
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Tobit 9

1 Then Tobias called the Angel to him, whom he indeed considered to be a man, and he said to him: “Brother Azariah, I implore you to listen to my words:1 Tunc vocavit Tobias angelum ad se, quem quidem hominem existimabat, dixitque ei : Azaria frater, peto ut auscultes verba mea.
2 If I should give myself to be your servant, I would not be equally worthy of your providence.2 Si meipsum tradam tibi servum, non ero condignus providentiæ tuæ :
3 Even so, I beg you to take with you beasts or even servants, and to go to Gabael in Rages, the city of the Medes, and restore to him his handwritten note, and receive from him the money, and petition him to come to my wedding celebration.3 tamen obsecro te ut assumas tibi animalia sive servitia, et vadas ad Gabelum in Rages civitatem Medorum, reddasque ei chirographum suum, et recipias ab eo pecuniam, et roges eum venire ad nuptias meas.
4 For you know that my father numbers the days. And if I delay one day more, his soul will be afflicted.4 Scis enim ipse quoniam numerat pater meus dies, et si tardavero una die plus, contristatur anima ejus.
5 And surely you see how Raguel has obtained my oath, an oath that I am not able to spurn.”5 Et certe vides quomodo adjuravit me Raguel, cujus adjuramentum spernere non possum.
6 Then Raphael borrowed four of the servants of Raguel, and two camels, and he traveled to Rages, the city of the Medes. And upon finding Gabael, he gave him his handwritten note, and he received from him all the money.6 Tunc Raphaël assumens quatuor ex servis Raguelis, et duos camelos, in Rages civitatem Medorum perrexit : et inveniens Gabelum, reddidit ei chirographum suum, et recepit ab eo omnem pecuniam.
7 And he revealed to him, concerning Tobias the son of Tobit, all that had been done. And he made him come with him to the wedding celebration.7 Indicavitque ei de Tobia filio Tobiæ omnia quæ gesta sunt, fecitque eum secum venire ad nuptias.
8 And when he had entered into the house of Raguel, he discovered Tobias reclining at table. And leaping up, they kissed each other. And Gabael wept, and he blessed God.8 Cumque ingressus esset domum Raguelis, invenit Tobiam discumbentem : et exiliens, osculati sunt se invicem : et flevit Gabelus, benedixitque Deum,
9 And he said: “May the God of Israel bless you, for you are the son of a man most noble and just, fearing God and performing almsgiving.9 et dixit : Benedicat te Deus Israël, quia filius es optimi viri et justi, et timentis Deum, et eleemosynas facientis :
10 And may a blessing be spoken over your wife and over your parents.10 et dicatur benedictio super uxorem tuam, et super parentes vestros,
11 And may you see your sons, and the sons of your sons, even to the third and fourth generation. And may your offspring be blessed by the God of Israel, who reigns forever and ever.”11 et videatis filios vestros, et filios filiorum vestrorum, usque in tertiam et quartam generationem : et sit semen vestrum benedictum a Deo Israël, qui regnat in sæcula sæculorum.
12 And when all had said, “Amen,” they approached the feast. But they also celebrated the marriage feast with the fear of the Lord.12 Cumque omnes dixissent : Amen : accesserunt ad convivium : sed et cum timore Domini nuptiarum convivium exercebant.