
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

1 Chronicles 19

1 Now it came to pass that Naas the king of the children of Ammon died, and his son reigned is his stead.1 Après cela, Nahach, roi des Ammonites, mourut, et son fils devint roi à sa place.
2 And David said: I will shew kindness to Hanon the son of Naas: for his father did a favour to me. And David sent messengers to comfort him upon the death of his father. But when they were come into the land of the children of Ammon, to comfort Hanon,2 David dit: “Je montrerai de la bienveillance à Anoun, fils de Nahach, puisque son père a été bienveillant avec moi.” Et David envoya des messagers pour lui présenter ses condoléances pour la mort de son père. Mais lorsque les serviteurs de David rencontrèrent Anoun au pays des Ammonites pour présenter ses condoléances,
3 The princes of the children of Ammon said to Hanon: Thou thinkest perhaps that David to do honour to thy father hath sent comforters to thee: and thou dost not take notice, that his servants are come to thee to consider, and search, and spy out thy land.3 les chefs des Ammonites dirent à Anoun: “Penses-tu que David veuille vraiment honorer ton père et t’apporter sa sympathie en t’envoyant ses messagers? Il a sûrement envoyé ces hommes pour espionner, afin d’envahir et de saccager notre territoire.”
4 Wherefore Hanon shaved the heads and beards of the servants of David, and cut away their garments from the buttocks to the feet, and sent them away.4 Anoun fit saisir les serviteurs de David, les rasa, coupa leurs vêtements à mi-hauteur jusqu’aux fesses et les renvoya.
5 And when they were gone, they sent word to David, who sent to meet them (for they had suffered a great affront) and ordered them to stay at Jericho till their beards grew and then to return.5 Lorsqu’on raconta à David ce qui était arrivé à ses hommes, il envoya quelqu’un à leur rencontre, car ces hommes étaient vraiment honteux. Le roi leur fit dire: “Restez à Jéricho jusqu’à ce que votre barbe ait repoussé, ensuite vous rentrerez. ”
6 And when the children of Ammon saw that they had done an injury to David, Hanon and the rest of the people sent a thousand talents of silver, to hire them chariots and horsemen out of Mesopotamia, and out of Syria Maacha, and out of Soba.6 Les Ammonites savaient qu’ils s’étaient rendus odieux à David. Anoun et les Ammonites envoyèrent donc 1 000 talents d’argent pour louer des chars et des conducteurs de chars aux Araméens de Mésopotamie, de Maaka et aux gens de Soba.
7 And they hired two and thirty thousand chariots, and the king of Maacha, with his people. And they came and camped over against Medaba. And the children of Ammon gathered themselves together out of their cities, and came to battle.7 Ils louèrent 32 000 chars: le roi de Maaka vint avec son armée. Ceux-ci vinrent camper devant Medba, tandis que les Ammonites sortaient de leurs villes et se préparaient à combattre.
8 And when David heard of it, he sent Joab, and all the army of valiant men:8 Quand David apprit cela, il envoya Joab avec toute sa garde.
9 And the children of Ammon came out and put their army in array before the gate of the city : and the kings, that were come to their aid, stood apart in the field.9 Les Ammonites s’avancèrent et se mirent en ordre de bataille à l’entrée de la ville, tandis que les rois qui étaient venus restèrent dans les environs.
10 Wherefore Joab understanding that the battle was set against him before and behind, chose out the bravest men of all Israel, and marched against the Syrians,10 Voyant qu’il allait devoir combattre sur deux fronts, face à lui et derrière lui, Joab choisit les plus solides des Israélites et les mit en ligne face aux Araméens.
11 And the rest of the people he delivered into the hand of Abisai his brother, and they went against the children of Ammon.11 Il plaça le reste des troupes sous le commandement de son frère Abisaï, face aux Ammonites.
12 And he said: If the Syrians be too strong for me, then thou shalt help me: but if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee, I will help thee.12 Il lui dit: “Si les Araméens sont trop forts pour moi, tu viendras à mon aide; si les Ammonites se montrent trop forts pour toi, je te viendrai en aide.
13 Be of good courage and let us behave ourselves manfully for our people, and for the cities of our God: and the Lord will do that which is good in his sight.13 Sois courageux et combattons de toutes nos forces pour notre peuple et pour les villes de notre Dieu! Yahvé fera ce qui lui semble juste.”
14 So Joab and the people that were with him, went against the Syrians to the battle : and he put them to flight.14 Lorsque Joab et sa troupe attaquèrent, les Araméens s’enfuirent devant eux.
15 And the children of Ammon seeing that the Syrians were fled, they likewise fled from Abisai his brother, and went into the city: and Joab also returned to Jerusalem.15 Quand les Ammonites virent que les Araméens fuyaient, eux aussi s’enfuirent devant Abisaï, frère de Joab, et se retirèrent dans la ville. Alors Joab rentra à Jérusalem.
16 But the Syrians seeing that they had fallen before Israel, sent messengers, and brought to them the Syrians that were beyond the river: and Sophach, general of the army of Adarezer, was their leader.16 Voyant qu’ils avaient été battus par Israël, les Araméens envoyèrent des messagers pour mobiliser les Araméens qui se trouvaient de l’autre côté du Fleuve; Chofak, chef de l’armée de Hadadézer était à leur tête.
17 And it was told David, and he gathered together all Israel, and passed the Jordan, and came upon them, and put his army in array against them, and they fought with him.17 On rapporta la nouvelle à David qui rassembla les troupes israélites, traversa le Jourdain et les affronta. David installa sa ligne de combat face aux Araméens et le combat s’engagea.
18 But the Syrian fled before Israel: and David slew of the Syrians seven thousand chariots, and forty thousand footmen, and Sophach the general of the army.18 Les Araméens s’enfuirent devant Israël. David tua 7 000 de leurs attelages et 40 000 fantassins. Il tua également Chofak, leur général.
19 And when the servants of Adarezer saw themselves overcome by Israel, they went over to David, and served him: and Syria would not help the children of Ammon any more.19 Quand les princes soumis à Hadadézer virent qu’ils étaient vaincus par Israël, ils firent la paix avec David et devinrent ses sujets. Dès lors les Araméens refusèrent d’aller au secours des Ammonites.