
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Joshua 7


1But the Israelites were unfaithful to the curse of destruction. Achan son of Carmi, son of Zabdi, son ofZerah, of the tribe of Judah, took something that fell under the curse of destruction, and the anger of Yahwehwas aroused against the Israelites.2Now Joshua sent men from Jericho to Ai (which is near Beth-Aven), to the east of Bethel, having said tothem, 'Go up and reconnoitre the country.' They went up and reconnoitred Ai.3Coming back to Joshua, they said, 'There is no need for the whole people to go up; let some two orthree thousand go and attack Ai. Spare the whole people such an effort; there are only a few of them!'4Of the people, some three thousand marched up, but these broke before the people of Ai,5who killed some thirty-six of them and pursued them from the town gate as far as Shebarim, and on theslope cut them to pieces. The hearts of the people melted away and turned to water.6Joshua then tore his clothes and prostrated himself before the ark of Yahweh til nightfal ; the elders ofIsrael did the same, and all poured dust on their heads.7And Joshua said, 'Alas, Lord Yahweh, why did you bother to bring this nation across the Jordan, if it wasonly to put us at the mercy of the Amorites and destroy us? If only we could have settled down on the other sideof the Jordan!8Forgive me, Lord, but what can I say, now that Israel has turned tail on the enemy?9The Canaanites, al the inhabitants of the land, wil hear of it; they wil unite against us to wipe our namefrom the earth. And what wil you do about your great Name then?'10Yahweh said to Joshua, 'Stand up! Why are you lying prostrate like this?11Israel has sinned; they have violated the covenant which I imposed on them. They have gone so far asto take what was under the curse of destruction, they have even stolen it; they have actual y hidden it; they have put it in their baggage.12That is why the Israelites cannot stand up to their foes, why they have turned tail on their enemies:because they have come under the curse of destruction themselves. Unless you get rid of the object among youwhich has been put under the curse of destruction, I shal be with you no longer.'13'Get up, sanctify the people and say, "Sanctify yourselves for tomorrow, since Yahweh, the God ofIsrael, declares: The curse of destruction has now fal en on you, Israel; you wil not be able to stand up to yourenemies, until you have rid yourselves of that object which has been put under the curse of destruction.14Tomorrow morning, therefore, you wil come forward tribe by tribe, and then the tribe which Yahwehselects by lot will come forward clan by clan, and the clan which Yahweh selects by lot will come forward familyby family, and the family which Yahweh selects by lot wil come forward man by man.15And the man indicated by lot as regards the object which has been put under the curse of destructionwil be delivered to the flames, he and al his possessions, for having violated the covenant with Yahweh and forhaving committed an infamy in Israel." '16Joshua got up early; he made Israel come forward tribe by tribe, and the lot indicated the tribe ofJudah.17He summoned the clans of Judah, and the lot indicated the clan of Zerah. He summoned the clan ofZerah, family by family, and the lot indicated Zabdi.18Joshua then summoned the family of Zabdi, man by man, and the lot indicated Achan son of Carmi,son of Zabdi, son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah.19Joshua then said to Achan, 'My son, give glory to Yahweh, God of Israel, and confess; tel me whatyou have done and hide nothing from me.'20Achan replied to Joshua, 'Yes, I am the man who has sinned against Yahweh, God of Israel, and thisis what I have done.21In the loot, I saw a fine robe from Shinar and two hundred shekels of silver and an ingot of goldweighing fifty shekels, I set my heart on them and I took them. They are hidden in the ground inside my tent, withthe silver underneath.'22Joshua sent messengers; they ran to the tent, and the robe was indeed hidden in the tent, with thesilver underneath.23They took the things out of the tent and, bringing them to Joshua and all the Israelites, laid them outbefore Yahweh.24Joshua then took Achan son of Zerah and led him up to the Vale of Achor, with the silver and the robeand the ingot of gold, his sons, his daughters, his oxen, his donkeys, his sheep, his goats, his tent and al hisbelongings. Al Israel went with him.25Joshua said, 'Why have you brought misfortune on us? Today may Yahweh bring misfortune on you!'And all Israel stoned him to death (and they burned them and threw stones at them).26Over him, they raised a great mound of stones, which is still there today. Yahweh then relented fromhis fierce anger. That was why the place was cal ed the Vale of Achor, as it stil is today.