
Sabato, 15 giugno 2024 - Santa Germana ( Letture di oggi)

2 Maccabees 9

1 But Judas Machabeus, and they that were with him, went privately into the towns: and calling together their kinsmen and friends, and taking unto them such as continued in the Jews' religion, they assembled six thousand men.1 Sucedió por este tiempo que Antíoco hubo de retirarse desordenadamente de las regiones de Persia.
2 And they called upon the Lord that he would look upon his people that was trodden down by all, and would have pity on the temple, that was defiled by the wicked:2 En efecto, habiendo entrado en la ciudad llamada Persépolis, pretendió saquear el santuario y oprimir la ciudad; ante ello, la muchedumbre sublevándose acudió a las armas y le puso en fuga; y sucedió que Antíoco, ahuyentado por los naturales del país, hubo de emprender una vergonzosa retirada.
3 That he would have pity also upon the city that was destroyed, that was ready to be made even with the ground, and would hear the voice of the blood that cried to him:3 Cuando estaba en Ecbátana, le llegó la noticia de lo ocurrido a Nicanor y a las tropas de Timoteo.
4 That he would remember also the most unjust deaths of innocent children, and the blasphemies offered to his name, and would shew his indignation on this occasion.4 Arrebatado de furor, pensaba vengar en los judíos la afrenta de los que le habían puesto en fuga, y por eso ordenó al conductor que hiciera avanzar el carro sin parar hasta el término del viaje. Pero ya el juicio del Cielo se cernía sobre él, pues había hablado así con orgullo: «En cuanto llegue a Jerusalén, haré de la ciudad una fosa común de judíos».
5 Now when Machabeus had gathered a multitude, he could not be withstood by the heathens: for the wrath of the Lord was turned into mercy.5 Pero el Señor Dios de Israel que todo lo ve, le hirió con una llaga incurable e invisible: apenas pronunciada esta frase, se apoderó de sus entrañas un dolor irremediable, con agudos retortijones internos,
6 So coming unawares upon the towns and cities, he set them on fire, and taking possession of the most commodious places, he made no small slaughter of the enemies6 cosa totalmente justa para quien había hecho sufrir las entrañas de otros con numerosas y desconocidas torturas.
7 And especially in the nights he went upon these expeditions, and the fame of his valour was spread abroad every where.7 Pero él de ningún modo cesaba en su arrogancia; estaba lleno todavía de orgullo, respiraba el fuego de su furor contra los judíos y mandaba acelerar la marcha. Pero sucedió que vino a caer de su carro que corría velozmente y, con la violenta caída, todos los miembros de su cuerpo se le descoyuntaron.
8 Then Philip, seeing that the man gained ground by little and little, and that things for the most part succeeded prosperously with him, wrote to Ptolemee the governor of Celesyria and Phenicia, to send aid to the king's affairs.8 El que poco antes pensaba dominar con su altivez de superhombre las olas del mar, y se imaginaba pesar en una balanza las cimas de las montañas, caído por tierra, era luego transportado en una litera, mostrando a todos de forma manifiesta el poder de Dios,
9 And he with all speed sent Nicanor the son of Patroclus, one of his special friends, giving him no fewer than twenty thousand armed men of different nations, to root out the whole race of the Jews, joining also with him Gorgias, a good soldier, and of great experience in matters of war.9 hasta el punto que de los ojos del impío pululaban gusanos, caían a pedazos sus carnes, aun estando con vida, entre dolores y sufrimientos, y su infecto hedor apestaba todo el ejército.
10 And Nicanor purposed to raise for the king the tribute of two thousand talents, that was to be given to the Romans, by making so much money of the captive Jews:10 Al que poco antes creía tocar los astros del cielo, nadie podía ahora llevarlo por la insoportable repugnancia del hedor.
11 Wherefore he sent immediately to the cities upon the sea coast, to invite men together to buy up the Jewish slaves, promising that they should have ninety slaves for one talent, not reflecting on the vengeance, which was to follow him from the Almighty.11 Así comenzó entonces, herido, a abatir su excesivo orgullo y a llegar al verdadero conocimiento bajo el azote divino, en tensión a cada instante por los dolores.
12 Now when Judas found that Nicanor was coming, he imparted to the Jews that were with him, that the enemy was at hand.12 Como ni él mismo podía soportar su propio hedor, decía: «Justo es estar sumiso a Dios y que un mortal no pretenda igualarse a la divinidad».
13 And some of them being afraid, and distrusting the justice of God, fled away:13 Pero aquel malvado rogaba al Soberano de quien ya no alcanzaría misericordia, prometiendo
14 Others sold all that they had left, and withal besought the Lord, that he would deliver them from the wicked Nicanor, who had sold them before he came near them:14 que declararía libre la ciudad santa, a la que se había dirigido antes a toda prisa para arrasarla y transformarla en fosa común,
15 And if not for their sakes, yet for the covenant that he had made with their fathers, and for the sake of his holy and glorious name that was invoked upon them.15 que equipararía con los atenienses a todos aquellos judíos que había considerado dignos, no de una sepultura, sino de ser arrojados con sus niños como pasto a las fieras;
16 But Machabeus calling together seven thousand that were with him, exhorted them not to be reconciled to the enemies, nor to fear the multitude of the enemies who came wrongfully against them, but to fight manfully:16 que adornaría con los más bellos presentes el Templo Santo que antes había saqueado; que devolvería multiplicados todos los objetos sagrados; que suministraría a sus propias expensas los fondos que se gastaban en los sacrificios;
17 Setting before their eyes the injury they had unjustly done the holy place, and also the injury they had done to the city, which had been shamefully abused, besides their destroying the ordinances of the fathers.17 y, además, que se haría judío y recorrería todos los lugares habitados para proclamar el poder de Dios.
18 For, said he, they trust in their weapons, and in their boldness: but we trust in the Almighty Lord, who at a beck can utterly destroy both them that come against us, and the whole world.18 Como sus dolores de ninguna forma se calmaban, pues había caído sobre él el justo juicio de Dios, desesperado de su estado, escribió a los judíos la carta copiada a continuación, en forma de súplica, con el siguiente contenido:
19 Moreover he put them in mind also of the helps their fathers had received from God: and how under Sennacherib a hundred and eighty-five thousand had been destroyed.19 «A los honrados judíos, ciudadanos suyos, con los mejores deseos de dicha, salud y prosperidad, saluda el rey y estratega Antíoco.
20 And of the battle that they had fought against the Galatians in Babylonia, how they, being in all but six thousand, when it came to the point, and Macedonians their companions were a stand, slew a hundred and twenty thousand, because of the help they had from heaven, and for this they received many favours.20 Si os encontráis bien vosotros y vuestros hijos, y vuestros asuntos van conforme a vuestros deseos, damos por ello rendidas gracias.
21 With these words they were greatly encouraged, and disposed even to die for the laws and their country.21 En cuanto a mí, me encuentro postrado sin fuerza en mi lecho, con un amistoso recuerdo de vosotros. A mi vuelta de las regiones de Persia, contraje una molesta enfermedad y he considerado necesario preocuparme de vuestra seguridad común.
22 So he appointed his brethren cap over each division of his army, Simon, and Joseph, and Jonathan, giving to one fifteen hundred men.22 No desespero de mi situación, antes bien tengo grandes esperanzas de salir de esta enfermedad;
23 And after the holy Book had been read to them by Esdras, and he had given them for a watchword, The help of God: himself leading the first band, he joined battle with Nicanor:23 pero considerando que también mi padre, con ocasión de salir a campaña hacia las regiones altas, designó su futuro sucesor,
24 And the Almighty being their helper, they slew above nine thousand men: and having wounded and disabled the greater part of Nicanor's army, they obliged them to fly.24 para que, si ocurría algo sorprendente o si llegaba alguna noticia desagradable, los habitantes de las provincias no se perturbaran, por saber ya a quién quedaba confiado el gobierno;
25 And they took the money of them that came to buy them, and they pursued them on every side.25 dándome cuenta además de que los soberanos de alrededor, vecinos al reino, acechan las oportunidades y aguardan lo que pueda suceder, he nombrado rey a mi hijo Antíoco, a quien muchas veces, al recorrer las satrapías altas, os he confiado y recomendado a gran parte de vosotros. A él le he escrito lo que sigue.
26 But they came back for want of time: for it was the day before the sabbath: and therefore they did not continue the pursuit.26 Por tanto os exhorto y ruego que acordándoos de los beneficios recibidos en común y en particular, guardéis cada uno también con mi hijo la benevolencia que tenéis hacia mí.
27 But when they had gathered together their arms and their spoils, they kept the sabbath: blessing the Lord who had delivered them that day, distilling the beginning of mercy upon them.27 Pues estoy seguro de que él, realizando con moderación y humanidad mis proyectos, se entenderá bien con vosotros».
28 Then after the sabbath they divided the spoils to the feeble and the orphans, and the widows: and the rest they took for themselves and their servants.28 Así pues, aquel asesino y blasfemo, sufriendo los peores padecimientos, como los había hecho padecer a otros, terminó la vida en tierra extranjera, entre montañas, en el más lamentable infortunio.
29 When this was done, and they had all made a common supplication, they besought the merciful Lord to be reconciled to his servants unto the end.29 Filipo, su compañero, trasladaba su cuerpo; mas, por temor al hijo de Antíoco, se retiró a Egipto, junto a Tolomeo Filométor.
30 Moreover they slew above twenty thousand of them that were with Timotheus and Bacchides who fought them, and they made themselves masters of the high strong holds: and they divided amongst them many spoils, giving equal portions to the feeble, the fatherless and the widows, yea and the aged also.
31 And when they had carefully gathered together their arms, they laid them all up in convenient places, and the residue of their spoils they carried to Jerusalem :
32 They slew also Philarches who was with Timotheus, a wicked man, who had many ways afflicted the Jews.
33 And when they kept the feast of the victory at Jerusalem, they burnt Callisthenes, that had set fire to the holy gates, who had taken refuge in a certain house, rendering to him a worthy reward for his impieties:
34 But as for that most wicked man Nicanor, who had brought a thousand merchants to the sale of the Jews,
35 Being through the help of the Lord brought down by them, of whom he had made no account, laying; aside his garment of glory, fleeing through the midland country, he came alone to Antioch, being rendered very unhappy by the destruction of his army.
36 And he that had promised to levy the tribute for the Romans by the means of the captives of Jerusalem, now professed that the Jews had God for their protector, and therefore they could not be hurt, because they followed the laws appointed by him.