
Lunedi, 3 giugno 2024 - San Carlo Lwanga ( Letture di oggi)

Livro de Tobias 8

1 Depois do jantar, introduziram o jovem no aposento de Sara.1 When they had finished eating and drinking, the girl's parents wanted to retire. They brought the young man out of the dining room and led him into the bedroom.
2 E Tobias, fiel às indicações do anjo, tirou do seu alforje uma parte do fígado e o pôs sobre brasas acesas.2 At this point Tobiah, mindful of Raphael's instructions, took the fish's liver and heart from the bag which he had with him, and placed them on the embers for the incense.
3 Nesse momento, o anjo Rafael tomou o demônio e prendeu-o no deserto do Alto Egito.3 The demon, repelled by the odor of the fish, fled into Upper Egypt; Raphael pursued him there and bound him hand and foot. Then Raphael returned immediately.
4 Então Tobias encorajou a jovem com estas palavras: Levanta-te, Sara, e roguemos a Deus, hoje, amanhã e depois de amanhã. Estaremos unidos a Deus durante essas três noites. Depois da terceira noite consumaremos nossa união;4 When the girl's parents left the bedroom and closed the door behind them, Tobiah arose from bed and said to his wife, "My love, get up. Let us pray and beg our Lord to have mercy on us and to grant us deliverance."
5 porque somos filhos dos santos (patriarcas), e não nos devemos casar como os pagãos que não conhecem a Deus.5 She got up, and they started to pray and beg that deliverance might be theirs. He began with these words: "Blessed are you, O God of our fathers; praised be your name forever and ever. Let the heavens and all your creation praise you forever.
6 Levantaram-se, pois, ambos, e oraram juntos fervorosamente para que lhes fosse conservada a vida.6 You made Adam and you gave him his wife Eve to be his help and support; and from these two the human race descended. You said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone; let us make him a partner like himself.'
7 Tobias disse: Senhor Deus de nossos pais, bendigam-vos os céus, a terra, o mar, as fontes e os rios, com todas as criaturas que neles existem.7 Now, Lord, you know that I take this wife of mine not because of lust, but for a noble purpose. Call down your mercy on me and on her, and allow us to live together to a happy old age."
8 Vós fizestes Adão do limo da terra, e destes-lhe Eva por companheira.8 They said together, "Amen, amen,"
9 Ora, vós sabeis, ó Senhor, que não é para satisfazer a minha paixão que recebo a minha prima como esposa, mas unicamente com o desejo de suscitar uma posteridade, pela qual o vosso nome seja eternamente bendito.9 and went to bed for the night. But Raguel got up and summoned his servants. With him they went out to dig a grave,
10 E Sara acrescentou: Tende piedade de nós, Senhor; tende piedade de nós, e fazei que cheguemos juntos a uma ditosa velhice!10 for he said, "I must do this, because if Tobiah should die, we would be subjected to ridicule and insult."
11 Ora, ao cantar do galo, Raguel chamou os seus criados e foram juntos cavar uma sepultura.11 When they had finished digging the grave, Raguel went back into the house and called his wife,
12 Quem sabe, dizia ele, se não aconteceu a esse o mesmo que aos outros sete homens que se aproximaram dela?12 saying, "Send one of the maids in to see whether Tobiah is alive or dead, so that if necessary we may bury him without anyone's knowing about it."
13 Cavada a fossa, voltou para junto de sua mulher e disse:13 She sent the maid, who lit a lamp, opened the bedroom door, went in, and found them sound asleep together.
14 Manda uma de tuas escravas ver se ele morreu, a fim de que eu possa enterrá-lo antes de clarear o dia.14 The maid went out and told the girl's parents that Tobiah was alive, and that there was nothing wrong.
15 Ela o fez. E a serva, tendo entrado no aposento, encontrou-os bem vivos, dormindo juntos.15 Then Raguel praised the God of heaven in these words: "Blessed are you, O God, with every holy and pure blessing! Let all your chosen ones praise you; let them bless you forever!
16 Ela voltou e deu essa boa nova; e Raguel com sua mulher louvaram o Senhor, dizendo:16 Blessed are you, who have made me glad; what I feared did not happen. Rather you have dealt with us according to your great mercy.
17 Nós vos bendizemos, Senhor Deus de Israel, porque não se realizou o que temíamos.17 Blessed are you, for you were merciful toward two only children. Grant them, Master, mercy and deliverance, and bring their lives to fulfillment with happiness and mercy."
18 Usastes conosco de vossa misericórdia, expulsando para longe de nós o inimigo que nos perseguia, 19. e tivestes piedade de dois filhos únicos. Fazei, ó Senhor, que eles vos bendigam sempre mais, e vos ofereçam um sacrifício de louvor pela sua conservação, a fim de que todas as nações pagãs conheçam que vós sois o único Deus de toda a terra.18 Then he told his servants to fill in the grave before dawn.
19 He asked his wife to bake many loaves of bread; he himself went out to the herd and picked out two steers and four rams which he ordered to be slaughtered. So the servants began to prepare the feast.
20 Raguel ordenou imediatamente aos seus criados que enchessem de novo, antes que clareasse o dia, a cova que haviam feito.20 He summoned Tobiah and made an oath in his presence, saying: "For fourteen days you shall not stir from here, but shall remain here eating and drinking with me; and you shall bring joy to my daughter's sorrowing spirit.
21 Disse à sua mulher que aprontasse um banquete e preparasse todos os víveres necessários aos viajantes.21 Take, to begin with, half of whatever I own when you go back in good health to your father; the other half will be yours when I and my wife die. Be of good cheer, my son! I am your father, and Edna is your mother; and we belong to you and to your beloved now and forever. So be happy, son!"
22 Mandou também matar duas vacas gordas e quatro carneiros, destinados a um festim para todos os seus vizinhos e amigos.
23 E instou com Tobias que ficasse com ele duas semanas.