
Lunedi, 17 giugno 2024 - San Marciano ( Letture di oggi)

Psalms 73

1 The understanding of Asaph. O God, why have you rejected us to the end. Why has your fury become enraged over the sheep of your pasture?1 Salmo. De Asaf.
En verdad bueno es Dios para Israel,
el Señor para los de puro corazón.
2 Be mindful of your congregation, which you have possessed from the beginning. You redeemed the scepter of your inheritance, mount Zion, in which you have dwelt.2 Por poco mis pies se me extravían,
nada faltó para que mis pasos resbalaran,
3 Lift up your hands against their arrogance in the end. How great the malice of the enemy has been in the sanctuary!3 celoso como estaba de los arrogantes,
al ver la paz de los impíos.
4 And those who hate you have been glorified, in the midst of your solemnity. They have set up their own signs as a proof,4 No, no hay congojas para ellos,
sano y rollizo está su cuerpo;
5 as if it had been issued from on high; yet they did not understand. As in a forest of chopped wood,5 no comparten la pena de los hombres,
con los humanos no son atribulados.
6 they have cut down the entrances themselves. With axe and hatchet, they have brought it down.6 Por eso el orgullo es su collar,
la violencia el vestido que los cubre;
7 They have set fire to your Sanctuary. They have polluted the tabernacle of your name on earth.7 la malicia les cunde de la grasa,
de artimañas su corazón desborda.
8 They have said in their heart, the whole group of them together: “Let us cause all the feast days of God to cease from the land.8 Se sonríen, pregonan la maldad,
hablan altivamente de violencia;
9 We have not seen our proof; there is now no prophet. And he will no longer know us.”9 ponen en el cielo su boca,
y su lengua se pasea por la tierra.
10 How long, O God, will the enemy place blame? Is the adversary to provoke your name until the end?10 Por eso mi pueblo va hacia ellos:
aguas de abundancia les llegan.
11 Why do you turn your hand away, even your right hand, from the midst of your sinews, until the end?11 Dicen: «¿Cómo va a saber Dios?
¿Hay conocimiento en el Altísimo?»
12 But God is our king before all ages. He has wrought salvation in the midst of the earth.12 Miradlos: ésos son los impíos,
y, siempre tranquilos, aumentan su riqueza.
13 In your virtue, you confirmed the sea. You crushed the heads of the serpents in the waters.13 ¡Así que en vano guardé el corazón puro,
mis manos lavando en la inocencia,
14 You have broken the heads of the serpent. You have given him as food for the people of the Ethiopians.14 cuando era golpeado todo el día,
y cada mañana sufría mi castigo!
15 You have disrupted the fountains and the torrents. You have dried up the rivers of Ethan.15 Si hubiera dicho: «Voy a hablar como ellos»,
habría traicionado a la raza de tus hijos;
16 Yours is the day, and yours is the night. You have made the morning light and the sun.16 me puse, pues, a pensar para entenderlo,
¡ardua tarea ante mis ojos!
17 You have made all the limits of the earth. The summer and the spring were formed by you.17 Hasta el día en que entré en los divinos santuarios,
donde su destino comprendí:
18 Be mindful of this: the enemy placed blame against the Lord, and a foolish people has incited against your name.18 oh, sí, tú en precipicios los colocas,
a la ruina los empujas.
19 Do not hand over to beasts the souls that confess to you; and do not forget the souls of your poor until the end.19 ¡Ah, qué pronto quedan hechos un horror,
cómo desaparecen sumidos en pavores!
20 Consider your covenant. For those who have been darkened upon the earth have been filled by the iniquity of the houses.20 Como en un sueño al despertar, Señor,
así, cuando te alzas, desprecias tú su imagen.
21 Do not allow the humble to be turned away in confusion. The poor and the needy will praise your name.21 Sí, cuando mi corazón se exacerbaba,
cuando se torturaba mi conciencia,
22 Rise up, O God, judge your own case. Call to mind the accusations against you, which are made by the foolish all day long.22 estúpido de mí, no comprendía,
una bestia era ante ti.
23 Do not forget the voices of your adversaries. The arrogance of those who hate you rises up continually.23 Pero a mí, que estoy siempre contigo,
de la mano derecha me has tomado;
24 me guiarás con tu consejo,
y tras la gloria me llevarás.
25 ¿Quién hay para mí en el cielo?
Estando contigo no hallo gusto ya en la tierra.
26 Mi carne y mi corazón se consumen:
¡Roca de mi corazón, mi porción, Dios por siempre!
27 Sí, los que se alejan de ti perecerán,
tú aniquilas a todos los que te son adúlteros.
28 Mas para mí, mi bien es estar junto a Dios;
he puesto mi cobijo en el Señor,
a fin de publicar todas tus obras.