
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

ΣΟΦΙΑ ΣΕΙΡΑΧ - Siracide - Sirach 49

1 μνημοσυνον ιωσιου εις συνθεσιν θυμιαματος εσκευασμενον εργω μυρεψου εν παντι στοματι ως μελι γλυκανθησεται και ως μουσικα εν συμποσιω οινου1 The memory of Josiah is like blended incense prepared by the perfumer's art; it is as sweet as honey toal mouths, and like music at a wine feast.
2 αυτος κατευθυνθη εν επιστροφη λαου και εξηρεν βδελυγματα ανομιας2 He took the right course, of converting the people, he rooted out the iniquitous abominations,
3 κατευθυνεν προς κυριον την καρδιαν αυτου εν ημεραις ανομων κατισχυσεν την ευσεβειαν3 he set his heart on the Lord, in godless times he upheld the cause of religion.
4 παρεξ δαυιδ και εζεκιου και ιωσιου παντες πλημμελειαν επλημμελησαν κατελιπον γαρ τον νομον του υψιστου οι βασιλεις ιουδα εξελιπον4 Apart from David, Hezekiah and Josiah, they al heaped wrong on wrong, they abandoned the Law ofthe Most High: the kings of Judah disappeared;
5 εδωκαν γαρ το κερας αυτων ετεροις και την δοξαν αυτων εθνει αλλοτριω5 for they handed their power over to others and their honour to a foreign nation.
6 ενεπυρισαν εκλεκτην πολιν αγιασματος και ηρημωσαν τας οδους αυτης6 The holy, chosen city was burnt down, her streets were left deserted,
7 εν χειρι ιερεμιου εκακωσαν γαρ αυτον και αυτος εν μητρα ηγιασθη προφητης εκριζουν και κακουν και απολλυειν ωσαυτως οικοδομειν και καταφυτευειν7 as Jeremiah had predicted; for they had il -treated him, though consecrated a prophet in his mother'swomb, to tear up and afflict and destroy, but also to build up and to plant.
8 ιεζεκιηλ ος ειδεν ορασιν δοξης ην υπεδειξεν αυτω επι αρματος χερουβιν8 Ezekiel saw a vision of glory which God showed to him above the chariot of the great winged creatures,
9 και γαρ εμνησθη των εχθρων εν ομβρω και αγαθωσαι τους ευθυνοντας οδους9 for he mentioned the enemies in the downpour to the advantage of those who fol ow the right way.
10 και των δωδεκα προφητων τα οστα αναθαλοι εκ του τοπου αυτων παρεκαλεσαν γαρ τον ιακωβ και ελυτρωσαντο αυτους εν πιστει ελπιδος10 As for the twelve prophets, may their bones flower again from the tomb, since they have comfortedJacob and redeemed him in faith and hope.
11 πως μεγαλυνωμεν τον ζοροβαβελ και αυτος ως σφραγις επι δεξιας χειρος11 How shal we extol Zerubbabel? He was like a signet ring on the right hand,
12 ουτως ιησους υιος ιωσεδεκ οι εν ημεραις αυτων ωκοδομησαν οικον και ανυψωσαν ναον αγιον κυριω ητοιμασμενον εις δοξαν αιωνος12 so too was Joshua son of Jozadak; they who in their days built the Temple and raised a sanctuarysacred to the Lord, destined to everlasting glory.
13 και νεεμιου επι πολυ το μνημοσυνον του εγειραντος ημιν τειχη πεπτωκοτα και στησαντος πυλας και μοχλους και ανεγειραντος τα οικοπεδα ημων13 Great too is the memory of Nehemiah, who rebuilt our wal s which lay in ruins, erected the boltedgates and rebuilt our houses.
14 ουδεις εκτισθη επι της γης τοιουτος οιος ενωχ και γαρ αυτος ανελημφθη απο της γης14 No one else has ever been created on earth to equal Enoch, for he was taken up from earth.
15 ουδε ως ιωσηφ εγεννηθη ανηρ ηγουμενος αδελφων στηριγμα λαου και τα οστα αυτου επεσκεπησαν15 And no one else ever born has been like Joseph, the leader of his brothers, the prop of his people; hisbones received a visitation.
16 σημ και σηθ εν ανθρωποις εδοξασθησαν και υπερ παν ζωον εν τη κτισει αδαμ16 Shem and Seth were the most honoured of men, but above every living creature is Adam.