
Lunedi, 17 giugno 2024 - San Marciano ( Letture di oggi)

Deuxième livre des Rois 2

1 Yahvé fit monter Élie au ciel dans un tourbillon: voici comment. Comme Élie sortait de Guilgal en compagnie d’Élisée,1 Now it happened that, when the Lord willed to lift up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind, Elijah and Elisha were going out of Gilgal.
2 Élie lui dit: “Reste ici je te prie. Yahvé m’envoie jusqu’à Béthel.” Mais Élisée répondit: “Aussi vrai que Yahvé est vivant et que je suis vivant, je ne te quitterai pas.” Et ils descendirent ensemble à Béthel.2 And Elijah said to Elisha: “Remain here. For the Lord has sent me as far as Bethel.” And Elisha said to him, “As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, I will not forsake you.” And when they had descended to Bethel,
3 Les frères prophètes qui étaient à Béthel vinrent à la rencontre d’Élisée. Ils lui dirent: “Sais-tu que Yahvé enlèvera aujourd’hui ton maître au-dessus de toi?” Il répondit: “Je le sais bien, mais ne dites rien.”3 the sons of the prophets, who were at Bethel, went out to Elisha. And they said to him, “Do you not know that today the Lord will take away your lord from you?” And he responded: “I know it. Be silent.”
4 Élie lui dit: “Élisée, reste ici, je te prie, car Yahvé m’envoie à Jéricho.” Mais il répondit: “Aussi vrai que Yahvé est vivant et que je suis vivant, je ne te quitterai pas.” Ils arrivèrent ainsi à Jéricho.4 Then Elijah said to Elisha: “Remain here. For the Lord has sent me to Jericho.” And he said, “As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, I will not forsake you.” And when they had arrived at Jericho,
5 Les frères prophètes qui étaient à Jéricho s’approchèrent d’Élisée: “Sais-tu, lui dirent-ils, que Yahvé enlèvera aujourd’hui ton maître au-dessus de toi?” Il répondit: “Je le sais, mais gardez votre calme.”5 the sons of the prophets, who were at Jericho, drew near to Elisha. And they said to him, “Do you not know that today the Lord will take away your lord from you?” And he said: “I know it. Be silent.”
6 Élie lui dit: “Reste ici, je te prie, car Yahvé m’envoie au Jourdain.” Il répondit: “Aussi vrai que Yahvé est vivant et que je suis vivant, je ne te quitterai pas.” Et les deux prirent la route.6 Then Elijah said to him: “Remain here. For the Lord has sent me as far as the Jordan.” And he said, “As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, I will not forsake you.” And so, the two of them continued on together.
7 Une cinquantaine des frères prophètes allèrent aussi, ils restèrent à distance pendant que tous les deux s’arrêtaient au bord du Jourdain.7 And fifty men from the sons of the prophets followed them, and they stood opposite them, at a distance. But the two of them were standing above the Jordan.
8 Alors Élie prit son manteau et le roula; il frappa les eaux avec et elles se partagèrent, de sorte que tous les deux passèrent à pied sec.8 And Elijah took his cloak, and he rolled it up, and he struck the waters, which were divided into two parts. And they both went across on dry ground.
9 Lorsqu’ils eurent traversé, Élie dit à Élisée: “Que veux-tu que je fasse pour toi? Demande-le avant que je ne sois enlevé d’auprès de toi.” Élisée répondit: “Que vienne sur moi une double part de ton esprit.”9 And when they had gone across, Elijah said to Elisha, “Ask what you wish that I may do for you, before I am taken from you.” And Elisha said, “I beg you, that twice your spirit may be accomplished in me.”
10 Élie répondit: “Tu demandes une chose difficile! Si tu me vois pendant que je suis enlevé d’auprès de toi, tu l’auras; sinon, cela ne sera pas.”10 And he responded: “You have requested a difficult thing. Nevertheless, if you see me when I am taken from you, you will have what you requested. But if you do not see, it shall not be.”
11 Ils parlaient tout en marchant, lorsqu’un char de feu et des chevaux de feu les séparèrent l’un de l’autre: Élie monta au ciel dans un tourbillon.11 And as they continued on, they were conversing while walking. And behold, a fiery chariot with fiery horses divided the two. And Elijah ascended by a whirlwind into heaven.
12 Élisée le voyait et criait: “Mon père! Mon père! Char d’Israël et ses cavaliers!” Puis il ne les vit plus. Il saisit alors ses vêtements et les déchira en deux parts.12 Then Elisha saw it, and he cried out: “My father, my father! The chariot of Israel with its driver!” And he saw him no more. And he took hold of his own garments, and he tore them into two parts.
13 Élisée ramassa le manteau d’Élie qui était tombé près de lui et il revint. Arrivé au bord du Jourdain il s’arrêta,13 And he picked up the cloak of Elijah, which had fallen from him. And turning back, he stood above the bank of the Jordan.
14 il prit le manteau d’Élie et il en frappa les eaux. Elles ne se divisèrent pas. Alors il dit: “Où est le Dieu d’Élie, où est-il?” Et comme il frappait les eaux, celles-ci se partagèrent en deux: Élisée traversa.14 And he struck the waters with the cloak of Elijah, which had fallen from him, and they were not divided. And he said, “Where is the God of Elijah, even now?” And he struck the waters, and they were divided here and there. And Elisha went across.
15 Les frères prophètes le virent de loin et ils dirent: “L’esprit d’Élie repose sur Élisée!” Ils vinrent à sa rencontre et se prosternèrent à terre devant lui.15 Then the sons of the prophets, who were at Jericho, watching from a distance, said, “The spirit of Elijah has rested upon Elisha.” And approaching to meet him, they reverenced him prone on the ground.
16 Ils lui dirent: “Il y a bien ici parmi tes serviteurs 50 hommes solides. Laisse-les partir à la recherche de ton maître. L’Esprit de Yahvé l’a peut-être emporté et jeté sur quelque montagne ou dans l’une des vallées.” Mais il leur répondit: “Non! N’envoyez personne!”16 And they said to him, “Behold, with your servants there are fifty strong men, who are able to go forth and to seek your lord. For perhaps, the Spirit of the Lord has taken him up and cast him upon some mountain, or into some valley.” But he said, “Do not send them.”
17 Comme ils insistaient au point d’en être fatigants, Élisée leur dit: “Eh bien, envoyez-les.” Ils envoyèrent donc les 50 hommes qui cherchèrent durant trois jours sans le retrouver.17 And they urged him, until he acquiesced and said, “Send them.” And they sent fifty men. And after they had searched for three days, they did not find him.
18 Quand ils revinrent vers lui à Jéricho, il leur dit: “Ne vous avais-je pas dit de ne pas y aller?”18 And they returned to him, for he was living in Jericho. And he said to them: “Did I not say to you, ‘Do not send them?’ ”
19 Les gens de la ville dirent à Élisée: “On est bien ici, comme le voit mon seigneur, mais les eaux sont mauvaises et les femmes du pays sont stériles.”19 Also, the men of the city said to Elisha: “Behold, this city is a very good habitation, as you yourself perceive, O lord. But the waters are very bad, and the ground is barren.”
20 Il leur dit: “Donnez-moi une assiette neuve et mettez du sel dedans.” Ils la lui donnèrent.20 And so he said, “Bring a new vessel to me, and place salt in it.” And when they had brought it,
21 Il se rendit à la source et jeta le sel dans l’eau, puis il dit: “Voici ce que dit Yahvé: J’ai assaini ces eaux, il n’en sortira plus jamais ni mort ni stérilité.”21 he went out to the source of the waters, and he cast the salt into it. And he said: “Thus says the Lord: I have healed these waters, and no longer shall there be death or barrenness in them.”
22 Et les eaux furent assainies jusqu’à ce jour, selon la parole qu’avait prononcée Élisée.22 Then the waters were healed, even to this day, in accord with the word of Elisha, which he spoke.
23 De là, il partit pour Béthel; comme il était sur la route qui monte, de jeunes garçons sortirent de la ville et se moquèrent de lui: “Allez le chauve, grimpe! Allez le chauve, grimpe!” disaient-ils.23 Then he went up from there into Bethel. And as he was ascending along the way, little boys departed from the city. And they were mocking him, saying: “Go up, bald head! Go up, bald head!”
24 Il se retourna et, les voyant, il les maudit au nom de Yahvé: deux ourses sortirent de la forêt et déchirèrent 42 de ces garçons.24 And when he had looked back, he saw them, and he cursed them in the name of the Lord. And two bears went out from the forest, and they wounded forty-two boys among them.
25 De là, il se rendit au mont Carmel puis il retourna à Samarie.25 Then he went away from there to mount Carmel. And he returned from there into Samaria.