, he had innumerable herds and flocks of sheep. For the Lord had given to him an exceedingly great substance.
30 Foi ele, Ezequias, quem fechou a saída superior das águas do Gião, e as dirigiu para o ocidente da cidade de Davi. Teve bom êxito em tudo o que empreendeu.30 This same Hezekiah was the one who blocked the upper font of the waters of Gihon, and who diverted them down to the western part of the City of David. In all his works, he prosperously accomplished whatever he willed.
31 Todavia, quando os chefes de Babilônia lhe enviaram mensageiros para se informar do prodígio que tinha acontecido na terra, Deus o abandonou para provar e conhecer o âmago de seu coração.31 Yet still, concerning the legates from the leaders of Babylon, who had been sent to him so that they might inquire about the portent which had happened upon the earth, God permitted him to be tempted, so that everything might be made known which was in his heart.
32 Os outros atos de Ezequias, suas obras piedosas, tudo isso se acha relatado na visão do profeta Isaías, filho de Amós, e nos livros dos reis de Judá e de Israel.32 Now the rest of the words of Hezekiah, and his mercies, have been written in the vision of the prophet Isaiah, the son of Amos, and in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel.
33 Ezequias adormeceu entre seus pais e foi sepultado na parte superior dos sepulcros dos filhos de Davi. Todo o Judá e os habitantes de Jerusalém lhe prestaram as honras fúnebres. Seu filho Manassés sucedeu-lhe no trono.33 And Hezekiah slept with his fathers. And they buried him above the sepulchers of the sons of David. And all of Judah, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, celebrated his funeral. And his son, Manasseh, reigned in his place.