
Martedi, 11 giugno 2024 - San Barnaba ( Letture di oggi)

Giosuè (يشوع) 10

1 فلما سمع ادوني صادق ملك اورشليم ان يشوع قد اخذ عاي وحرّمها كما فعل باريحا وملكها فعل بعاي وملكها وان سكان جبعون قد صالحوا اسرائيل وكانوا في وسطهم1 When Adonizedek, the king of Jerusalem, had heard these things, specifically, that Joshua had seized Ai, and had overthrown it, (for just as he had done to Jericho and its king, so did he do to Ai and its king,) and that the Gibeonites had fled over to Israel, and were now their confederates,
2 خاف جدا لان جبعون مدينة عظيمة كاحدى المدن الملكية وهي اعظم من عاي وكل رجالها جبابرة.2 he was very afraid. For Gibeon was a great city, and was one of the royal cities, and was greater than the town of Ai, and all its warriors were very strong.
3 فارسل ادوني صادق ملك اورشليم الى هوهام ملك حبرون وفرآم ملك يرموت ويافيع ملك لخيش ودبير ملك عجلون يقول3 Therefore, Adonizedek, the king of Jerusalem, sent to Hoham, the king of Hebron, and to Piram, the king of Jarmuth, and also to Japhia, the king of Lachish, and to Debir, the king of Eglon, saying:
4 اصعدوا اليّ واعينوني فنضرب جبعون لانها صالحت يشوع وبني اسرائيل.4 “Ascend to me, and bring troops, so that we may fight against Gibeon. For it has fled over to Joshua and the sons of Israel.”
5 فاجتمع ملوك الاموريين الخمسة ملك اورشليم وملك حبرون وملك يرموت وملك لخيش وملك عجلون وصعدوا هم وكل جيوشهم ونزلوا على جبعون وحاربوها.5 And so, having assembled, the five kings of the Amorites, the king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth, the king of Lachish, the king of Eglon, together with their armies, went up and encamped around Gibeon, laying siege to it.
6 فارسل اهل جبعون الى يشوع الى المحلّة في الجلجال يقولون لا ترخ يديك عن عبيدك. اصعد الينا عاجلا وخلصنا واعنّا لانه قد اجتمع علينا جميع ملوك الاموريين الساكنين في الجبل.6 But the inhabitants of the city of Gibeon, when it was besieged, sent to Joshua, who was then staying in the camp at Gilgal. And they said to him: “May you not draw back your hands from helping your servants. Come quickly, and free us, and bring troops. For all the kings of the Amorites, who live in the mountains, have gathered together against us.”
7 فصعد يشوع من الجلجال هو وجميع رجال الحرب معه وكل جبابرة البأس7 And Joshua ascended from Gilgal, and the entire army of warriors with him, very strong men.
8 فقال الرب ليشوع لا تخفهم لاني بيدك قد اسلمتهم. لا يقف رجل منهم بوجهك.8 And the Lord said to Joshua: “You should not fear them. For I have delivered them into your hands. None of them will be able to withstand you.”
9 فأتى اليهم يشوع بغتة. صعد الليل كله من الجلجال.9 And so Joshua, ascending from Gilgal throughout the night, rushed upon them suddenly.
10 فازعجهم الرب امام اسرائيل وضربهم ضربة عظيمة في جبعون وطردهم في طريق عقبة بيت حورون وضربهم الى عزيقة والى مقيدة.10 And the Lord set them in disarray before the face of Israel. And he crushed them in a great defeat at Gibeon, and he pursued them along the way of the ascent to Beth-horon, and he struck them down, even as far as Azekah and Makkedah.
11 وبينما هم هاربون من امام اسرائيل وهم في منحدر بيت حورون رماهم الرب بحجارة عظيمة من السماء الى عزيقة فماتوا. والذين ماتوا بحجارة البرد هم اكثر من الذين قتلهم بنو اسرائيل بالسيف11 And while they were fleeing from the sons of Israel, and were on the descent of Beth-horon, the Lord cast great stones from heaven upon them, as far as Azekah. And many more were killed by the hailstones, than were struck down by the swords of the sons of Israel.
12 حينئذ كلم يشوع الرب يوم اسلم الرب الاموريين امام بني اسرائيل وقال امام عيون اسرائيل يا شمس دومي على جبعون ويا قمر على وادي ايلون.12 Then Joshua spoke to the Lord, on the day that he handed over the Amorite in the sight of the sons of Israel, and he said before them: “O sun, you shall not move toward Gibeon! O moon, you shall not move toward the valley of Aijalon!”
13 فدامت الشمس ووقف القمر حتى انتقم الشعب من اعدائه. أليس هذا مكتوبا في سفر ياشر. فوقفت الشمس في كبد السماء ولم تعجل للغروب نحو يوم كامل.13 And the sun and the moon stood still, until the people had avenged themselves of their enemies. Has this not been written in the book of the just? And so the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and it did not hurry to its rest for the space of one day.
14 ولم يكن مثل ذلك اليوم قبله ولا بعده سمع فيه الرب صوت انسان. لان الرب حارب عن اسرائيل14 Never before and never after was there so long a day, as when the Lord obeyed the voice of a man, and fought for Israel.
15 ثم رجع يشوع وجميع اسرائيل معه الى المحلّة في الجلجال.15 And Joshua returned, with all of Israel, into the camp of Gilgal.
16 فهرب اولئك الخمسة الملوك واختبأوا في مغارة في مقيدة.16 For the five kings had fled, and had hidden themselves in a cave, near the city of Makkedah.
17 فأخبر يشوع وقيل له قد وجد الملوك الخمسة مختبئين في مغارة في مقيدة.17 And it was reported to Joshua that the five kings had been found hidden in a cave, near the city of Makkedah.
18 فقال يشوع دحرجوا حجارة عظيمة على فم المغارة واقيموا عليها رجالا لاجل حفظهم.18 And he instructed his companions and said: “Roll vast stones to the mouth of the cave, and station attentive men who will keep them closed.
19 واما انتم فلا تقفوا بل اسعوا وراء اعدائكم واضربوا مؤخرهم. لا تدعوهم يدخلون مدنهم لان الرب الهكم قد اسلمهم بيدكم.19 But as for you, do not stay here; instead, pursue the enemies, and cut down the lattermost of those who are fleeing. You shall not permit those whom the Lord God has delivered into your hands to enter into the protection of their cities.”
20 ولما انتهى يشوع وبنو اسرائيل من ضربهم ضربة عظيمة جدا حتى فنوا والشرد الذين شردوا منهم دخلوا المدن المحصّنة20 Thus, the adversaries were struck down in a great defeat, and having been nearly consumed, even to utter annihilation, those who were able to escape from Israel entered into fortified cities.
21 رجع جميع الشعب الى المحلّة الى يشوع في مقيدة بسلام. لم يسن احد لسانه على بني اسرائيل.21 And the entire army returned to Joshua at Makkedah, where they were then encamped, in good health and in their full numbers. And no one dared to move his tongue against the sons of Israel.
22 فقال يشوع افتحوا فم المغارة واخرجوا اليّ هؤلاء الخمسة الملوك من المغارة.22 And Joshua instructed, saying, “Open the mouth of the cave, and bring forward to me the five kings, who are hidden within it.”
23 ففعلوا كذلك واخرجوا اليه اولئك الملوك الخمسة من المغارة ملك اورشليم وملك حبرون وملك يرموت وملك لخيش وملك عجلون.23 And the ministers did just as they had been ordered. And they led out to him the five kings from the cave: the king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth, the king of Lachish, the king of Eglon.
24 وكان لما اخرجوا اولئك الملوك الى يشوع ان يشوع دعا كل رجال اسرائيل وقال لقواد رجال الحرب الذين ساروا معه تقدموا وضعوا ارجلكم على اعناق هؤلاء الملوك. فتقدموا ووضعوا ارجلهم على اعناقهم.24 And when they had been led out to him, he called all the men of Israel, and he said to the leaders of the army who were with him, “Go, and place your feet upon the necks of these kings.” And when they had gone and had tread their feet upon the necks of those who were thrown down,
25 فقال لهم يشوع لا تخافوا ولا ترتعبوا. تشددوا وتشجعوا. لانه هكذا يفعل الرب بجميع اعدائكم الذين تحاربونهم.25 he spoke to them again: “Do not be afraid, and do not dread. Be strengthened and be steadfast. For so will the Lord do to all your enemies, against whom you fight.”
26 وضربهم يشوع بعد ذلك وقتلهم وعلقهم على خمس خشب وبقوا معلقين على الخشب حتى المساء.26 And Joshua struck them down and killed them, and he suspended them on five gallows. And they hung there until evening.
27 وكان عند غروب الشمس ان يشوع امر فانزلوهم عن الخشب وطرحوهم في المغارة التي اختبأوا فيها ووضعوا حجارة كبيرة على فم المغارة حتى الى هذا اليوم عينه27 And when the sun had set, he instructed his assistants that they should take them down from the gallows. And having been taken down, they cast them into the cave, where they had lain hidden, and they set vast stones at its mouth, which remain, even to the present.
28 واخذ يشوع مقيدة في ذلك اليوم وضربها بحد السيف وحرّم ملكها هو وكل نفس بها. لم يبق شاردا. وفعل بملك مقيدة كما فعل بملك اريحا.28 Also on the same day, Joshua seized Makkedah, and he struck it with the edge of the sword, and he put to death its king and all its inhabitants. He did not leave in it even the smallest remains. And he did to the king of Makkedah, just as he had done to the king of Jericho.
29 ثم اجتاز يشوع من مقيدة وكل اسرائيل معه الى لبنة وحارب لبنة.29 Then he went on, with all of Israel, from Makkedah to Libnah, and he fought against it.
30 فدفعها الرب هي ايضا بيد اسرائيل مع ملكها فضربها بحد السيف وكل نفس بها. لم يبق بها شاردا وفعل بملكها كما فعل بملك اريحا.30 And the Lord delivered it, with its king, into the hands of Israel. And they struck the city with the edge of the sword, and all its inhabitants. They did not leave in it any remains. And they did to the king of Libnah, just as they had done to the king of Jericho.
31 ثم اجتاز يشوع وكل اسرائيل معه من لبنة الى لخيش ونزل عليها وحاربها.31 From Libnah, with all of Israel, he went on to Lachish. And taking positions around it with his army, he besieged it.
32 فدفع الرب لخيش بيد اسرائيل فاخذها في اليوم الثاني وضربها بحد السيف وكل نفس بها حسب كل ما فعل بلبنة.32 And the Lord delivered Lachish into the hands of Israel, and he seized it on the following day, and he struck it with the edge of the sword, and every soul that was in it, just as he had done to Libnah.
33 حينئذ صعد هورام ملك جازر لاعانة لخيش وضربه يشوع مع شعبه حتى لم يبق له شاردا33 At that time, Horam, the king of Gezer, went up so that he might assist Lachish. And Joshua struck him with all his people, even unto utter annihilation.
34 ثم اجتاز يشوع وكل اسرائيل معه من لخيش الى عجلون فنزلوا عليها وحاربوها34 And he went on from Lachish to Eglon, and he surrounded it.
35 وأخذوها في ذلك اليوم وضربوها بحد السيف وحرّم كل نفس بها في ذلك اليوم حسب كل ما فعل بلخيش.35 And he also defeated it on the same day. And he struck all the souls that were in it with the edge of the sword, in accord with all that he had done to Lachish.
36 ثم صعد يشوع وجميع اسرائيل معه من عجلون الى حبرون وحاربوها36 He also ascended, with all of Israel, from Eglon into Hebron, and he fought against it.
37 وأخذوها وضربوها بحد السيف مع ملكها وكل مدنها وكل نفس بها. لم يبق شاردا حسب كل ما فعل بعجلون فحرّمها وكل نفس بها37 He seized it and struck it with the edge of the sword, likewise with its king, and all the towns of that region, and all the souls that were staying in it. He did not leave any remains in it. Just as he had done to Eglon, so also did he do to Hebron, consuming with the sword all that he found within it.
38 ثم رجع يشوع وكل اسرائيل معه الى دبير وحاربها.38 Returning from there to Debir,
39 وأخذها مع ملكها وكل مدنها وضربوها بحد السيف وحرّموا كل نفس بها. لم يبق شاردا. كما فعل بحبرون كذلك فعل بدبير وملكها وكما فعل بلبنة وملكها39 he seized it and laid waste to it, likewise with its king. And all the surrounding towns, he struck with the edge of the sword. He did not leave in it any remains. Just as he had done to Hebron and Libnah, and to their kings, so did he do to Debir and to its king.
40 فضرب يشوع كل ارض الجبل والجنوب والسهل والسفوح وكل ملوكها. لم يبق شاردا بل حرّم كل نسمة كما امر الرب اله اسرائيل.40 And so Joshua struck the entire land, the mountains, and the south, and the plains, and the descending slopes, with their kings. He did not leave in it any remains, but he put to death all that was able to breathe, just as the Lord, the God of Israel, had instructed him,
41 فضربهم يشوع من قادش برنيع الى غزة وجميع ارض جوشن الى جبعون.41 from Kadesh-barnea, as far as Gaza, with all the land of Goshen, as far as Gibeon.
42 واخذ يشوع جميع اولئك الملوك وارضهم دفعة واحدة لان الرب اله اسرائيل حارب عن اسرائيل42 And all their kings and their regions, he seized and destroyed with a single attack. For the Lord, the God of Israel, fought on his behalf.
43 ثم رجع يشوع وجميع اسرائيل معه الى المحلّة الى الجلجال43 And he returned, with all of Israel, to the place of the encampment at Gilgal.