
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Psalms 107


1"Give thanks to the LORD who is good, whose love endures forever!"2Let that be the prayer of the LORD'S redeemed, those redeemed from the hand of the foe,3Those gathered from foreign lands, from east and west, from north and south.4Some had lost their way in a barren desert; found no path toward a city to live in.5They were hungry and thirsty; their life was ebbing away.6In their distress they cried to the LORD, who rescued them in their peril,7Guided them by a direct path so they reached a city to live in.8Let them thank the LORD for such kindness, such wondrous deeds for mere mortals.9For he satisfied the thirsty, filled the hungry with good things.10Some lived in darkness and gloom, in prison, bound with chains,11Because they rebelled against God's word, scorned the counsel of the Most High,12Who humbled their hearts through hardship; they stumbled with no one to help.13In their distress they cried to the LORD, who saved them in their peril,14Led them forth from darkness and gloom and broke their chains asunder.15Let them thank the LORD for such kindness, such wondrous deeds for mere mortals.16For he broke down the gates of bronze and snapped the bars of iron.17Some fell sick from their wicked ways, afflicted because of their sins.18They loathed all manner of food; they were at the gates of death.19In their distress they cried to the LORD, who saved them in their peril,20Sent forth the word to heal them, snatched them from the grave.21Let them thank the LORD for such kindness, such wondrous deeds for mere mortals.22Let them offer a sacrifice in thanks, declare his works with shouts of joy.23Some went off to sea in ships, plied their trade on the deep waters.24They saw the works of the LORD, the wonders of God in the deep.25He spoke and roused a storm wind; it tossed the waves on high.26They rose up to the heavens, sank to the depths; their hearts trembled at the danger.27They reeled, staggered like drunkards; their skill was of no avail.28In their distress they cried to the LORD, who brought them out of their peril,29Hushed the storm to a murmur; the waves of the sea were stilled.30They rejoiced that the sea grew calm, that God brought them to the harbor they longed for.31Let them thank the LORD for such kindness, such wondrous deeds for mere mortals.32Let them praise him in the assembly of the people, give thanks in the council of the elders.33God changed rivers into desert, springs of water into thirsty ground,34Fruitful land into a salty waste, because of the wickedness of its people.35He changed the desert into pools of water, arid land into springs of water,36And settled the hungry there; they built a city to live in.37They sowed fields and planted vineyards, brought in an abundant harvest.38God blessed them, they became very many, and their livestock did not decrease.39Where they were diminished and brought low through misery and cruel oppression,40But he poured out contempt on princes, made them wander the trackless wastes,41While the poor were released from their affliction; their families increased like their flocks.42The upright saw this and rejoiced; all wickedness shut its mouth.43Whoever is wise will take note of these things, will ponder the merciful deeds of the LORD.