
Venerdi, 20 settembre 2024 - Santi Martiri Coreani ( Letture di oggi)

1 Samuel 30

1 Now by the time David and his men reached Ziklag three days later, the Amalekites had raided theNegeb and Ziklag; they had sacked Ziklag and burnt it down.1 Cumque venissent David et viri eius in Siceleg die tertia, Amalecitae impetum fecerant contra Nageb et contra Siceleg et percusserant Siceleg et succenderant eam igni;
2 They had taken the women prisoner, and everyone who was there, both smal and great. They had notkil ed anyone, but had carried them off and gone away.2 et captivas duxerant mulieres et omnes in ea a minimo usque ad magnum et non interfecerant quemquam, sed secum duxerant et pergebant in itinere suo.
3 When David and his men arrived, they found the town burnt down and their wives and sons anddaughters taken captive.3 Cum ergo venisset David et viri eius ad civitatem et invenissent eam succensam igni et uxores suas et filios suos et filias ductas esse captivas,
4 Then David and the people with him wept aloud til they were too weak to weep any more.4 levaverunt David et populus, qui erat cum eo, voces suas et planxerunt, donec deficerent in eis lacrimae.
5 David's two wives had been captured: Ahinoam of Jezreel and Abigail widow of Nabal of Carmel.5 Siquidem et duae uxores David captivae ductae fuerant, Achinoam Iezrahelites et Abigail uxor Nabal de Carmel.
6 David was in great trouble, since the people were talking of stoning him; the people al felt very bitter,each man for his own sons and daughters. But David took courage from Yahweh his God.6 Et angustiatus est David valde; volebat enim eum populus lapidare, quia amara erat anima uniuscuiusque viri super filiis suis et filiabus. Confortatus est autem David in Domino Deo suo
7 To the priest Abiathar son of Ahimelech, David said, 'Bring me the ephod.' Abiathar brought the ephodto David.7 et ait ad Abiathar sacerdotem filium Achimelech: “ Applica ad me ephod ”. Et applicuit Abiathar ephod ad David.
8 David then consulted Yahweh, 'Shal I go in pursuit of these raiders? Wil I overtake them?' Theanswer was, 'Go in pursuit; you will certainly overtake them and rescue the captives.'8 Et consuluit David Dominum dicens: “ Persequar latrunculos hos et comprehendam eos an non? ”. Dixitque ei: “ Persequere; absque dubio enim comprehendes eos et excuties praedam ”.
9 David accordingly set off with the six hundred men who were with him and reached the torrent ofBesor.9 Abiit ergo David ipse et sescenti viri, qui erant cum eo, et venerunt usque ad torrentem Besor, et lassi quidam substiterunt.
10 David then continued the pursuit with four hundred men, two hundred staying behind who were tooexhausted to cross the torrent of Besor.10 Persecutus est autem David ipse et quadringenti viri; et reliqui substiterunt: ducenti, qui lassi transire non poterant torrentem Besor.
11 Out in the country they found an Egyptian and brought him to David. They gave him some bread toeat and some water to drink;11 Et invenerunt virum Aegyptium in agro et adduxerunt eum ad David; dederuntque ei panem, et comedit, et dederunt ei aquam bibere,
12 they also gave him a piece of fig cake and two bunches of raisins; he ate these and his spirits revived-- he had had nothing to eat or drink for three days and three nights.12 sed et dederunt ei fragmen massae caricarum et duas ligaturas uvae passae. Quae cum comedisset, reversus est spiritus eius; non enim comederat panem neque biberat aquam tribus diebus et tribus noctibus.
13 David then said to him, 'Whose man are you and where do you come from?' He replied, 'I am ayoung Egyptian, the slave of an Amalekite; my master abandoned me because I fel sick three days ago.13 Dixit itaque ei David: “ Cuius es tu vel unde? ”. Qui ait ei: “ Puer Aegyptius ego sum servus viri Amalecitae; dereliquit autem me dominus meus, quia aegrotare coepi nudiustertius.
14 We raided the Negeb of the Cherethites, and the Negeb of Judah, and the Negeb of Caleb too, andwe burnt Ziklag down.'14 Siquidem nos erupimus contra Nageb Cherethi et contra Nageb Iudae et Nageb Chaleb et Siceleg succendimus igni ”.
15 David said, 'Wil you guide me to these raiders?' He replied, 'Swear to me by God not to kill me orhand me over to my master, and I wil guide you to these raiders.'15 Dixitque ei David: “ Potes me ducere ad istum cuneum? ”. Qui ait: “ Iura mihi per Deum quod non occidas me et non tradas me in manu domini mei, et ducam te ad cuneum istum ”. Et iuravit ei David.
16 He guided him to them, and there they were, scattered over the whole countryside, eating, drinkingand celebrating, on account of the enormous booty which they had brought back from the territory of thePhilistines and the territory of Judah.16 Qui cum duxisset eum, ecce illi discumbebant super faciem universae terrae comedentes et bibentes et festum celebrantes pro cuncta praeda et spoliis, quae ceperant de terra Philisthim et de terra Iudae.
17 David slaughtered them from dawn until the evening of the following day. No one escaped, exceptfour hundred young men who mounted camels and fled.17 Et percussit eos David die altera a diluculo usque ad vesperam, et non evasit ex eis quisquam, nisi quadringenti viri adulescentes, qui ascenderant camelos et fugerant.
18 He rescued everything that the Amalekites had taken -- David also rescued his two wives.18 Eruit ergo David omnia, quae ceperant Amalecitae, et duas uxores suas eruit.
19 Nothing of theirs was lost, whether smal or great, from the booty or sons and daughters -- everythingthat had been taken from them; David recovered everything.19 Nec defuit quidquam a parvo usque ad magnum tam de filiis quam de filiabus et de spoliis, et, quaecumque rapuerant, omnia reduxit David.
20 They captured the flocks and herds as wel and drove them in front of him. 'This is David's booty,'they shouted.20 Cepit ergo David universos greges et armenta, et minaverunt ante faciem eius possessionem hanc dixeruntque: “ Haec est praeda David ”.
21 When David reached the two hundred men who had been too exhausted to follow him and whom hehad left at the torrent of Besor, they came out to meet David and the party accompanying him; Davidapproached with his party and greeted them.21 Venit autem David ad ducentos viros, qui lassi substiterant nec sequi potuerant David, et residere eos iusserat in torrente Besor. Qui egressi sunt obviam David et populo, qui erat cum eo. Accedens autem David ad populum salutavit eos pacifice.
22 But al the rogues and scoundrels among the men who had gone with David began saying, 'Sincethey did not go with us, we shal not give them any of the booty which we have rescued, except that each ofthem can have his wife and children. Let them take them away and be off.'22 Respondensque omnis vir pessimus et iniquus de viris, qui ierant cum David, dixit: “ Quia non venerunt nobiscum, non dabimus eis quidquam de praeda, quam eruimus; sed sufficiat unicuique uxor sua et filii; quos cum acceperint, recedant ”.
23 But David said, 'Do not behave like this, brothers, with what Yahweh has given us; he has protectedus and has handed over to us the raiders who attacked us.23 Dixit autem David: “ Non sic facietis, fratres mei, de his, quae tradidit Dominus nobis, et custodivit nos et dedit latrunculos, qui eruperant adversum nos, in manu nostra;
24 Who would agree with you on this? No: As the share of the man who goes into battle, so is the shareof the man who stays with the baggage. They wil share alike.'24 nec audiet vos quisquam super sermone hoc; aequa enim pars erit descendentis ad proelium et remanentis ad sarcinas, et similiter divident ”.
25 And from that day on, he made that a rule and custom for Israel, which obtains to the present day.25 Et factum est hoc ex die illa et deinceps constitutum ut praeceptum et quasi lex in Israel usque ad diem hanc.
26 When David reached Ziklag, he sent parts of the booty to the elders of Judah, town by town, with thismessage, 'Here is a present for you, taken from the booty of Yahweh's enemies':26 Venit ergo David in Siceleg et misit dona de praeda senioribus Iudae proximis suis dicens: “ Accipite benedictionem de praeda hostium Domini ”;
27 to those in Bethel, to those in Ramoth of the Negeb,27 his, qui erant in Bethul et qui in Ramathnageb et qui in Iether
28 to those in Jattir, to those in Aroer, to those in Siphmoth, to those in Eshtemoa,28 et qui in Aroer et qui in Sephamoth et qui in Esthemo
29 to those in Carmel, to those in the towns of Jerahmeel, to those in the towns of the Kenites,29 et qui in Carmel et qui in urbibus Ierameeli et qui in urbibus Ceni
30 to those in Hormah, to those in Borashan, to those in Athach,30 et qui in Horma et qui in Borasan et qui in Athach
31 to those in Hebron and to al the places which David and his men had frequented.31 et qui in Hebron et reliquis locis, in quibus commoratus fuerat David ipse et viri eius.