
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

1 Samuel 9


1Among the men of Benjamin was a man cal ed Kish son of Abiel, son of Zeror, son of Becorath, son ofAphiah; a Benjaminite and a person of rank.2He had a son cal ed Saul, a handsome man in the prime of life. Of al the Israelites there was no onemore handsome than he; he stood head and shoulders tal er than anyone else.3Now since the donkeys belonging to Kish, Saul's father, had strayed, Kish said to his son Saul, 'My son,take one of the servants with you and be off; go and look for the donkeys.'4They went through the highlands of Ephraim, they went through the territory of Shalishah, and did notfind them; they went through the territory of Shaalim but they were not there; they went through the territory ofBenjamin and did not find them.5When they reached the territory of Zuph, Saul said to the servant who was with him, 'Come on, let usgo back or my father wil stop worrying over the donkeys and start being anxious about us.'6The servant, however, replied, 'Look, there is a man of God in this town, a man who is held in honour;everything he says comes true. Let us go there, then; perhaps he wil be able to show us the way that we shouldtake.'7Saul said to his servant, 'But if we do go, what can we take to the man? The food in our sacks isfinished, and we have no present to offer the man of God. What else have we got?'8The servant spoke up again and said to Saul, 'Look, I happen to have a quarter of a silver shekel; Ishall give that to the man of God, for him to tel us which way to go.'9In Israel, in olden days, when anyone used to go to consult God, he would say, 'Come on, let us go tothe seer,' for a man who is now cal ed a 'prophet' used to be cal ed a 'seer' in olden days.10Saul then said to his servant, 'Wel said! Come on, let us go.' And they went off to the town where theman of God was.11As they were going up the slope to the town they came across some girls going out to draw water, andsaid to them, 'Is the seer there?'12The girls replied, 'He is. He arrived a moment or two ahead of you. You had better hurry: he has justcome to town because the people are having a sacrifice today on the high place.13You can catch him as soon as you go into the town, before he goes up to the high place for the meal.The people wil not eat until he comes, since he must bless the sacrifice; after that, the guests will start eating. Ifyou go up now, you will find him straight away.'14So they went up to the town and, as they were going through the gate, Samuel came out towardsthem on his way to the high place.15Now, Yahweh had given Samuel a revelation the day before Saul came, saying,16'About this time tomorrow, I shal send you a man from the territory of Benjamin; you are to anoint himas prince of my people Israel, and he wil save my people from the power of the Philistines; for I have seen themisery of my people and their cries of anguish have come to me.'17When Samuel saw Saul, Yahweh told him, 'That is the man of whom I said to you, "He is to govern mypeople." '18Saul accosted Samuel in the gateway and said, 'Tel me, please, where the seer's house is.'19Samuel replied to Saul, 'I am the seer. Go up ahead of me to the high place. You must eat with metoday. Tomorrow, when I let you go, I shal tell you whatever is on your mind.20As regards your donkeys, however, which strayed three days ago, do not worry about them; they havebeen found. And for whom is the whole wealth of Israel destined, if not for you and for al the members of yourfather's family?'21To this, Saul replied, 'Am I not a Benjaminite, from the smallest of the tribes of Israel? And is not myfamily the least of all the families of the tribe of Benjamin? Why are you saying a thing like this to me?'22Samuel then took Saul and his servant and brought them into the hal and gave them a place at thehead of the guests, of whom there were about thirty.23Samuel then said to the cook, 'Serve the portion which I gave you and told you to put on one side.'24The cook then picked up the leg and the tail and put it in front of Saul, saying, 'This is for you. This iswhat was left. Make a good meal . . .' That day, Saul ate with Samuel.25They came down from the high place into the town. A bed was made for Saul on the roof and he laydown there.26At dawn, Samuel cal ed to Saul on the roof, 'Get up, and I shall send you on your way.' Saul got up,and Samuel and he went outside together.27They had walked as far as the end of the town when Samuel said to Saul, 'Tell the servant to go onahead of us, but you stand stil for a moment, so that I can make known to you the word of God.'