
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Gioele 2

1 Canite tuba in Sion,
ululate in monte sancto meo;
conturbentur omnes habitatores terrae,
quia venit dies Domini,
quia prope est.
1 Blow the ram's-horn in Zion, sound the alarm on my holy mountain! Let everybody in the countrytremble, for the Day of Yahweh is coming, yes, it is near.
2 Dies tenebrarum et caliginis,
dies nubis et turbinis;
quasi aurora expansa super montes
populus multus et fortis:
similis ei non fuit a principio,
et post eum non erit
usque in annos generationis et generationis.
2 Day of darkness and gloom, Day of cloud and blackness. Like the dawn, across the mountains spreadsa vast and mighty people, such as has never been before, such as wil never be again to the remotest ages.
3 Ante faciem eius ignis vorat,
et post eum exurit flamma.
Quasi hortus Eden terra coram eo,
et post eum solitudo deserti;
neque est quod effugiat eum.
3 In their van a fire devours, in their rear a flame consumes. The country is like a garden of Eden ahead ofthem and a desert waste behind them. Nothing escapes them.
4 Quasi aspectus equorum aspectus eorum,
et quasi equites sic current.
4 They look like horses, like chargers they gal op on,
5 Sicut sonitus quadrigarum
super capita montium exsiliunt,
sicut sonitus flammae ignis
devorantis stipulam,
velut populus fortis
praeparatus ad proelium.
5 with a racket like that of chariots they spring over the mountain tops, with a crackling like a blazing firedevouring the stubble, a mighty army in battle array.
6 A facie eius cruciabuntur populi,
omnes vultus candentes.
6 At the sight of them, people are appal ed and every face grows pale.
7 Sicut fortes currunt,
quasi viri bellatores ascendunt murum;
unusquisque in viis suis graditur,
et non declinant a semitis suis.
7 Like fighting men they press forward, like warriors they scale the wal s, each marching straight ahead,not turning from his path;
8 Unusquisque fratrem suum non coarctat,
singuli in calle suo ambulant,
per media tela prorumpunt
sine intermissione.
8 they never jostle each other, each marches straight ahead: arrows fly, they stil press forward, neverbreaking ranks.
9 Urbem ingrediuntur,
in murum discurrunt,
domos conscendunt,
per fenestras intrant quasi fur.
9 They hurl themselves at the city, they leap onto the wal s, swarm up the houses, getting in through thewindows like thieves.
10 A facie eius contremuit terra,
moti sunt caeli,
sol et luna obtenebrati sunt,
et stellae retraxerunt splendorem suum.
10 As they come on, the earth quakes, the skies tremble, sun and moon grow dark, the stars lose theirbrilliance.
11 Et Dominus dedit vocem suam ante faciem exercitus sui,
quia multa sunt nimis castra eius,
quia fortia et facientia verbum eius;
magnus enim dies Domini
et terribilis valde, et quis sustinebit eum?
11 Yahweh's voice rings out at the head of his troops! For mighty indeed is his army, strong, the enforcerof his orders, for great is the Day of Yahweh, and very terrible -- who can face it?
12 “ Nunc ergo,
dicit Dominus,
convertimini ad me in toto corde vestro,
in ieiunio et in fletu et in planctu;
12 'But now -- declares Yahweh- come back to me with al your heart, fasting, weeping, mourning.'
13 et scindite corda vestra et non vestimenta vestra,
et convertimini ad Dominum Deum vestrum,
quia benignus et misericors est,
patiens et multae misericordiae
et placabilis super malitia ”.
13 Tear your hearts and not your clothes, and come back to Yahweh your God, for he is gracious andcompassionate, slow to anger, rich in faithful love, and he relents about inflicting disaster.
14 Quis scit, si convertatur et ignoscat
et relinquat post se benedictionem,
oblationem et libationem
Domino Deo vestro?
14 Who knows if he wil not come back, relent and leave a blessing behind him, a cereal offering and alibation to be presented to Yahweh your God?
15 Canite tuba in Sion,
sanctificate ieiunium, vocate coetum;
congregate populum, sanctificate conventum,
coadunate senes,
15 Blow the ram's-horn in Zion! Order a fast, proclaim a solemn assembly,
16 congregate parvulos et sugentes ubera,
egrediatur sponsus de cubili suo,
et sponsa de thalamo suo.
16 cal the people together, summon the community, assemble the elders, gather the children, eveninfants at the breast! Call the bridegroom from his bedroom and the bride from her bower!
17 Inter vestibulum et altare plorent
sacerdotes ministri Domini
et dicant: “Parce, Domine, populo tuo
et ne des hereditatem tuam in opprobrium,
ut dominentur eis nationes ”.
Quare dicent in populis:
“ Ubi est Deus eorum ”?
17 Let the priests, the ministers of Yahweh, stand weeping between portico and altar, saying, 'Spare yourpeople, Yahweh! Do not expose your heritage to the contempt, to the sarcasm of the nations! Why give thepeoples cause to say, "Where is their God?" '
18 Zelatus est Dominus terram suam
et pepercit populo suo.
18 Then, becoming jealous over his country, Yahweh took pity on his people.
19 Et respondit Dominus et dixit populo suo:
“ Ecce ego mittam vobis
frumentum et vinum et oleum,
et replebimini eis;
et non dabo vos ultra
opprobrium in gentibus.
19 Yahweh said in answer to his people, 'Now I shal send you wheat, wine and olive oil until you haveenough. Never again wil I expose you to the contempt of the nations.
20 Et eum, qui ab aquilone est,
procul faciam a vobis
et expellam eum in terram
inviam et desertam:
facies eius contra mare orientale,
et extremum eius ad mare occidentale;
et ascendet foetor eius,
et ascendet putredo eius,
quia magna operatus est.
20 I shal take the northerner far away from you and drive him into an arid, desolate land, his vanguard tothe eastern sea, his rearguard to the western sea. He wil give off a stench, he wil give off a foul stink (for whathe made bold to do).'
21 Noli timere, terra;
exsulta et laetare,
quoniam magna Dominus operatus est.
21 Land, do not be afraid; be glad, rejoice, for Yahweh has done great things.
22 Nolite timere, animalia regionis,
quia germinaverunt pascua deserti,
quia lignum attulit fructum suum,
ficus et vinea dederunt divitias suas.
22 Wild animals, do not be afraid; the desert pastures are green again, the trees bear fruit, vine and figtree yield their richness.
23 Et, filii Sion, exsultate
et laetamini in Domino Deo vestro,
quia dedit vobis
pluviam iustitiae
et descendere fecit ad vos
imbrem matutinum et serotinum sicut prius.
23 Sons of Zion, be glad, rejoice in Yahweh your God; for he has given you autumn rain as justicedemands, and he wil send the rains down for you, the autumn and spring rain as of old.
24 Et implebuntur areae frumento,
et redundabunt torcularia
vino et oleo;
24 The threshing-floors wil be ful of grain, the vats overflow with wine and oil.
25 et reddam vobis annos,
quos comedit locusta, bruchus
et gryllus et eruca,
exercitus meus magnus,
quem misi in vos.
25 'I will make up to you for the years devoured by grown locust and hopper, by shearer and younglocust, my great army which I sent to invade you.
26 Et comedetis vescentes et saturabimini
et laudabitis nomen Domini Dei vestri,
qui mirabilia fecit vobiscum;
et non confundetur populus meus in sempiternum.
26 'You will eat to your heart's content, and praise the name of Yahweh your God who has treated you sowonderful y. (My people will never be humiliated again!)
27 Et scietis quia in medio Israel ego sum,
et ego Dominus Deus vester,
et non est amplius;
et non confundetur populus meus in aeternum ”.
27 'And you will know that I am among you in Israel, I, Yahweh your God, and no one else. My people willnever be humiliated again!'