
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Wisdom 10

1 This is he, who was formed first by God, the father of the world, who was alone when created; she preserved him,1 It was Wisdom who protected the first man to be fashioned, the father of the world, who had beencreated al alone, she it was who rescued him from his fal
2 and led him out of his offense, and gave him the power to maintain all things.2 and gave him the strength to subjugate al things.
3 After this, when the unjust man withdrew from her in his anger, he perished through anger by the murder of his brother.3 But when in his wrath a wicked man deserted her, he perished in his fratricidal fury.
4 Because of this, when water destroyed the earth, wisdom healed it again, guiding the just by means of contemptible wood.4 When because of him the earth was drowned, it was Wisdom again who saved it, piloting the uprightman on valueless timber.
5 Moreover, when the nations had conspired together to consent to wickedness, she knew the just, and preserved him without blame before God, and preserved his strength out of mercy for his sons.5 Again, when, concurring in wickedness, the nations had been thrown into confusion, she singled outthe upright man, preserved him blameless before God and fortified him against pity for his child.
6 She freed this just man from the destruction of the impious, fleeing descending fire in the Five Cities,6 She it was who, while the godless perished, saved the upright man as he fled from the fire rainingdown on the Five Cities,
7 which, as a testimony to their wickedness, is a constantly smoking desolate land, and the trees bear fruit at uncertain times, and a figure of salt stands as a monument to an unbelieving soul.7 in witness against whose evil ways a desolate land still smokes, where plants bear fruit that neverripens and where, monument to an unbelieving soul, there stands a pillar of salt.
8 For, in disregarding wisdom, they are fallen, not so much in this, that they were ignorant of good, but that they bequeathed to men a memorial of their foolishness, so that, in the things in which they sinned, they were unable to escape notice.8 For, by ignoring the path of Wisdom, not only did they suffer the loss of not knowing the good, but theyleft the world a memorial to their fol y, so that their offences could not pass unnoticed.
9 Yet wisdom has freed from sorrow those who are self-observant.9 But Wisdom delivered her servants from their ordeals.
10 She led the just man, this fugitive of his brother’s wrath, by the right ways, and revealed to him the kingdom of God, and gave him the knowledge of holiness, honored him in his labors, and completed his labors.10 The upright man, fleeing from the anger of his brother, was led by her along straight paths. Sheshowed him the kingdom of God and taught him the knowledge of holy things. She brought him success in hislabours and gave him ful return for all his efforts;
11 In the midst of encircling deceit, she flowed around him and made him honest.11 she stood by him against grasping and oppressive men and she made him rich.
12 She guarded him from his enemies, and she defended him from seducers, and she gave him a strong conflict so that he might overcome and might know that the power of all things is wisdom.12 She preserved him from his enemies and saved him from the traps they set for him. In an arduousstruggle she awarded him the prize, to teach him that piety is stronger than al .
13 She did not abandon the just man when he was sold, but freed him from sinners; she went down with him into the pit,13 She did not forsake the upright man when he was sold, but snatched him away from sin;
14 and she did not abandon him in chains, while she brought him the scepter of the kingdom and power against those who oppressed him, and revealed them to be liars who had dishonored him, and gave him everlasting glory.14 she accompanied him down into the pit, nor did she abandon him in his chains until she had broughthim the sceptre of a kingdom and authority over his despotic masters, thus exposing as liars those who hadtraduced him, and giving him honour everlasting.
15 She freed this just people and the blameless offspring, from the nations that had oppressed them.15 It was Wisdom who delivered a holy people, a blameless race, from a nation of oppressors.
16 She entered the soul of the servant of God and stood against dreadful kings in the midst of portents and signs,16 She entered the soul of a servant of the Lord, and withstood fearsome kings with wonders and signs.
17 and she rendered to the just the wages of their labors, and led them along a wondrous way; and she was to them, like a cover by day, and like the light of the stars by night.17 To the holy people she gave the wages of their labours; she guided them by a marvellous road,herself their shelter by day -- and their starlight through the night.
18 She carried them through the Red Sea, and led them across a great water.18 She brought them across the Red Sea, leading them through an immensity of water,
19 But their enemies, she submerged in the sea, and from the furthest depths, she drew them up. Therefore, the just carried off the spoils of the impious.19 whereas she drowned their enemies, then spat them out from the depths of the abyss.
20 And they chanted to your holy name, Lord, and they together praised your victorious hand,20 So the upright despoiled the godless; Lord, they extol ed your holy name, and with one accordpraised your protecting hand;
21 because wisdom opened the mouth of the mute, and made the speech of infants eloquent.21 for Wisdom opened the mouths of the dumb and made eloquent the tongues of babes.