
Sabato, 1 giugno 2024 - San Giustino ( Letture di oggi)

Canticle of Canticles 5

1 Bride: "May my beloved enter into his garden, and eat the fruit of his apple trees."1 قد دخلت جنتي يا اختي العروس. قطفت مري مع طيبي. اكلت شهدي مع عسلي. شربت خمري مع لبني. كلوا ايها الاصحاب اشربوا واسكروا ايها الاحباء
2 Groom to Bride: "I have arrived in my garden, O my sister, my spouse. I have harvested my myrrh, with my aromatic oils. I have eaten the honeycomb with my honey. I have drunk my wine with my milk. Eat, O friends, and drink, and be inebriated, O most beloved."2 انا نائمة وقلبي مستيقظ. صوت حبيبي قارعا. افتحي لي يا اختي يا حبيبتي يا حمامتي يا كاملتي لان راسي امتلأ من الطل وقصصي من ندى الليل
3 Bride: "I sleep, yet my heart watches. The voice of my beloved knocking:"3 قد خلعت ثوبي فكيف البسه. قد غسلت رجليّ فكيف اوسخهما.
4 Groom to Bride: "Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my immaculate one. For my head is full of dew, and the locks of my hair are full of the drops of the night."4 حبيبي مدّ يده من الكوّة فانّت عليه احشائي.
5 Bride: "I have taken off my tunic; how shall I be clothed in it? I have washed my feet; how shall I spoil them?"5 قمت لافتح لحبيبي ويداي تقطران مرّا واصابعي مر قاطر على مقبض القفل.
6 "My beloved put his hand through the window, and my inner self was moved by his touch."6 فتحت لحبيبي لكن حبيبي تحول وعبر. نفسي خرجت عندما ادبر. طلبته فما وجدته دعوته فما اجابني.
7 "I rose up in order to open to my beloved. My hands dripped with myrrh, and my fingers were full of the finest myrrh."7 وجدني الحرس الطائف في المدينة. ضربوني جرحوني. حفظة الاسوار رفعوا ازاري عني.
8 "I opened the bolt of my door to my beloved. But he had turned aside and had gone away. My soul melted when he spoke. I sought him, and did not find him. I called, and he did not answer me."8 احلفكنّ يا بنات اورشليم ان وجدتنّ حبيبي ان تخبرنه باني مريضة حبا
9 "The keepers who circulate through the city found me. They struck me, and wounded me. The keepers of the walls took my veil away from me."9 ما حبيبك من حبيب ايتها الجميلة بين النساء ما حبيبك من حبيب حتى تحلفينا هكذا
10 "I bind you by oath, O daughters of Jerusalem, if you find my beloved, announce to him that I languish through love."10 حبيبي ابيض واحمر. معلم بين ربوة.
11 Chorus to Bride: "What kind of beloved is your beloved, O most beautiful among women? What kind of beloved is your beloved, so that you would bind us by oath?"11 راسه ذهب ابريز. قصصه مسترسلة حالكة كالغراب.
12 Bride: "My beloved is white and ruddy, elect among thousands."12 عيناه كالحمام على مجاري المياه مغسولتان باللبن جالستان في وقبيهما.
13 "His head is like the finest gold. His locks are like the heights of palm trees, and as black as a raven."13 خداه كخميلة الطيب واتلام رياحين ذكية. شفتاه سوسن تقطران مرا مائعا.
14 "His eyes are like doves, which have been washed with milk over rivulets of waters, and which reside near plentiful streams."14 يداه حلقتان من ذهب مرصعتان بالزبرجد. بطنه عاج ابيض مغلف بالياقوت الازرق.
15 "His cheeks are like a courtyard of aromatic plants, sown by perfumers. His lips are like lilies, dripping with the best myrrh."15 ساقاه عمودا رخام مؤسسان على قاعدتين من ابريز. طلعته كلبنان. فتى كالارز.
16 "His hands are smoothed gold, full of hyacinths. His abdomen is ivory, accented with sapphires."16 حلقه حلاوة وكله مشتهيات. هذا حبيبي وهذا خليلي يا بنات اورشليم
17 Chorus to Bride: "Where has your beloved gone, O most beautiful among women? To where has your beloved turned aside, so that we may seek him with you?"