
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

2 Chronicles 16

1 In the thirty-sixth year of Asa's reign, Baasha king of Israel marched on Judah and fortified Ramah toblock the communications of Asa king of Judah.1 Anno autem tricesimo sexto regni eius ascendit Baasa rex Israel in Iudam; et muro circumdabat Rama, ut nullus tute posset egredi et ingredi de regno Asa.
2 Asa then took silver and gold from the treasuries of the Temple of Yahweh and the royal palace andsent this with the fol owing message to Ben-Hadad king of Aram, who lived in Damascus,2 Protulit ergo Asa argentum et aurum de thesauris domus Domini et domus regis misitque ad Benadad regem Syriae, qui habitabat in Damasco, dicens:
3 'Let us make an alliance between me and you, between my father and your father! Look, I have sentyou silver and gold. Come, break off your al iance with Baasha king of Israel, which wil make him withdraw fromme.'3 “ Foedus inter me et te est et inter patrem meum et patrem tuum; quam ob rem misi tibi argentum et aurum, ut, rupto foedere, quod habes cum Baasa rege Israel, facias eum a me recedere ”.
4 Ben-Hadad listened favourably to King Asa and sent the generals of his armies to attack the towns ofIsrael; he ravaged Ijon, Dan, Abel-Maim and al the storage towns of Naphtali.4 Acquiescens Benadad regi Asa misit principes exercituum suorum ad urbes Israel, qui percusserunt Ahion et Dan et Abelmaim et universa horrea urbium Nephthali.
5 When Baasha heard this he gave up fortifying Ramah, abandoning this work.5 Quod cum audisset Baasa, desivit aedificare Rama et intermisit opus suum.
6 King Asa then had al Judah carry away the stones and timber with which Baasha had been fortifyingRamah, and used them to fortify Geba and Mizpah.6 Porro Asa rex assumpsit universum Iudam, et tulerunt lapides Rama et ligna, quibus aedificaverat Baasa, aedificavitque ex eis Gabaa et Maspha.
7 Then it was that Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah and said, 'Because you relied on the kingof Aram and not on Yahweh your God, the king of Aram's army wil slip through your fingers.7 In tempore illo venit Hanani videns ad Asa regem Iudae et dixit ei: “ Quia habuisti fiduciam in rege Syriae et non in Domino Deo tuo, idcirco evasit Syriae regis exercitus de manu tua.
8 Did not the Cushites and Libyans form a vast army with great numbers of chariots and cavalry? Evenso, because you relied on Yahweh, he gave you the upper hand;8 Nonne Aethiopes et Libyes magnus exercitus erant quadrigis et equitibus et multitudine nimia, quos, cum Domino credidisses, tradidit in manu tua?
9 for Yahweh's eyes rove to and fro across the whole world to support those whose hearts are loyal tohim. You have acted like a fool in this respect; hence, from now on you wil have wars.'9 Oculi enim Domini contemplantur universam terram et praebent fortitudinem his, qui corde perfecto credunt in eum. Stulte igitur egisti in hoc, quia ex praesenti tempore contra te bella consurgent ”.
10 Enraged with the seer, Asa had him put in the stocks in prison, being angry with him over this; at thesame time Asa ill-treated some of the people too.10 Iratusque Asa adversus videntem iussit eum mitti in nervum, valde quippe super hoc fuerat indignatus; et vexavit Asa quosdam de populo in tempore illo.
11 The history of Asa, from first to last, is recorded in the Book of the Kings of Judah and Israel.11 Opera autem Asa prima et novissima scripta sunt in libro regum Iudae et Israel.
12 In the thirty-ninth year of his reign, Asa contracted a disease in his feet, which became very severe;in his il ness, however, he consulted not Yahweh but the doctors.12 Aegrotavit etiam Asa anno tricesimo nono regni sui dolore pedum vehementissimo et nec in infirmitate sua quaesivit Dominum, sed magis in medicorum arte confisus est.
13 Asa then fel asleep with his ancestors, dying in the forty-first year of his reign.13 Dormivitque Asa cum patribus suis et mortuus est anno quadragesimo primo regni sui.
14 He was buried in the tomb which he had ordered to be cut for him in the City of David. He was laid inthe burial chamber which was fil ed with perfume blended from all sorts of oils, and a very great funeral fire wasmade for him.14 Et sepelierunt eum in sepulcro suo, quod foderat sibi in civitate David; posueruntque eum super lectum plenum aromatibus et variis unguentis, quae erant pigmentariorum arte confecta, et fecerunt in exsequiis eius combustionem splendidam valde.