
Domenica, 2 giugno 2024 - Santi Marcellino e Pietro ( Letture di oggi)

Judith 15

1 And when the entire army had heard that Holofernes was beheaded, reason and resolution fled from them, and, being moved by trembling and fear alone, they thought only to flee to safety.1 Quando todo o exército soube que Holofernes tinha sido decapitado, perderam a razão e o conselho. Agitados pelo espanto e pelo terror, buscaram a salvação na fuga.
2 So then, no one spoke with his neighbor, but hanging their heads and leaving everything behind, they hurried to escape from the Hebrews, who, as they had heard, were advancing against them well-armed. And they fled through the ways of the fields and the paths of the hills.2 Sem trocar uma palavra sequer com o seu vizinho, com a cabeça baixa, deixando tudo, fugiram pelas planícies e pelos montes, procurando escapar aos hebreus, pois ouviam que vinham armados sobre eles.
3 And so, the sons of Israel, seeing them fleeing, pursued them. And they went down after them, sounding the trumpets and howling.3 Os israelitas, vendo-os fugir, perseguiram-nos. Desceram as encostas atrás deles tocando a trombeta e soltando grandes gritos.
4 And, since the Assyrians were not united, they rushed headlong in their flight. But the sons of Israel, pursuing like one unit, struck down all they were able to find.4 E como os assírios iam fugindo desordenadamente, os israelitas que os perseguiam juntos, formados em batalhão, destroçavam todos os que podiam atingir.
5 And so, Uzziah sent messengers through all the cities and regions of Israel.5 Ozias mandou mensageiros a todas as cidades e províncias de Israel.
6 And then, every region and every city sent their chosen young men with weapons after them, and they pursued them with the edge of the sword, until they passed through to the extremities of their borders.6 Assim, cada localidade e cada cidade armou o melhor de sua juventude e a enviou contra os assírios, e perseguiram-nos à ponta de espada até a sua fronteira mais afastada.
7 But the remainder, who were in Bethulia, entered the camp of the Assyrians and took away the plunder that the Assyrians, in their flight, had left behind, and they were exceedingly burdened.7 Entretanto, os que tinham ficado em Betúlia, entraram no acampamento dos assírios e levaram um enorme despojo deixado pelo inimigo em sua fuga.
8 In truth, those who returned victorious to Bethulia brought with them everything that was theirs. So there was no numbering their cattle, and beasts, and everything they could carry, so much so that, from the least to the greatest, all were made rich by their spoils.8 Enfim, aqueles que voltaram vitoriosos para Betúlia, trouxeram consigo tudo o que pertencera aos assírios, um numeroso rebanho, grande quantidade de material e de animais de carga; e assim todos, desde o maior até o menor, se enriqueceram com seus despojos.
9 But Joachim, the high priest, came from Jerusalem to Bethulia with all his elders to see Judith.9 Veio então de Jerusalém a Betúlia o sumo sacerdote Joaquim com todos os anciãos para ver Judite.
10 And when she had gone out to him, they all blessed her with one voice, saying: “You are the glory of Jerusalem, you are the joy of Israel, you are the honor of our people.10 Quando ela lhes veio ao encontro, abençoaram-na todos a uma só voz, dizendo: Tu és a glória de Jerusalém; Tu és a alegria de Israel, tu és a honra de nosso povo.
11 For you have acted manfully, and your heart has been strengthened. For you loved chastity, and, after your husband, you have not known any other. Therefore, also the hand of the Lord has strengthened you, and, therefore, you will be blessed for all eternity.”11 Deste prova de alma viril e coração valente. Amaste a castidade, e não quiseste, depois da morte do teu marido, conhecer outro homem; então o Senhor te fortaleceu e por isso serás eternamente bendita.
12 And all the people said: “Amen. Amen.”12 Ao que todo o povo respondeu: Assim seja! Assim seja!
13 But all of thirty days were scarcely enough for the people of Israel to collect the spoils of the Assyrians.13 Trinta dias mal bastaram ao povo de Israel para recolher os despojos dos assírios.
14 But moreover, all of those things that were clearly the particular possessions of Holofernes they gave to Judith: with gold, and silver, and garments, and gems, and furniture. And these were all delivered to her by the people.14 Tudo o que se soube ter pertencido a Holofernes, o povo deu-o a Judite: ouro, prata, vestes, pedras preciosas e outros objetos.
15 And all the people rejoiced, with the women, and the virgins, and the young men, playing on wind instruments and stringed instruments.15 Todo o povo entregou-se a grandes festas, com as mulheres, com as jovens e com os jovens, ao som de harpas e cítaras.