
Domenica, 2 giugno 2024 - Santi Marcellino e Pietro ( Letture di oggi)

Proverbs 29


1Whoever is stiff-necked under reproof wil be suddenly and irremediably broken.2When the upright are on the increase, the people rejoice; when the wicked are in power, the peoplegroan.3The lover of Wisdom makes his father glad, but the patron of prostitutes fritters his wealth away.4A king gives a country stability by justice, an extortioner brings it to ruin.5Whoever flatters his companion spreads a net for his feet.6In the sin of the wicked lies a snare, but the upright exults and rejoices.7The upright understands the cause of the weak, the wicked has not the wit to understand it.8Scoffers set a city in ferment, but the wise moderate anger.9Let someone wise argue with a fool, anger and good humour alike wil be wasted.10The bloodthirsty hate the honest, but the upright seek them out.11The fool blurts out every angry feeling, but the wise subdues and restrains them.12When a ruler listens to false reports, al his ministers wil be scoundrels.13Poor and oppressor are found together, Yahweh gives light to the eyes of both.14The king who judges the weak with equity sees his throne set firm for ever.15The stick and the reprimand bestow wisdom, a young man left to himself brings shame on his mother.16When the wicked are on the increase, sin multiplies, but the upright wil witness their downfal .17Correct your child, and he wil give you peace of mind; he will delight your soul.18Where there is no vision the people get out of hand; happy are they who keep the law.19Not by words is a slave corrected: even if he understands, he will take no notice.20You see someone too ready of speech? There is more to be hoped for from a fool!21If a slave is pampered from childhood, he wil prove ungrateful in the end.22The hot-head provokes disputes, someone in a rage commits al sorts of sins.23Pride brings humiliation, whoever humbles himself will win honour.24To hear the curse and disclose nothing is to share with the thief and to hate oneself.25To be afraid of human beings is a snare, whoever trusts in Yahweh is secure.26Many people seek a ruler's favour, but the rights of each come from Yahweh.27Abhorrent to the upright is the sinful, abhorrent to the wicked is one whose way is straight.