
Martedi, 11 giugno 2024 - San Barnaba ( Letture di oggi)

John 20

1 Then on the first Sabbath, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and she saw that the stone had been rolled away from the tomb.1 Le premier jour de la semaine, Marie de Magdala vient de bonne heure au tombeau, comme il faisaitencore sombre, et elle aperçoit la pierre enlevée du tombeau.
2 Therefore, she ran and went to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and she said to them, “They have taken the Lord away from the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid him.”2 Elle court alors et vient trouver Simon-Pierre, ainsi que l'autre disciple, celui que Jésus aimait, et elleleur dit: "On a enlevé le Seigneur du tombeau et nous ne savons pas où on l'a mis."
3 Therefore, Peter departed with the other disciple, and they went to the tomb.3 Pierre sortit donc, ainsi que l'autre disciple, et ils se rendirent au tombeau.
4 Now they both ran together, but the other disciple ran more quickly, ahead of Peter, and so he arrived at the tomb first.4 Ils couraient tous les deux ensemble. L'autre disciple, plus rapide que Pierre, le devança à la course etarriva le premier au tombeau.
5 And when he bowed down, he saw the linen cloths lying there, but he did not yet enter.5 Se penchant, il aperçoit les linges, gisant à terre; pourtant il n'entra pas.
6 Then Simon Peter arrived, following him, and he entered the tomb, and he saw the linen cloths lying there,6 Alors arrive aussi Simon-Pierre, qui le suivait; il entra dans le tombeau; et il voit les linges, gisant àterre,
7 and the separate cloth which had been over his head, not placed with the linen cloths, but in a separate place, wrapped up by itself.7 ainsi que le suaire qui avait recouvert sa tête; non pas avec les linges, mais roulé à part dans unendroit.
8 Then the other disciple, who had arrived first at the tomb, also entered. And he saw and believed.8 Alors entra aussi l'autre disciple, arrivé le premier au tombeau. Il vit et il crut.
9 For as yet they did not understand the Scripture, that it was necessary for him to rise again from the dead.9 En effet, ils ne savaient pas encore que, d'après l'Ecriture, il devait ressusciter d'entre les morts.
10 Then the disciples went away again, each by himself.10 Les disciples s'en retournèrent alors chez eux.
11 But Mary was standing outside the tomb, weeping. Then, while she was weeping, she bowed down and gazed into the tomb.11 Marie se tenait près du tombeau, au-dehors, tout en pleurs. Or, tout en pleurant, elle se pencha versl'intérieur du tombeau
12 And she saw two Angels in white, sitting where the body of Jesus had been placed, one at the head, and one at the feet.12 et elle voit deux anges, en vêtements blancs, assis là où avait reposé le corps de Jésus, l'un à la tête etl'autre aux pieds.
13 They say to her, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She said to them, “Because they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have placed him.”13 Ceux-ci lui disent: "Femme, pourquoi pleures-tu?" Elle leur dit: "Parce qu'on a enlevé mon Seigneur,et je ne sais pas où on l'a mis."
14 When she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not know that it was Jesus.14 Ayant dit cela, elle se retourna, et elle voit Jésus qui se tenait là, mais elle ne savait pas que c'étaitJésus.
15 Jesus said to her: “Woman, why are you weeping? Who are you seeking?” Considering that it was the gardener, she said to him, “Sir, if you have moved him, tell me where you have placed him, and I will take him away.”15 Jésus lui dit: "Femme, pourquoi pleures-tu? Qui cherches-tu?" Le prenant pour le jardinier, elle luidit: "Seigneur, si c'est toi qui l'as emporté, dis-moi où tu l'as mis, et je l'enlèverai."
16 Jesus said to her, “Mary!” And turning, she said to him, “Rabboni!” (which means, Teacher).16 Jésus lui dit: "Marie!" Se retournant, elle lui dit en hébreu: "Rabbouni" - ce qui veut dire: "Maître."
17 Jesus said to her: “Do not touch me. For I have not yet ascended to my Father. But go to my brothers and tell them: ‘I am ascending to my Father and to your Father, to my God and to your God.’ ”17 Jésus lui dit: "Ne me touche pas, car je ne suis pas encore monté vers le Père. Mais va trouver mesfrères et dis-leur: je monte vers mon Père et votre Père, vers mon Dieu et votre Dieu."
18 Mary Magdalene went, announcing to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord, and these are the things that he said to me.”18 Marie de Magdala vient annoncer aux disciples qu'elle a vu le Seigneur et qu'il lui a dit cela.
19 Then, when it was late on the same day, on the first of the Sabbaths, and the doors were closed where the disciples were gathered, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst, and he said to them: “Peace to you.”19 Le soir, ce même jour, le premier de la semaine, et les portes étant closes, là où se trouvaient lesdisciples, par peur des Juifs, Jésus vint et se tint au milieu et il leur dit: "Paix à vous!"
20 And when he had said this, he showed them his hands and side. And the disciples were gladdened when they saw the Lord.20 Ayant dit cela, il leur montra ses mains et son côté. Les disciples furent remplis de joie à la vue duSeigneur.
21 Therefore, he said to them again: “Peace to you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”21 Il leur dit alors, de nouveau: "Paix à vous! Comme le Père m'a envoyé, moi aussi je vous envoie."
22 When he had said this, he breathed on them. And he said to them: “Receive the Holy Spirit.22 Ayant dit cela, il souffla sur eux et leur dit: "Recevez l'Esprit Saint.
23 Those whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them, and those whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.”23 Ceux à qui vous remettrez les péchés, ils leur seront remis; ceux à qui vous les retiendrez, ils leurseront retenus."
24 Now Thomas, one of the twelve, who is called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus arrived.24 Or Thomas, l'un des Douze, appelé Didyme, n'était pas avec eux, lorsque vint Jésus.
25 Therefore, the other disciples said to him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I will see in his hands the mark of the nails and place my finger into the place of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will not believe.”25 Les autres disciples lui dirent donc: "Nous avons vu le Seigneur!" Mais il leur dit: "Si je ne vois pasdans ses mains la marque des clous, si je ne mets pas mon doigt dans la marque des clous, et si je ne mets pas mamain dans son côté, je ne croirai pas."
26 And after eight days, again his disciples were within, and Thomas was with them. Jesus arrived, though the doors had been closed, and he stood in their midst and said, “Peace to you.”26 Huit jours après, ses disciples étaient de nouveau à l'intérieur et Thomas avec eux. Jésus vient, lesportes étant closes, et il se tint au milieu et dit: "Paix à vous.
27 Next, he said to Thomas: “Look at my hands, and place your finger here; and bring your hand close, and place it at my side. And do not choose to be unbelieving, but faithful.”27 Puis il dit à Thomas: "Porte ton doigt ici: voici mes mains; avance ta main et mets-la dans mon côté,et ne deviens pas incrédule, mais croyant."
28 Thomas responded and said to him, “My Lord and my God.”28 Thomas lui répondit: "Mon Seigneur et mon Dieu!"
29 Jesus said to him: “You have seen me, Thomas, so you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”29 Jésus lui dit: "Parce que tu me vois, tu crois. Heureux ceux qui n'ont pas vu et qui ont cru."
30 Jesus also accomplished many other signs in the sight of his disciples. These have not been written in this book.30 Jésus a fait sous les yeux de ses disciples encore beaucoup d'autres signes, qui ne sont pas écrits dansce livre.
31 But these things have been written, so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and so that, in believing, you may have life in his name.31 Ceux-là ont été mis par écrit, pour que vous croyiez que Jésus est le Christ, le Fils de Dieu, et pourqu'en croyant vous ayez la vie en son nom.