
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

1 Samuele (1 صموئيل) 14

1 وفي ذات يوم قال يوناثان بن شاول للغلام حامل سلاحه تعال نعبر الى حفظة الفلسطينيين الذين في ذلك العبر. ولم يخبر اباه.1 And it happened that, on a certain day, Jonathan, the son of Saul, said to the youth who bore his armor, “Come, and let us go over to the garrison of the Philistines, which is across from that place.” But he did not reveal this to his father.
2 وكان شاول مقيما في طرف جبعة تحت الرمانة التي في مغرون والشعب الذي معه نحو ست مئة رجل.2 Moreover, Saul was staying in the furthermost part of Gibeah, below the pomegranate tree that was at Migron. And the people with him were about six hundred men.
3 واخيّا بن اخيطوب اخي ايخابود بن فينحاس بن عالي كاهن الرب في شيلوه كان لابسا افودا. ولم يعلم الشعب ان يوناثان قد ذهب.3 And Ahijah, the son of Ahitub, the brother of Ichabod, the son of Phinehas, who had been born of Eli, the priest of the Lord at Shiloh, wore the ephod. But the people did not know where Jonathan had gone.
4 وبين المعابر التي التمس يوناثان ان يعبرها الى حفظة الفلسطينيين سن صخرة من هذه الجهة وسنّ صخرة من تلك الجهة واسم الواحدة بوصيص واسم الاخرى سنه.4 Now there were, between the ascents along which Jonathan strove to cross to the garrison of the Philistines, rocks projecting from both sides, and, in the manner of teeth, boulders breaking out from one side and the other. The name of one was Shining, and the name of the other was Thorny.
5 والسن الواحد عمود الى الشمال مقابل مخماس والآخر الى الجنوب مقابل جبع.5 One boulder projected toward the north, opposite Michmash, and the other toward the south, opposite Gibeah.
6 فقال يوناثان للغلام حامل سلاحه تعال نعبر الى صف هؤلاء الغلف لعل الله يعمل معنا لانه ليس للرب مانع عن ان يخلص بالكثير او بالقليل.6 Then Jonathan said to the youth who bore his armor: “Come, let us go across to the garrison of these uncircumcised. And perhaps the Lord may act on our behalf. For it is not difficult for the Lord to save, either by many, or by few.”
7 فقال له حامل سلاحه اعمل كل ما بقلبك. تقدم. هانذا معك حسب قلبك.7 And his armor bearer said to him: “Do all that is pleasing to your soul. Go wherever you wish, and I will be with you, wherever you will choose.”
8 فقال يوناثان هوذا نحن نعبر الى القوم ونظهر انفسنا لهم.8 And Jonathan said: “Behold, we will cross over to these men. And when we will be seen by them,
9 فان قالوا لنا هكذا. دوموا حتى نصل اليكم. نقف في مكاننا ولا نصعد اليهم.9 if they have spoken to us in this way, ‘Stay until we come to you,’ let us stand still in our place, and not ascend to them.
10 ولكن ان قالوا هكذا. اصعدوا الينا. نصعد. لان الرب قد دفعهم ليدنا وهذه هي العلامة لنا.10 But if they will say, ‘Ascend to us,’ let us ascend. For the Lord has delivered them into our hands. This will be the sign to us.”
11 فاظهرا انفسهما لصف الفلسطينيين. فقال الفلسطينيون هوذا العبرانيون خارجون من الثقوب التي اختبأوا فيها.11 And so, both of them appeared before the garrison of the Philistines. And the Philistines said, “See, the Hebrews have come out from the holes in which they had been hiding.”
12 فاجاب رجال الصف يوناثان وحامل سلاحه وقالوا اصعدا الينا فنعلمكما شيئا. فقال يوناثان لحامل سلاحه اصعد ورائي لان الرب قد دفعهم ليد اسرائيل.12 And the men of the garrison spoke to Jonathan and to his armor bearer, and they said, “Ascend to us, and we will show you something.” And Jonathan said to his armor bearer: “Let us ascend. Follow me. For the Lord has delivered them into the hands of Israel.”
13 فصعد يوناثان على يديه ورجليه وحامل سلاحه وراءه. فسقطوا امام يوناثان وكان حامل سلاحه يقتّل وراءه.13 Then Jonathan ascended, crawling on his hands and feet, and his armor bearer after him. And then, some fell before Jonathan, others his armor bearer killed as he was following him.
14 وكانت الضربة الاولى التي ضربها يوناثان وحامل سلاحه نحو عشرين رجلا في نحو نصف تلم فدان ارض.14 And the first slaughter was made when Jonathan and his armor bearer struck down about twenty of the men, in the midst of an area of land that a yoke of oxen would usually plow in a day.
15 وكان ارتعاد في المحلّة في الحقل وفي جميع الشعب. الصفّ والمخرّبون ارتعدوا هم ايضا ورجفت الارض فكان ارتعاد عظيم15 And a miracle occurred in the camp, out in the fields. And all of the people of their garrison, who had gone out in order to plunder, were stupefied. And the earth trembled. And it happened as a miracle from God.
16 فنظر المراقبون لشاول في جبعة بنيامين واذا بالجمهور قد ذاب وذهبوا متبدّدين.16 And the watchmen of Saul, who were at Gibeah of Benjamin, looked out, and behold, a multitude was thrown down and dispersed, this way and that.
17 فقال شاول للشعب الذي معه عدّوا الآن وانظروا من ذهب من عندنا. فعدّوا وهوذا يوناثان وحامل سلاحه ليسا موجودين.17 And Saul said to the people who were with him, “Inquire and see who has gone out from us.” And when they had inquired, it was found that Jonathan and his armor bearer were not present.
18 فقال شاول لاخيّا قدم تابوت الله. لان تابوت الله كان في ذلك اليوم مع بني اسرائيل.18 And Saul said to Ahijah, “Bring the ark of the God.” (For the ark of God was, in that day, with the sons of Israel in that place.)
19 وفيما كان شاول يتكلم بعد مع الكاهن تزايد الضجيج الذي في محلّة الفلسطينيين وكثر. فقال شاول للكاهن كف يدك.19 And while Saul spoke to the priest, there arose a great tumult in the camp of the Philistines. And it was increasing, little by little, and it was being heard more clearly. And Saul said to the priest, “Withdraw your hand.”
20 وصاح شاول وجميع الشعب الذي معه وجاءوا الى الحرب واذا بسيف كل واحد على صاحبه. اضطراب عظيم جدا.20 Then Saul, and all the people who were with him, cried out together, and they went to the place of the conflict. And behold, each one’s sword had been turned against his neighbor, and there was a very great slaughter.
21 والعبرانيون الذين كانوا مع الفلسطينيين منذ امس وما قبله الذين صعدوا معهم الى المحلّة من حواليهم صاروا هم ايضا مع اسرائيل الذين مع شاول ويوناثان.21 Moreover, the Hebrews who had been with the Philistines yesterday and the day before, and who had ascended with them into the camp, turned back so that they might be with those of Israel who were with Saul and Jonathan.
22 وسمع جميع رجال اسرائيل الذين اختبأوا في جبل افرايم ان الفلسطينيين هربوا فشدوا هم ايضا وراءهم في الحرب.22 Likewise, all the Israelites who had hidden themselves on mount Ephraim, hearing that the Philistines had fled, joined themselves with their own in the battle. And there were with Saul about ten thousand men.
23 فخلّص الرب اسرائيل في ذلك اليوم. وعبرت الحرب الى بيت آون23 And the Lord saved Israel on that day. But the fight continued as far as Bethaven.
24 وضنك رجال اسرائيل في ذلك اليوم لان شاول حلّف الشعب قائلا ملعون الرجل الذي ياكل خبزا الى المساء حتى انتقم من اعدائي. فلم يذق جميع الشعب خبزا.24 And the men of Israel were joined together on that day. And Saul made the people swear, saying, “Cursed be the man who will eat bread, until evening, until I am avenged of my enemies.” And the entire people did not consume bread.
25 وجاء كل الشعب الى الوعر وكان عسل على وجه الحقل.25 And all the common people went into a forest, in which there was honey on the surface of the field.
26 ولما دخل الشعب الوعر اذا بالعسل يقطر ولم يمدّ احد يده الى فيه لان الشعب خاف من القسم.26 And so the people entered the forest, and there appeared flowing honey, but no one drew his hand near his mouth. For the people were afraid of the oath.
27 واما يوناثان فلم يسمع عندما استحلف ابوه الشعب فمدّ طرف النشابة التي بيده وغمسه في قطر العسل ورد يده الى فيه فاستنارت عيناه.27 But Jonathan had not heard that his father had bound the people to an oath. And so he extended the top of the staff that he was holding in his hand, and he dipped it in a honeycomb. And he turned his hand to his mouth, and his eyes were brightened.
28 فاجاب واحد من الشعب وقال قد حلّف ابوك الشعب حلفا قائلا ملعون الرجل الذي ياكل خبزا اليوم. فاعيا الشعب.28 And in response, one of the people said, “Your father has bound the people by an oath, saying: ‘Cursed be the man who will eat any bread this day.’ ” (For the people were faint.)
29 فقال يوناثان قد كدّر ابي الارض. انظروا كيف استنارت عيناي لاني ذقت قليلا من هذا العسل.29 And Jonathan said: “My father has troubled the land. You have seen for yourselves that my eyes were brightened, because I tasted a little of this honey.
30 فكم بالحري لو اكل اليوم الشعب من غنيمة اعدائهم التي وجدوا. اما كانت الآن ضربة اعظم على الفلسطينيين.30 How much more so, if the people had eaten from the plunder that they find with their enemies? Would not a greater slaughter have been accomplished among the Philistines?”
31 فضربوا في ذلك اليوم الفلسطينيين من مخماس الى ايلون. واعيا الشعب جدا31 Therefore, on that day, they struck down the Philistines, from Michmash as far as Aijalon. But the people were exceedingly wearied.
32 وثار الشعب على الغنيمة فاخذوا غنما وبقرا وعجولا وذبحوا على الارض واكل الشعب على الدم.32 And turning to the spoils, they took sheep, and oxen, and calves, and they slew them on the ground. And the people ate with blood.
33 فاخبروا شاول قائلين هوذا الشعب يخطئ الى الرب بأكله على الدم. فقال قد غدرتم. دحرجوا اليّ الآن حجرا كبيرا.33 Then they reported to Saul, saying that the people had sinned against the Lord, eating with blood. And he said: “You have transgressed. Roll a great stone to me, here and now.”
34 وقال شاول تفرقوا بين الشعب وقولوا لهم ان يقدموا اليّ كل واحد ثوره وكل واحد شاته واذبحوا ههنا وكلوا ولا تخطئوا الى الرب باكلكم مع الدم. فقدم جميع الشعب كل واحد ثوره بيده في تلك الليلة وذبحوا هناك.34 And Saul said: “Disperse yourselves among the common people, and tell each one of them to bring to me his ox and his ram, and to slay them upon this stone, and to eat, so that you will not sin against the Lord, in eating with blood.” And so, each one, out of all the people, brought his ox, by his own hand, throughout the night. And they slew them there.
35 وبنى شاول مذبحا للرب. الذي شرع ببنيانه مذبحا للرب35 Then Saul built an altar to the Lord. And so, it was then that he first began to build an altar to the Lord.
36 وقال شاول لننزل وراء الفلسطينيين ليلا وننهبهم الى ضوء الصباح ولا نبق منهم احدا. فقالوا افعل كل ما يحسن في عينيك. وقال الكاهن لنتقدم هنا الى الله.36 And Saul said: “Let us fall upon the Philistines by night, and lay waste to them even until the morning light. And let us not leave behind a man among them.” And the people said, “Do all that seems good in your eyes.” And the priest said, “Let us draw near to God in this place.”
37 فسأل شاول الله. أأنحدر وراء الفلسطينيين. أتدفعهم ليد اسرائيل. فلم يجبه في ذلك اليوم.37 And Saul consulted the Lord: “Shall I pursue the Philistines? Will you deliver them into the hands of Israel?” And he did not respond to him on that day.
38 فقال شاول تقدموا الى هنا يا جميع وجوه الشعب واعلموا وانظروا بماذا كانت هذه الخطية اليوم.38 And Saul said: “Bring here every single leader of the people. And we shall know and see by whom this sin was committed this day.
39 لانه حيّ هو الرب مخلّص اسرائيل ولو كانت في يوناثان ابني فانه يموت موتا. ولم يكن من يجيبه من كل الشعب.39 As the Lord lives, who is the Saviour of Israel, even if it were done by my son Jonathan, without retraction he shall die.” In this, no one among all the people contradicted him.
40 فقال لجميع اسرائيل انتم تكونون في جانب وانا ويوناثان ابني في جانب. فقال الشعب لشاول اصنع ما يحسن في عينيك.40 And he said to all of Israel, “Separate yourselves on one side, and I, with my son Jonathan, will be on the other side.” And the people responded to Saul, “Do what seems good in your eyes.”
41 وقال شاول للرب اله اسرائيل هب صدقا. فأخذ يوناثان وشاول. اما الشعب فخرجوا.41 And Saul said to the Lord, the God of Israel: “O Lord, God of Israel, grant a sign: Why is it that you will not respond to your servant this day? If this iniquity is in me, or in my son Jonathan, grant an indication. Or if this iniquity is in your people, grant a sanctification.” And Jonathan and Saul were discovered, but the people were released.
42 فقال شاول القوا بيني وبين يوناثان ابني. فأخذ يوناثان.42 And Saul said, “Cast lots between myself and Jonathan, my son.” And Jonathan was caught.
43 فقال شاول ليوناثان اخبرني ماذا فعلت. فاخبره يوناثان وقال ذقت ذوقا بطرف النشابة التي بيدي قليل عسل فهانذا اموت.43 Then Saul said to Jonathan, “Tell me what you have done.” And Jonathan revealed to him, and said: “Truly, I tasted a little honey with the top of the staff that was in my hand. And behold, I shall die.”
44 فقال شاول هكذا يفعل الله وهكذا يزيد انك موتا تموت يا يوناثان.44 And Saul said, “May God do these things to me, and may he add these other things, for you shall surely die, Jonathan!”
45 فقال الشعب لشاول أيموت يوناثان الذي صنع هذا الخلاص العظيم في اسرائيل. حاشا. حيّ هو الرب لا تسقط شعرة من راسه الى الارض لانه مع الله عمل هذا اليوم. فافتدى الشعب يوناثان فلم يمت.45 And the people said to Saul: “Why should Jonathan have to die, who has accomplished this great salvation in Israel? This is wrong. As the Lord lives, not one hair of his head should fall to the ground. For he has wrought with God this day.” Therefore, the people freed Jonathan, so that he would not die.
46 فصعد شاول من وراء الفلسطينيين وذهب الفلسطينيون الى مكانهم46 And Saul withdrew, and he did not pursue the Philistines. And the Philistines went away to their own places.
47 واخذ شاول الملك على اسرائيل وحارب جميع اعدائه حواليه موآب وبني عمون وادوم وملوك صوبة والفلسطينيين وحيثما توجه غلب.47 And Saul, his kingdom having been confirmed over Israel, was fighting against all his enemies on all sides: against Moab, and the sons of Ammon, and Edom, and the kings of Zobah, and the Philistines. And wherever he turned himself, he was successful.
48 وفعل ببأس وضرب عماليق وانقذ اسرائيل من يد ناهبيه.48 And gathering together an army, he struck Amalek. And he rescued Israel from the hand of those who would lay waste to them.
49 وكان بنو شاول يوناثان ويشوي وملكيشوع واسما ابنتيه اسم البكر ميرب واسم الصغيرة ميكال.49 Now the sons of Saul were Jonathan, and Ishvi, and Malchishua. And as for the names of his two daughters: the name of the firstborn daughter was Merab, and the name of the younger one was Michal.
50 واسم امرأة شاول اخينوعم بنت اخيمعص. واسم رئيس جيشه ابينير بن نير عم شاول.50 And the name of the wife of Saul was Ahinoam, the daughter of Ahimaaz. And the name of the first ruler of his military was Abner, the son of Ner, the first cousin of Saul.
51 وقيس ابو شاول ونير ابو ابنير ابنا ابيئيل.51 For Kish was the father of Saul, and Ner was the father of Abner, and the son of Abiel.
52 وكانت حرب شديدة على الفلسطينيين كل ايام شاول. واذا رأى شاول رجلا جبارا او ذا بأس ضمّه الى نفسه52 Now there was a powerful war against the Philistines during all the days of Saul. And so, whomever Saul had seen to be a strong man, and fit for battle, he joined him to himself.