
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Levitico 6

1 Locutus est Dominus ad Moysen dicens:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said:
2 “ Praecipe Aaron et filiis eius: Haec est lex holocausti: cremabitur in foco altaris tota nocte usque mane; ignis altaris in eo ardebit.2 'Give these orders to Aaron and his sons: "This is the ritual for the burnt offering (that is, the burntoffering that stays on the altar brazier al night until morning and is consumed by the altar fire).
3 Vestietur sacerdos tunica et feminalibus lineis super verecunda sua; tolletque cineres, quos vorans ignis exussit, et ponet iuxta altare.3 "The priest wil put on his linen tunic and put his linen drawers on to cover himself. He wil then removethe fatty ashes of the burnt offering consumed by the altar fire and put them at the side of the altar.
4 Porro spoliabitur prioribus vestimentis; indutusque aliis efferet cineres extra castra in locum mundum.4 He wil then take off his clothes, put on others and carry the ashes to a clean place outside the camp.
5 Ignis autem in altari semper ardebit, non exstinguetur, quem nutriet sacerdos subiciens ligna mane per singulos dies et, imposito holocausto, desuper adolebit adipes pacificorum.5 "The fire on the altar that consumes the burnt offering must not be allowed to go out. Every morning thepriest wil make it up with wood, arranging the burnt offering on it and burning the fat from the communionsacrifices.
6 Ignis est iste perpetuus, qui numquam deficiet in altari.
6 The fire must always be burning on the altar; it must never go out.
7 Haec est lex sacrificii similae, quod offerent filii Aaron coram Domino et coram altare:7 'This is the ritual for the cereal offering: "One of the descendants of Aaron wil bring it into Yahweh'spresence in front of the altar,
8 tollet sacerdos ex eo pugillum similae, quae conspersa est oleo, et totum tus, quod super similam positum est; adolebitque illud in altari in odorem suavissimum, memoriale Domino.8 wil take a handful of the wheaten flour (with the oil and al the incense which have been added to it) andburn the memorial on the altar as a smel pleasing to Yahweh;
9 Reliquam autem partem similae comedet Aaron cum filiis suis, et panis absque fermento comedetur in loco sancto; in atrio tabernaculi conventus comedent illam.9 and Aaron and his sons wil eat the remainder in the form of unleavened loaves. They will eat it insidethe holy place, in the court of the Tent of Meeting.
10 Ideo autem non coquetur fermentata, quia ut partem eorum dedi illam ex incensis meis: sanctum sanctorum est, sicut sacrificium pro peccato atque pro delicto;10 The portion I give them of the food burnt for me must not be baked with leaven; it is especial y holy,like the sacrifice for sin and the sacrifice of reparation.
11 mares tantum stirpis Aaron comedent illud. Legitimum sempiternum est in generationibus vestris de incensis Domini; omnis, qui tetigerit illa, sanctificabitur ”.
11 Al male descendants of Aaron are entitled to eat this portion of the food burnt for Yahweh (this is aperpetual law for al your descendants) and anyone who touches it wil become holy." '
12 Et locutus est Dominus ad Moysen dicens:12 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said:
13 “ Haec est oblatio Aaron et filiorum eius, quam offerre debent Domino in die unctionis ipsius: decimam partem ephi offerent similae in sacrificio sempiterno medium eius mane et medium vespere;13 'This is the offering that Aaron and his sons must make to Yahweh on the day they are anointed: one-tenth of an ephah of wheaten flour as a perpetual cereal offering, half in the morning and half in the evening.
14 quae in sartagine oleo conspersa frigetur. Afferes eam calidam et offeres divisam minutatim, sacrificium in odorem suavissimum Domino.14 It wil be prepared on the griddle and mixed with oil; you wil bring the paste as a cereal offering inseveral pieces, offering them as a smel pleasing to Yahweh.
15 Sacerdos unctus, qui patri iure successerit, faciet illud. Legitimum sempiternum: Domino tota cremabitur;15 When one of his sons is anointed priest to succeed him, he wil do the same. This is a perpetual law.'The entire cereal offering wil be burnt for Yahweh.
16 omne enim sacrificium similae sacerdotum igne consumetur, nec quisquam comedet ex eo ”.
16 Every cereal offering made by a priest wil be a total sacrifice; none of it wil be eaten.'
17 Locutus est Dominus ad Moysen dicens:17 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,
18 “ Loquere Aaron et filiis eius: Ista est lex sacrificii pro peccato: in loco, ubi mactatur holocaustum, mactabitur coram Domino: sanctum sanctorum est.18 'Speak to Aaron and his sons and say: "This is the ritual for the sacrifice for sin: "The victim must beslaughtered before Yahweh on the spot where the burnt offerings are slaughtered. It is especially holy.
19 Sacerdos, qui offert, comedet illud in loco sancto, in atrio tabernaculi conventus.19 The priest who offers this sacrifice wil eat it. It wil be eaten inside the holy place, in the court of theTent of Meeting.
20 Quidquid tetigerit carnes eius, sanctificabitur: si de sanguine illius vestis fuerit aspersa, lavabitur in loco sancto;20 Everything touching the victim's meat wil become holy, and if any of the blood splashes on clothing,the stain will be washed off inside the holy place.
21 vas autem fictile, in quo coctum est, confringetur; quod si vas aeneum fuerit, defricabitur et lavabitur aqua.21 The earthenware vessel in which the meat is cooked must be broken; if a bronze vessel has beenused for the cooking, it must be scrubbed and thoroughly rinsed with water.
22 Omnis masculus de genere sacerdotali vescetur carnibus eius, quia sanctum sanctorum est.22 Any male who is a priest may eat the sacrifice. It is especial y holy.
23 Omne autem sacrificium pro peccato, de cuius sanguine infertur in tabernaculum conventus ad expiandum in sanctuario, non comedetur, sed comburetur igni.
23 But no one may eat any of the victims offered for sin, the blood of which has been taken into the Tentof Meeting to make expiation inside the sanctuary. These must be burnt." '